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His album 'A Poet's Life' is mostly a bunch of early reggae, with one ska tune thrown in. It's an excellent album for the sole reason that he's being backed by The Aggrolites.

RTFM Laughing

LOL, too funny!

"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

the supertones also do a ska-like version of 'exodus'

Yeah, the first version of "Exodus" that comes to mind is the Skatalites'.

If I listen to anything modern, it's a trad revival band. In San Diego, there's an excellent band called the Hi-Lites. My friend in Fullerton had a band called the PedalTones (great stuff if you love Hammond). There's a band around LA that doesn't play too regularly, but backed up some of the big 60s acts when they played, called the Kingston Ska Collective.

I liked a band in the 90s called Jazz Jamaica. The band was comprised mostly of well seasoned musicians from the 60s.


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

I'm really down with some ska and rocksteady stuff. I'm a pretty big fan of Hepcat, and really dig this lesser-known band called "Skavoovie and the Epitones". Of course, Madness and The Specials and all those other two-tone bands cranked out great stuff too.


The Fender IV's "Malibu Run" and "Everybody Up" are kind of ska like has great jamaican stuff on a daily basis as well as loads of foreign street punk

brukout has great jamaican stuff on a daily basis as well as loads of foreign street punk

LOL, I thought I was the only one that knew about that site!

I'm a fan of Oi and street punk as well. I prefer the old bands, but there are some newer ones that are good. Check out Social Combat from Spain and Pilsner Oiquell from the Czech Repuplic.

"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

My favorite Aggrolites tune is an instro:

"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

Check out The Fabulous Titans on my space, they were a great band formed by Ron Rhoades of the TakeOffs (instumental surf band from Kauai) starting back in the early 70's, not only a great band but an enteresting history in Reggae and Ska.


I just found this great traditional band from Mexico on My Space:

"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

The Specials do an excellent version of Dave Brubeck's "Take 5" on their "Today's Specials" CD.


The Specials do an excellent version of Dave Brubeck's "Take 5" on their "Today's Specials" CD.

Yeah, they certainly do. I've got that cd.

And speaking of The Specials, is anyone here a fan of Fun Boy Three?
They were an offshoot of The Specials. Their song, "We're Having All
the Fun," is wonderful ska. Most of their stuff, however, was bizarre,
experimental music. ("The Lunatics Have Taken Over the Asylum" is
a classic.)


Is this something you can share with the rest of us, Amazing Larry?!?

Nice thread! I love Ska too!
Mostly 2-tone but of course there are a lot of great bands in other similar genres....

Have you heard a ska band called THE SKADOWS?

Every word is like an unecessary stain on silence and nothingness.

Most of their stuff, however, was bizarre,
experimental music. ("The Lunatics Have Taken Over the Asylum" is
a classic.)


I love that song.
one of the few non metal songs I dug, when I was in full on metal mode in high school.



Here's a neat tie-in:

The original 60s ska tune by Roland Alphonso and the Soul Brothers "Miss-Ska-lculation" is in fact a straight rip of the main melody of ......."Pipeline"!

I was into ska punk when it hit kinda big in the mid 90's. My friends in punk bands were all listening to Mustard Plug, Less Than Jake, MU330, bands like that. I didn't get too into any of the pure stuff though I did have a couple of comps. At the time (I was a teenager) I don't think it was punk enough to appeal to me too much.

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

I'm really down with some ska and rocksteady stuff. I'm a pretty big fan of Hepcat, and really dig this lesser-known band called "Skavoovie and the Epitones". Of course, Madness and The Specials and all those other two-tone bands cranked out great stuff too.


Dude, I was into them too! I didn't mention it because I didn't think another soul would know what I was talking about. Laughing

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31


I'm really down with some ska and rocksteady stuff. I'm a pretty big fan of Hepcat, and really dig this lesser-known band called "Skavoovie and the Epitones". Of course, Madness and The Specials and all those other two-tone bands cranked out great stuff too.


Dude, I was into them too! I didn't mention it because I didn't think another soul would know what I was talking about. Laughing

just catching up on this thread

I was publicist for CHRYSALIS RECORDS and had the opportunity to work with THE SPECIALS and THE SELECTER when they first started the SKA REVIVAL in the late 1970's/early 1980's

both band's music is awesome!

ran into PAULINE BLACK in 2006 when she was touring with THE ENGLISH BEAT; LYNVAL of the SPECIALS was also in attendance

here are some pix from my MySpace collection that I believe people will get a kick out of






I'm also a big ska fan. Even played in a couple of bands. I'm a traditionalist, though. Hepcat and The Slackers are probably the 2 best bands that play, and Hepcat doesn't really play anymore and that's too bad. I'm glad that there are a lot of others around that can like their surf with their ska!

Richard: Were you around in Atl in the 90's when you were into the Ska stuff? If so, do you remember The Skats and/or The Go-Steadys? It's going to be really funny if you do.

Hey MadScientist, I was in high school near Augusta at the time. There were a couple of homegrown ska bands around there but to tell you the truth I don't even remember their names now. There was a ska band I saw in Athens in 98 called AKA Rude. But, nope, neither of those bands you mentioned rings a bell. I didn't really start going to shows in Atlanta until '99-'00 when I got into the rockabilly/psychobilly that was happening around there, and unfortunately that was near the tail end of it.

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

The only reason I ask is because those were the 2 bands that I played in. The Go-Steadys broke up and reformed into The Robustos. They were FANTASTIC, and around during the time you mentioned, but broke up in '00. They played a reunion show last summer, and are talking about another now. The bassist is actually in my current instro-surf band, and we are entertaining the idea of debuting as an opener for them, should they decide to get together again. It would be HUGE exposure!

And I've said it before, but have no problem repeating myself.... I REALLY want to see The Surge again! I hope you guys will get the chance to play live soon!

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