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Permalink ATTN: ACDC fans

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Maybe you all have already touched on this under the heading "soloing/techinque-wise", but Angus's left hand VIBRATO is what always stood out to me, aside from his tone. About as perfect for rock as there is IMHO.

Page is the sloppiest live soloist of all-time. His studio work is pretty great though. D'yer Mak'er, Going to California, Babe I'm Going to Leave You(or whatever the title is), Tangerine.

Angus is a great rock and roll soloist. He doesn't seem impromptu, which isn't a bad nor good thing. He is just really steady.

Page is the sloppiest live soloist of all-time.

You know, as much as I hate Jimmy Page (somewhere between ' all-encompassingly' and 'with the white-hot burning of a thousand suns'), in terms of sloppy live soloing, I think the crown truly belongs to this guy:



That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

This post has been removed by the author.

Last edited: Sep 23, 2009 15:53:37

I'd rather listen to Johnny Thunders than Jimmy Page any day!!

No kidding. I'll take Thunders at his worst over page at his "best."


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

I've never heard CC Deville live but the guy does own 5 of Blender Magazine's 100 worst solos ever and they are all in the top 50.

(somewhere between ' all-encompassingly' and 'with the white-hot burning of a thousand suns')


My favorite (good) sloppy player---Ron Asheton on Funhouse

As for "advanced" guitar playing, take a listen to this great technical monster solo from Scotty Moore.

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

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Last edited: Sep 23, 2009 15:53:30

My top 10 fave AC/DC songs:
"Riff Raff"
"Rock 'n' Roll Damnation"
"Gone Shootin'"
"Sin City"
"Girls Got Rhythm"
"Go Down"
"Hell Ain't a Bad Place to Be"
"Whole Lotta Rosie"
"Hell's Bells"
"Problem Child"

My top 10 fave Dylan songs:
"Everything Is Broken"
"Tangled Up In You"
"Girl from the North Country" (with J. C.)
"My Back Pages"
"It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)"
"Idiot Wind"
"Shelter from the Storm"
"It Ain't Me Babe"
"Like a Rolling Stone"

Buy Speed of Dark @ Bandcamp
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DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

Scotty was pretty primitive on a technical level. Most of his solos can be learned in a minute or two.

Which of course doesn't mean that they are bad solos. I learned the solo to Cinnamon Girl in in 1 minute or less and it's a great one.


As for "advanced" guitar playing, take a listen to this great technical monster solo from Scotty Moore.

Hahaha I hope you're being sarcastic!

Yes I was but I sure do like primitive guitar breaks!

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

This post has been removed by the author.

Last edited: Sep 23, 2009 15:53:26

My top 10 fave AC/DC songs:
"Riff Raff"
"Rock 'n' Roll Damnation"
"Gone Shootin'"
"Sin City"
"Girls Got Rhythm"
"Go Down"
"Hell Ain't a Bad Place to Be"
"Whole Lotta Rosie"
"Hell's Bells"
"Problem Child"

Ooh ... now this is a great idea. (And a big Thumbs Up on almost half the list coming from Powerage)

For me, it's:

  1. Downpayment Blues
  2. Jailbreak
  3. Hell Ain't a Bad Place to Be
  4. Gone Shootin
  5. Whole Lotta Rosie
  6. Night Prowler
  7. Touch Too Much
  8. Rocker
  9. Have a Drink On Me
  10. Hell's Bells


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

I'm gonna break out my old acdc cds for the trip up to SF tomorrow,
I'm ridding up with my dad , on his way to Seattle, so we'll need somethign to listen to, in Central Ca. where Radio sucks even more than it does in big cities.



To answer Ferenc, my 10 favorite Dylan Songs are:

Girl From the North Country
I Threw It All Away
Lily, Rosemary, and the Jack of Hearts
Abandoned Love
The Man In Me
Stuck In
One of Us Must Know(Sooner or Later)

There are many other Dylan songs I hold on par with these songs. So good...

You know, as much as I hate Jimmy Page (somewhere between ' all-encompassingly' and 'with the white-hot burning of a thousand suns')

Hmmmm....where is the member delete button....

Pistols at dawn? LMAO

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Man, I thought this thread was gonna get brutal there for a second.
I'm glad Ferenc sort of turned it around with the top ten list.
Bob Bitchin'

Pistols at dawn?

I think Jimmy would probably prefer if we fought with magick.

(Or clams. :twisted:)


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Dude I drew a Zoso symbol on my notebook in 8th grade.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

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