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what do you guys think about it?
i think it looks like it would be incredible for surf:
i like alot of fender's less popular guitars, like i think a toronado would kick some surfing ass with some mosrite pups and a bigsby

Not having played one - I'd say it looks like a cool guitar. Unfortunately, it'd be a uke in my hands (I'm kind of a big guy at 6'6", and it's the only thing keeping me from a Jag - the short scale doesn't work for me). Soundwise, I'd imagine it has the best of both worlds - Jag pups, short scale, Mustang body and Strat trem...

Arrow Paging drpluto - (doesn't he have a Cyclone II) Question

The Disasternauts

if you don't ahve the money for a US fender guitar, i think its a good choice. I played one in the store, and it seems cheeply made compared to a US Fender, that being said, it was not a half-bad guitar. WHen I get my US Jaguar tommrow, I won't even be thinking about other guitars anymore. Surprised

Oh shut up stigger Smile have to rub it in...

I've seriously considered the Cyclone IIs as well. I think they're a little overpriced though.

Shawn Martin

If the Cyclone plays anything like the Toronado, I'd hold out. I borrowed one for awhile as a backup until I got my Strat...the pots were kinda shabby, the pups were muddy (not an issue on the Cycle, as the Toro had those "Atomic Humbuckers), the worst part being, the damn thing wouldn't stay in tune.

Like I said before, the Cyclone II looks like a cool guit, and I've heard some good things about it, just my $.02 based on another Mexi "offset" Fender.

The Disasternauts

I think infrared rory used one, or was that the comp stripe mustang? I seem to remember they were about the same price,

eitherway, I saw Rory use that one live (whichever it was) and it sounded very good! might want to check it out.


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

I think Rory and the Infrareds bass player had matching Mustang guitar and bass, at least in some old photos I remember seeing on their site.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

looks wise, it is very nice, but i don't think it is your best bang for your buck. What kinda ax are you using now???

a danelctro 56-U1, a MIA stratocaster with master tone and midrange boost/cut controls, and a gretsch electromatic G5129

im not neccesarily interested in buying one, i just thought that it looked pretty awsome, and since my local guitar center more or less only stocks strats and teles, i wanted to hear any of you guy's first hand impressions of the guitar

with that kinda gear you got man, dont buy a guitar just cause it looks dope, hold off to get your first american jag or jazz. I am telling you dude, this is my first day as a Jag owner, and it really has changed my life lol.

American Jag > CIJ Jag > Cyclone

I had one and it was solid and sounded extremely good with the Jag pickups. It doesn't have the nicer appointments of the MIA stuff (or the MIJ stuff) but the hardware that goes on the Mexican Deluxe/Classic series stuff is plenty good. You can get them much cheaper used. I suspect that not very many of these are moving and that the model may get discontinued soon. I wound up selling mine for a measley $310 to someone on the Fender Forum and for that amount wish I'd just kept the guitar. But if you're talking new price on a Cyclone vs. new price on a Jap Jaguar, go with the Jaguar.

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

I'm being paged. Twisted Evil

I love my Cyclone 2 Very Happy It's the bastard halfbreed of Fender surf guitars.

I bought and sold a ton of guitars before finding one that I wanted. I can still recall the day I found out about it. . .

I was looking for the sound of a Jag, the price of a mexi, and something I could beat the shit out of like a strat. I feel that it really is a great guitar for the money. I've really had no cosmetic or hardware probs usually associated with low end Fenders. I actually had more problems witht he MIA Strat I had before it. Go figure.

The jag pickups sound great and played side by side with a Jaguar I could notice little difference, minus trem of course. If anything the Cyclone 2 has a bit more grit(?) to it like a strat to my ears. Meaning I can get a lot of pretty sounds out of it like the Jag, but can get some nasty sounds ala Link Wray, Dick Dale, etc. It's just got a bit more stank on it to me than the Jag.

I prefer Strat trems, always have, but hate Strats. The neck is nice, width wise, and I've even grown to like shorter scale. Us Surf Guitarists aren't blasting 24th fret Marty Friedman solos anyway. The mustang body is very comfortable to me, and I find it easier to trem pick on it. Ummm, what else. . .

string tension is fine. I've got 12s on it now. Stays in tune despite my constant beatings and heavy tremolo usage.

I guess the only bad things about the Cyclone 2:

I hate the pickup selector switches. If you're a hard player it's very easy to cut off a switch by hitting with your hand. So, what I did was turn the damn switches upside down. Now, the trem pickup is my first switch and I have to hit it down to cut it on, instead of up.

The nut kinda sucks. If you use big strings you're gonna have to increase the space for the high strings. Just take it to your guitar tech. I had him do it all for about 9 bucks. The quality of the nut isn't great either. I can't remember if it's the same as the Strat or not, but I stay intune anyway.

It's a bit on the heavy side.

Only comes in two colors: daphne blue= Laughing , red= :x. It's a nasty "my first guitar" kinda candy red.

Tuners aren't great, as one would expect. I bet if you got locking ones and a nice nut the damn thing would never go out of tune.

Umm. I guess that's my review. Sorry I haven't been around much lately. Feel free to ask me any questions. I'll be checking back a lot more. All in all I wouldn't trade her for the world. I'd buy two more if I could, just to have when they go out of production. I love American Jags and Jazzmasters. I love playing them. Finest guitars ever. Sound perfect. They just don't "feel" right to me. If the MIA Jag is a princess then the Cyclone 2 is a streetwhore. I guess I just like playing with streetwhores.

If you get one we must start a group called the Cyclone II two. Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

They are calling a two-bolt a vintage-style tremolo…


The Exotic Guitar of Kahuna Kawentzmann

You can get the boy out of the Keynes era, but you can’t get the Keynes era out of the boy.

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