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Permalink Rant: Where's the love? Where's the support? Interest?

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Forgive me for the following rant, but this has been on my mind for a while now and I finally had to let it out.

I love SG101. I'm an SG101-holic - and proud of it. I think our world is a much better place with SG101 in it. There are amazingly cool and talented and knowledgable people on this site. But! (You knew that was coming, right?) I'm absolutely blown away by how little discussion there is about actual surf music, ESPECIALLY new surf music. Why? Is it that people don't really know how to talk about and analyze music? If so, fine. But I get a feeling that a lot of people around here don't care about what new bands are doing, and maybe in some cases even what many classic bands have done. Sure, there are the concert reviews. But where are the CD reviews? Where are the discussions of new releases? It's possible that the new releases don't stack up to the classics of the genre, but I think a lot of good stuff is still coming out. Why is there so much apathy? I really don't get it, and it frustrates me. I love this music very deeply, and I love that there are surf bands playing around the world. I want to support these bands by buying their CDs, but I also love hearing what they come up with. In some cases I think they come up with music that's as good as any of the classic stuff. But I seem to be in a small minority of people around here that are interested in that. Here's some of the new surf releases I picked up over the last year:

The Surfites: Big Pounder
Daddy-O Grande (Danny Amis) & Lost Acapulco: In Mexico
Los Kahunas: El Fantastico Sonido Surf & Hot-Rod de
The Phantom Four: Madhur
El Ray: Highwave to Hell
The Illuminoids: Secret Society of Surf Guitar
The Ghastly Ones: Target: Draculon
The Pyronauts: Surf & Destroy
Martin Cilla (of the Atlantics): Revenge of the Surf Guitar
Los Jets: 40 N - 3 W
The Sadies: Tales of the Rat Fink
Glasgow Tiki Shakers: In Venice
The Beloved Invaders: Tamarindo
Daikaiju: s/t

(There may have been more, but this is all I could come up with off the top of my head.)

There's been pretty much no discussion of any of these - on the main surf music forum in the world!!! There was some about the Surfites, mostly cause Klas is a member here, and a bit about the Ghastly Ones new one, but other than that, very little, as far as I can remember.

So, what's going on? Why are people not talking about these? Why are more people not interested in buying these? Is our scene all about each one of us playing but not really giving a damn about what the other guys are doing, and not supporting their releases?

(BTW, in case you're wondering if I'm bringing this up because of the Madeira sales, I'm really not. We've done OK with sales, and I'm not frustrated about it - though ask Sean, he may be!)

I just wish there was more interest in and more discussion of the great music that other surf music lovers around the world are producing. And more visibility! I've always tried to talk about the CDs that I've really enjoyed, but few people do the same. So, what's going on, everybody?


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The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Holey Moley Ivan......boy was that a mouthfull....and dead centered I might add........

I'll be the first one to step up here and admit it.........I'm a BAD 101-er. As far as the music is concerned, I don't buy and or listen to the newest releases. And frankly, I'm NOT proud of it either. I am, for the most part, hoplessly stuck in the first wave of surf music. But to be quite frank, I don't think any of the three CD's we put out sounded especially "Vintage." So just what does this really mean.......well, I'm not quite sure. But you have awakened the "old dude" and I'll take a step forward to venture out (hell, I just HAD to say that), and check into some more current material.......Thanks for kicking my butt...... I'll gather up the lates CD's I've added to my collection and post the info tomorrow..........ed

Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

I think part of the hesitation may stem from the fact that so many members are in bands themselves. I for one, just know what I like, but I'm not really comfortable reviewing the releases of my peers. I'll always chime in that I like a certain album when it comes up, but I'm insecure and have problems with some of the stuff we've released, so I don't feel right critiquing anyone else.
Maybe this is a byproduct of the wussyfying of America, but back when we were on 6-8 week tours, I got used to biting my tongue about another band that I may not like, as they may be the only people offering you a floor to sleep on that night.
Regardless, I think more discussion and just getting the word out about some of these releases would be great.

Ed, thank you, I guess that's the kind of response I was hoping for.

Ted, I know what you mean about being critical of other bands. I avoid it, too. However, haven't there been any releases over the past few years you've actually liked? You could talk about those, right?


Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

This post has been removed by the author.

Last edited: Sep 27, 2009 22:30:44

I have mentioned many new bands here and started a thread about how I thought the mid-2000s had a particularly good upswing in new bands with strong releases. I will continue to do this when I get the chance to hear new stuff as money and time allows. I was just addressing the reviewing aspect-meaning going beyond saying "it's great", "it rips", or "I love it" is something I'm a little uncomfortable with. Ivan, you, however, excel at going in depth and dissecting the songs and relaying your thoughts. I am a drummer "ME LIKE", "ME NO LIKE". Very Happy

I'm here for information on playing guitar, technique, gear, live performance etc. There are so many knowlegeable and experienced guitarists (as well as drummers, bassists etc) on this site that are willing to share info and ideas. That's the strength of the site in my opinion. However just because someone is a good musician doesn't make them a good music critic.

I buy a lot of surf records, but I'm not here to discuss them and I don't care too much what other people think of them. I haven't heard too many new CDs that I didn't like in the last year or two.

The Exotics 1994-Current
The Chickenshack -

I'm starting to buy things from some bands with members that post here. I have thought to give some comments or "reviews", but get cold feet because not being in a band myself, I feel a little unqualified--or afraid I will make observations that are "wrong".

As you said, Ivan--there are many talented and knowledgable people here. I have read some of your own reviews, which are informed by a recording musician's depth of insight. So I do feel a little silly giving my layman's two cents worth.

Yes, this is a great forum--one where I can ask a newbie question and have it anwered and discussed by many of the best musicians making this kind of music today. That's an awesome and heady thing. By the same token, I have tried always not to cross that line into pretending I'm one of you, as that would look pathetic. But I will give talking more about the music in depth a try.

Maybe the very fact that I am pretty much just a listener would bring a different perspective.

I feel like such a novice compared to so many here. I've been playing a long time but I don't have a large CD collection, mostly from bands I've seen and hardly any first wave. Most of what I buy now comes from a recommendation here, and the best ones are from your reviews Ivan, they are certainly appreciated. You have my vote for Ambassador of Surf Music.

I know I can't verbalize why I like certain music. To paraphrase Shane McGowan, it just bypasses the intellect and hits you straight in the gut.

I think there is just some hesitancy to start. Maybe if you started a thread or two Ivan more people would chime in. I have about 1/2 of those you list and would love to discuss them.

In my own case, sometimes I feel like my opinions will be perceived differently because I run the site. So I often just stay quiet. In reality I want to talk about these things, but just as a regular forum member would.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I also would like it if more people wrote CD reviews.

I might add a new "module" to the site called Reviews. It lets people write reviews on things, rate them with a number of stars, and then other people can comment and provide their own ratings.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Well, we have the "Latest surf/instro album you bought?" thread which now has about 39 pages, so that's something. I've seen other forums that make a topic a "sticky" and then comments go under that topic. Perhaps we could have a new section that lists new releases as the Subject/Topic, and then people could put there comments/reviews there. Perhaps the first post could have an album cover scan, a track listing and links to the band/label website. In a way it'd be kinda like Reverb Central, but with comments/reviews from a bunch of people. Brian, would something like that be possible?

Also, I have enough trouble finding the time to do reviews for The Continental magazine and kinda have to keep those reviews private until the magazine comes out, for a variety of reasons, so that's kinda why I don't post my reviews here. But overall I agree - I wish there was more discussion about new releases. I don't get every new release for review, so reading about discs that I don't get would help me make my own buying decisions, plus it'd help me determine what to stock in the Double Crown mail order catalog.

BTW Ivan, sales of the Madeira discs have been just fine - if any of you don't have 'em yet go to OR, send me an e-mail ( and I'll make you a deal for the purchase of both discs.

Double Crown Records

Surf CD's / Vinyl / Fanzines / DVD's
Aloha Screwdriver - Lunar Wobble CD
The Nebulas - Euphorion LP / CD
Supertubos - The Fourth Drive CD
Continental Magazine - Issue #38 w/17 Song CD

Interesting issue.

Assuming that the reviews go beyond subjective likes & dislikes, I could see a separate forum devoted to reviews & new releases.

I like the idea of opening up the floor to people to post anything from brief notices about pending releases, to "in-depth" reviews, etc. Assuming people are going to approach it sensibly, I could see a separate forum or discussion area, "Review & New Releases" or something along those lines, working. Open it up to the membership, and see what goes up. I bet you it would open up a lot of bands to new fans.!/rockinrio.delrosa!/TheHighTides!/pages/The-Blue-Demons

I think I've bought about a dozen or so surf CDs that came out in the last year, and my favorites - hands down - have been the Thunderchiefs' "Dig" and the Surfites' "Big Pounder." As Ivan pointed out, both got some discussion - and very favorable comments - here, and members of both bands post here. But in each case, I didn't get them right when they came out, and by the time I picked them up, almost everything I had to say had already been posted.

I've also picked up a few that I didn't like very much ("Madhur" and Los Straits' "Twist Party"), plus one or two I haven't even listened to yet, like The Why's "San Jyo." (Loved their live show, though.)

Some of the reluctance to discuss what we haven't liked might come from the forum itself - Brian's done a great job keeping things focused on the positive side, and it really helps to create a community vibe. Plus, outside of Dick Dale and Los Straitjackets, I don't think anyone's making a living doing this. I used to write music reviews for a few publications and had no trouble ripping into some of the stuff I was sent to review. Tying in with what Ted and Zak said, though, it wasn't like I was ever going to be crashing on the floor of one of the Ataris or the Shins.

I got really burnt out on writing reviews, though - that's my excuse for not doing it (yet) at SG101.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

i've bought between 15 and 20 surf cd's this year. (plus the excellent 'tales of the rat fink' dvd recommended by ivan) i try to listen to at least one surf cd a day when i open my shop. this is usually the only time i have to really listen to and absorb the music. when i'm busy it gets pushed into the background. i can't tell you how many times i've listened to satan's pilgrims 'plymouth rock' this year. this is true with a lot of others. i've recently rediscovered pollo del mars' 'year of the rooster' and this stemmed from buying the starbucks surf compilation.

i'm also in a position where i am trying to figure out and learn to play tunes, so i spend a lot of time on one song at a time until i get it.

lastly, i don't communicate well with spoken or written word, so it's hard for me to put into words why i do or don't like something. i also feel i don't have the background or experience to be a critic.

but, i am spreading my love of this music even if it is only to one person at a time.

I don't buy a lot of the recent releases, I used to. Ever since I started playing surf in a band I've stopped listening to it as much as I used to. When I listen to surf now I pop in one of Ivan's discs, the Bambi Molesters, or if I'm with friends the Pilgrims.

I just got burnt out on surf rock, and I'm at a point in my life where I really need certain lyrics and I need to hear from people like me. Surf music is much too happy for a 23 year old sickly college student.

I know a ton of SG-101ers didn't buy the 'Verb disc but we've done pretty well in sales outside of SG101. We ordered 1000 back in June and we only have 350 or so left.

I know a ton of SG-101ers didn't buy the 'Verb disc but we've done pretty well in sales outside of SG101. We ordered 1000 back in June and we only have 350 or so left.

Jake I still do not have your new CD, everytime we play gigs together it slips my hands and mind Wink


Beyond The Surf YouTube channel
Beyond The Surf Instagram
The Verbtones @ Instagram
The Verbtones @ Facebook
The Verbtones @ bandcamp

Last edited: Nov 08, 2007 21:19:23

I'm absolutely blown away by how little discussion there is about actual surf music, ESPECIALLY new surf music. Why? Is it that people don't really know how to talk about and analyze music?

Yes. I don't actually feel that I know how to talk about and analyze music. To some extent the peripheral issues. I do try, but I'd be hesitant to do a real review of anything. I did summon the gall one to give a fairly non-musical review of the AquaSonics' first CD on SG101 once, but I think it's hiding in a comment somewhere.

But I get a feeling that a lot of people around here don't care about what new bands are doing, and maybe in some cases even what many classic bands have done.

Definitely not the case with me. I do usually listen to a lot of new material. Or, just lately it's been more classical material, but I'm interested in both, and slide back and forth as the mood takes me. I'm delighted if sometimes a bit overwhelmed by all the news about current possibilities on SG101.

In some cases I think they come up with music that's as good as any of the classic stuff.

Definitely. I was listening to three or four songs from the Beloved Invaders repertoire for a year and thinking "These are great! Where did do they find this stuff?" only to find when Tamarindo came out that they were originals or adaptations of unusual material. I can add that some of these they actually play even better live than on the CD. Not that they play badly on the CD. Maybe it's just that the live environment is more exciting, or maybe it's subtle improvements in phrasing.

However, really, I don't feel I can do much better than Phil Dirt's nice review. Longer, sure. Better, no.

But I seem to be in a small minority of people around here that are interested in that.

A very desirable minority it is, too, Ivan! I live for your posts.

Here's some of the new surf releases I picked up over the last year: ...

I have three of them, plus three by the Jets where I was catching up, even though I don't have the one you mention, or don't recognize the title. On the other hand, I can echo Mom, the Queen of Surf, to the effect of 15+ surf CDs, easily. Of couse, a fair number have been classic material.

There's been pretty much no discussion of any of these - on the main surf music forum in the world!!! There was some about the Surfites, mostly cause Klas is a member here, and a bit about the Ghastly Ones new one, but other than that, very little, as far as I can remember.

Bob Cannistraro of the Beloved Invaders is a member of SG101, too, but I think he stricks pretty close to the gear section.

Actually, I know that a lot of folks are on the Forum and never discuss their own material beyond announcing that it's out. I suspect a lot of people actually feel a certain modest disinclination to discuss their own material, and a friendly disinclination to be really frank about everybody else's.

More anon? Probably. Meanwhile, my ride awaits.

Here is a good overview page of the articles on the site:

As you can see, the last review was by me, in August 2006! OMG

Maybe people feel more comfortable in the forums or don't know how to submit an article....?

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
Need help with the site? SG101 FAQ - Send me a private message - Email me

"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Ivan I here ya but I personaly think that things here at SG101 are going fine, yes I agree with cd reviews but my last review was of
my next one I'll be doing is
"The Mighty Surf Lords" new EP called "Sand in yer face"

I'll write up thier review "Mighty Surf Lords" soon after I get better I'm sicker then a dog at the moment actualy all week "Bolody nose, bloody vomit, fever ,this is day 4 for me" seeing our family doctor tomorrow.

After doing The Thunderchiefs cd review it was done out of "I had the bug I mean I really had the bug and passion" to share with everyone what I dug about thier disc so my point is that after that I feel that if I do review it needs to bite me in the ass and so it gives me the bug and passion to write it up and share my thoughts I can be a pretty frank and out spoken kat so I ZIPP IT!

Another reason is time I don't have the whole day to kick it with SG101 I've have kids etc...

Also what about Phil Dirt?

Oh yeah I dig new surf but my heart is into the 1st wave and 2nd wave 99.9%


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