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Permalink Good mic for room ambience?

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Can anyone recommend a good mic for recording room ambience?

I am super sweet

From what I've read, Soundfield makes a great room-ambient mic: but it's mucho mucho expensivo!

For that kind of thing, many like to use a couple of condenser stereo microphones, but there are many many choices out there depending on your budget...

Maybe contact the folks over at Sweetwater, and see what they recommend.

IMO, there are lots of great mics out there for cheap nowadays. And you can thank the Chinese.

Howabout a Nady RSM-5? An honest-to-God RIBBON mic for less than a hundred bucks!

Also check out the cheap MXL condenser mics.


You can try my own DIY ribbon mic design:

We used 2 on the most recent CHUM disc and 3 or 4 during the recording of the Sand Devils drum tracks - specifically to pick-up room ambience.

Ribbon Mics pick up in a figure-8 pattern, so while the front of the mic picks up whatever it's pointed at, the back picks up the reflectons from the room. Very cool for ambience.

  • Rickshaw

Complete DIY Ribbon Microphone plans available from:

You can try my own DIY ribbon mic design:

We used 2 on the most recent CHUM disc and 3 or 4 during the recording of the Sand Devils drum tracks - specifically to pick-up room ambience.

Ribbon Mics pick up in a figure-8 pattern, so while the front of the mic picks up whatever it's pointed at, the back picks up the reflectons from the room. Very cool for ambience.

  • Rickshaw

I bought your ribbon mic plans a couple of months ago (before I joined this forum) and am looking forward to building a couple and trying them out Very Happy

They're somewhere on my LOOOOOOOOOOONG list of musical projects to be completed (-gotta assemble a Strat, Jazzmaster, and take care of some amps first).

The MXL67 is a pretty decent cheap (inexpensive) condenser in my opinion and would be good for room ambience mic'ing IMO.

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