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Permalink Anyone annoyed with the early christmas marketing?

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A personal favorite of mine: Mojo Nixon's Horny Holidays!



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Since I pissed all over Christmas music earlier in this thread, I feel the need to atone: I really like "Little Saint Nick," and I love The Humpers' version of "Run, Run Rudolph" that's on one of the Happy Birthday Baby Jesus comps Wannes mentioned.

The Bomboras' version of "Little Drummer Boy" kills, too.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

That's funny because I did just hear Christmas music playing somewhere the other day. I thought, "what!?" It used to be that they at least waited until after Thanksgiving. It is so about marketing and consumerism--and that's not new--only that retailers apparently just can't wait and seem to start in earlier every year. I feel for anyone like Danny who has to work in a department store and be forced to listen to a loop of inane Chrismas muzak over and over . . .

That Charlie Brown Christmas Album may be the last "classic" of the genre written. Even then the theme of that cartoon was commericialism vs. the Christian message of Christmas. Can you imagine trying to get that one by the networks and sponsors today? I like the part where Linus reads from the Bible about the true meaning of Christmas. I just watched a biography of Charles Shultz, and even in the late 60's he had to fight to get that in there.

These days, I try to get more into that thinking and doing some charitable things as an "antidote" to remind me what the holiday should be all about.

Don't get me wrong, as a kid it was all about Santa and the toys toys toys. Nor do I begrudge a store trying to make a profit. I'm just glad that I'm free to make some personal choices and get to a place where I can make Christmas more personally meaningful.

Man, this is too nauseating to continue. I really, really can't stand Christmas music.


I have the Ultra Lounge Christmas CDs and even then, I'm hit or miss with the music.


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

Oh yeah, today I go into work late to do holiday set up.


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

. I feel for anyone like Danny who has to work in a department store and be forced to listen to a loop of inane Chrismas muzak over and over . . .


Thanks WS, fortunately I have my own shop where Instro Surf music reigns!

One more vote for the Pogue's song.

Ferenc, don't you have a special connection with a certain christmas song?

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

Last edited: Nov 07, 2007 14:30:53

Yeah, we have christmas music playing already at wal-mart (thankfully, I work outside), and it is a bit annoying, because all the songs are terrible remakes of the originals.

I am super sweet

I'm dreading the time when they start the Christmas music up at the store I work at. Hearing four different versions of Frosty the Snowman in a span of fifteen minutes is effing stupid.

Ironically I really have a huge x-mas music collection for being an
atheist .
about 70 or so now.

my favs are the instro ones of course.
I have about 10 surf ones.

but I also like the Lounge/Swing/Exotica ones
and also the all acoustic bluegrass ones.

oh and the Hawaiian Slack Key X-mas cd on dancing cat records is really good. a must have.



The early Christmas marketing doesn't really bother me. For me the Christmas season is a really exciting time lapse, and seeing all the trees, ornaments, sales and stuff earlier just kind of extends the whole Christmas experience. But that's just my opinion, a lot of people don't like this season at all.

Augusto Vite

oh and the Hawaiian Slack Key X-mas cd on dancing cat records is really good. a must have.

I'll have to look into that one. I really like Slack Key (even into playing it a little) and have a few nice things from Dancing Cat. I can imagine that Slack Key and Christmas melodies are a beautiful fit.

I saw a comp of holiday songs done in the style of the Hot Club of France called "Django Bells". I don't know much else about it, except that I love that title!!

Mr. Green, you go right on being excited about all things Christmas--often and early. It's easy for us "old guys" (well, older than 15 anyway!) to get jaded about this stuff. Especially in America. Your enthusiasm about alot of things is infectious.

I was in my local BevMo last night and came away with a 6'er of the Anchor Holiday Beer for this year. Yay Christmas!

I'll have to get out my Los Straightjackets and Squirrel Nut Zippers Christmas albums pretty soon.

...and really, doesn't the marketing for the season start early every year?

Ho Ho Ho

drummer-Lava Rats

I like Christmas for a lot of reasons. Its a time when folks think about doing something for each other, even if its just holding a door open for a women with an arm full of packages and kids in tow. We offer a friendly greating and smile to strangers. We find ourselves sitting in church with friends or family. We write a note and mail a card to people we don't see much anymore. Life slows just a bit as we sing songs that are decades old (some over a hundred years old). I don't mind hearing thes songs....let them play! Our hearts are warm for at least a few weeks as the year comes to an end and we prepare for a new one. I look forward to seeing It's a Wonderful Life and Miricle on 34th Street and our family tradition of attending a play...A Christmas Carol. I've been reading the Polar Express to our family on Christmas eve for about 10 yers now. Yes, I still believe and I can hear the bell. I fear that one day, when all of us are long gone, it will be removed from the calendar. I hope not, at leaset not in my lifetime. So for now let me be amoung the first to wish everyone on this forum a very Merry Christmas and a successful and Happy New Year.

Happy Sunsets!

Last edited: Nov 11, 2007 17:13:22

I have to side on the "I like Christmas" team, not for the commercial end play that happens every year but more for the family side of things, the big Christmas lunch with the entire clan gathered in one place, the relaxing after lunch, swimming in the pool and the water volley ball match where even the youngest get to have a blast by sitting on the shoulders of others.

Songs, music, laughter, good times.

Well it's official, Christmas has started. Santa Claus was at my store today giving cookies out to children, and asking me if he could sleep on this table I had... I told him no, and he threw an empty whiskey bottle at me...

I am super sweet

Santa sighting today here too. This one was standing on the sidewalk near an auto dealership holding a sign and waving.

Well it's official, Christmas has started.

I watched the film Joyeux Noel today. It is by far the best Christmas film I've ever seen. Everybody should check it out.

Well, now we got those guys who ring bells in front of the store, and all the tvs have that video of burning wood in a fireplace.... It's only a matter of time until a christmas story is played for 24 hours straight on tbs....

I am super sweet

I like Christmas for a lot of reasons. Its a time when folks think about doing something for each other, even if its just holding a door open for a women with an arm full of packages and kids in tow. We offer a friendly greating and smile to strangers. We find ourselves sitting in church with friends or family. We write a note and mail a card to people we don't see much anymore. Life slows just a bit as we sing songs that are decades old (some over a hundred years old). I don't mind hearing thes songs....let them play! Our hearts are warm for at least a few weeks as the year comes to an end and we prepare for a new one. I look forward to seeing It's a Wonderful Life and Miricle on 34th Street and our family tradition of attending a play...A Christmas Carol. I've been reading the Polar Express to our family on Christmas eve for about 10 yers now. Yes, I still believe and I can hear the bell. I fear that one day, when all of us are long gone, it will be removed from the calendar. I hope not, at leaset not in my lifetime. So for now let me be amoung the first to wish everyone on this forum a very Merry Christmas and a successful and Happy New Year.

A lovely sentiment, very well said. However, the topic is clearly stated, though it inevitably morphed into a Christmas music thread. I'd hate for this to become a thread about liking or disliking the whole concept of Christmas, which becomes a religious discussion and falls out of the boundaries of the websites rule #1.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

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