Joined: Jun 20, 2007
Posts: 351
Toronto, ON

Posted on Nov 04 2007 01:32 AM
So yesterday, Friday November 2 / 2007 Los Torperros (the band I play guitar in) played our very first gig at a bowling place.
This is how it went.
We were very excited, we were scheduled to play at 9:30 pm. We arrived at 6:15 at the place. We (Mr. Purple also widely known as El Elfo the bass player and I) started unloading our stuff, a powered mixer and two speakers we had previously borrowed from our music professor. We had to take everything to the third story of the building and no one helped us, and of course we don't have roadies ha ha so as you can imagine, taking all the equipment upstairs was a real headache. So after a while Mr. Puñal also known as Bombay (the drummer) arrived and El Elfo left to pick up his girl. Then, Dante, the manager came by and he told us that we would be playing on a different area than the one we had intended to play in, we had to play right on the hardwood floor! and we had to wear the bowling shoes provided by the stablishment so we didn't damage the floor. So after Mr. Puñal and I finished assembling the drum kit and plugging everything up. Mr. Purple returned and Mr. Puñal and I went to the store to buy some water. The people we had invited started arriving and started drinking industrial quantities of beer as soon as they got there. We tested the sound a little and it seemed to be great, so we hung out for a while with the guests. Then came the time to disguise. (Remember it was Dia de Muertos) Mr. Purple put on his spooky makeup and I took out a bunch of bandages and my dad started wrapping me. It was about 9:18 and we were asked to start playing so we didn't have much time to prepare anything else. They turned the lights off and I was wearing my shades which were part of the disguise, I couldn't see a thing nor could I adjust the settings on my distortion pedal (we play a little bit of garage and some covers that require some distortion) We started playing our first song, almost everything went well except for some minor mistakes that only we noticed. After a while we played Tourettes by Nirvana (bad idea) and all the teens started slam-dancing and hitting each other to the point where one of them crashed against my amp and it fell to the floor but we continued playing. After we finished with the song all three of us burst in laughter, if any of you would have seen my amp falling down you would have had the same reaction, it was really funny. We took a 10 minute break, we were asked to relocate so the people could see us better (another bad idea) while we were playing our Dia de Muertos special "Hay Un Cadaver en El Armario" which means -there's a body in the closet- my guitar stopped sounding so I unplugged my amp from the mixer and we played it again but this time only with my not-very-powerful amp (a 25 watt Frontman) and without the backup of the two speakers. The rest of the show went on without major difficulties. Although we had a million mistakes, we had a lot of fun.
That's (from right to left) Mr. Purple, my brother Andree aka Jr. Mummie, Mr Puñal, and me Mr. Green. I know that the unwrapped spot on my disguise looks sorta funny but I had to leave a little space in case I had to go to the restroom, I should have worn some jeans instead of my corduroy pants ha ha.
That's my poor amp on the floor
And that's us laughing our asses off.
You can even see the ball-returner or whatever it's called.

— Augusto Vite
Joined: Apr 24, 2006
Posts: 1618
Ithaca, NY

Posted on Nov 04 2007 01:43 AM
Awesome! Congrats on a successful first show Mr. Green. Looks like it must have been a lot of fun.
I have to say, I like the bowling mummy look. 
Joined: Jun 20, 2007
Posts: 351
Toronto, ON

Posted on Nov 04 2007 01:49 AM
Ha ha ha thanks wooza, I got the idea from The Mummies, I really like that band.
— Augusto Vite
Joined: Jul 23, 2007
Posts: 666

Posted on Nov 04 2007 04:20 AM
Hell yeah! congrats of a successful first gig Mr Green! awesome makeup.
Joined: Apr 28, 2006
Posts: 419

Posted on Nov 04 2007 06:49 AM
look's like you all had blast keep up the good work, you will never forget your first gig:love the mummy outfit you must have been real warm under all those bandages
— Facebook pages theSupertones
or @ Timothy C Sullivan
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Posts: 3832

Posted on Nov 04 2007 08:09 AM
wow, thanks for sharing the story! I wish all ebayers send their stuff that well wrapped Love the bowling shoes.
— Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."
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Des Moines, Iowa, USA

Posted on Nov 04 2007 10:53 AM
Rock on!
— Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea
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Brew City

Posted on Nov 04 2007 12:01 PM
Congrats. The fact that your 1st show was at a bowling alley is awesome. Perfect.
— The Exotics 1994-Current
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Redlands, CA

Posted on Nov 04 2007 01:21 PM
Great job reporting! The photos help a lot. The first time is always the first time, and you have photos to help remember it by. To cool!
I wish they had cameras around at my first gig.
It was so long ago I hardly remember it.
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PacNW (Vancouver, Wa U.S.A.)

Posted on Nov 04 2007 01:29 PM
Joined: Jun 20, 2007
Posts: 351
Toronto, ON

Posted on Nov 04 2007 02:09 PM
Thanks to everyone for replying. 
Mr. Green congrats on the 1st show! How's the music scene in Mexico city?
Answering your question Kyle, the surf/instro music scene in México City is in my opinion very active, there's at least 20 surf bands only in México City plus some others from other states. There's also a considerable amount of garage, Rock & Roll and rockabilly/psychobilly bands. Most of them play regularly.
— Augusto Vite
Joined: Feb 27, 2006
Posts: 25646

Posted on Nov 04 2007 02:18 PM
Very Cool Mr. Green.
how old are you?
its good to see more youngsters getting into surf.
That's cool you played at a Bowling alley.
The First gig I had was at a Ice Cream Parlor,
and thats the same place that DD used to play, so I thought it was cool, not lame like some did.
keep up the good work.
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
Joined: Mar 16, 2007
Posts: 1342
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

Posted on Nov 04 2007 02:19 PM
Yeah... ditto on the congrats!! It looked like you had alot of fun and your costume was awesome. Can't wait for your post on the next show.
Joined: Jun 20, 2007
Posts: 351
Toronto, ON

Posted on Nov 04 2007 02:51 PM
Very Cool Mr. Green.
how old are you?
its good to see more youngsters getting into surf.
That's cool you played at a Bowling alley.
The First gig I had was at a Ice Cream Parlor,
and thats the same place that DD used to play, so I thought it was cool, not lame like some did.
keep up the good work.
I'm 15 right now but I'll be 16 on december 28. A first gig at an Ice Cream Parlor, I think that's way cool.
Unfortunately not a lot of teenagers in México like surf music, although there are some but most of them listen to the "music" they can hear on the radio or mtv. Lots of reggaeton and emo being played at schools.
Thanks for the kind words Surfgitar, as soon as I get some pics from our next show I'll post some.
— Augusto Vite
Joined: Aug 19, 2006
Posts: 958
Kekaha, Kauai, Hawaii

Posted on Nov 04 2007 04:14 PM
Hey Mr. Green.....WELCOME to the wacky unpredictable world of playing 'live' gigs!! It's VERY cool that you have photos of it and like Joelman i wish i had a photo of my first gig but alas, i'm afraid they didn't have cameras back then!! My first gig was a Grand Opening of a furniture store in Grover City California. We got paid $3 each and a hamburger sandwich. It was so long ago, they changed the name of the town since!! I've also played in a bowling alley.......they didn't make us wear the shoes but......people were bowling while we played!! They made a stage in the center and had "lanes" on either side of the stage and there was a low rumble that got louder and louder and then SmaShEd into the pins!! A couple of guys in the band were like...."we're outa here!" but we stayed and finished the gig and got paid a lot of dough cause we drew a large crowd. That was the Kona Bowl in Kona on the Big Island of Hawaii. What does your band's name mean, if anything?
Aloha and Congrats on your first gig......!
PS; i'm a little embarrased about the photo of my Strat over in the other thread....i didn't realize it was so little! I'll take a real pic of my Strat and post that. Your guitar looks like mine.....only upside down!! Is it a Hwy 1 ?
— The TakeOffs
"Kauai's Only All-Instrumental Surf Band"
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Posted on Nov 04 2007 04:24 PM
This post has been removed by the author.
Last edited: Sep 23, 2009 15:20:30
Joined: Jul 29, 2006
Posts: 115
Menomonie, Wisconsin USA

Posted on Nov 04 2007 04:24 PM
Nice work, Mr. Green. Thanks for sharing the pictures and the account. You're off to a great start.
Joined: Mar 05, 2006
Posts: 251

Posted on Nov 04 2007 05:05 PM
when i was 16 and started playing guitar, the second piece of equipment i bought myself was my fender reverb unit. NO ONE in clearwater, florida my age wanted to play surf music.
so i congratulate you on getting a band together and doing surf/garage/etc! very very cool.
good luck on future performances!
Joined: Apr 24, 2006
Posts: 1618
Ithaca, NY

Posted on Nov 04 2007 06:21 PM
Unfortunately not a lot of teenagers in México like surf music
I don't think there are many teenagers anywhere who really like surf music. I turned 20 this past summer, so that makes one less teenage surf fan in the world.
Mr. Green you're our youngest representative. Keep the scene alive down there in the kiddie pool! (But hey, 20 bands in D.F alone sounds pretty good to me. With Los Torperros that's 21. Even better. )
Joined: Jun 20, 2007
Posts: 351
Toronto, ON

Posted on Nov 04 2007 08:48 PM
Hey Mr. Green.....WELCOME to the wacky unpredictable world of playing 'live' gigs!! It's VERY cool that you have photos of it and like Joelman i wish i had a photo of my first gig but alas, i'm afraid they didn't have cameras back then!! My first gig was a Grand Opening of a furniture store in Grover City California. We got paid $3 each and a hamburger sandwich. It was so long ago, they changed the name of the town since!! I've also played in a bowling alley.......they didn't make us wear the shoes but......people were bowling while we played!! They made a stage in the center and had "lanes" on either side of the stage and there was a low rumble that got louder and louder and then SmaShEd into the pins!! A couple of guys in the band were like...."we're outa here!" but we stayed and finished the gig and got paid a lot of dough cause we drew a large crowd. That was the Kona Bowl in Kona on the Big Island of Hawaii. What does your band's name mean, if anything?
Aloha and Congrats on your first gig......!
PS; i'm a little embarrased about the photo of my Strat over in the other thread....i didn't realize it was so little! I'll take a real pic of my Strat and post that. Your guitar looks like mine.....only upside down!! Is it a Hwy 1 ?
Wow that's an amazing story. Three bucks and a hamburger sandwich, I guess those were simpler days. We didn't ask for any pay but they let us play a few lines. It was nice of them.
Our band's name was originally Los Torpedoes but then we found out, there was another band in the U.S. named The Torpedoes so to avoid any confusion we changed it to Los Torperros, which is part Torpedoe and part "perro" (means dog in Spanish) this was because we saw the movie "Reservoir Dogs" and we liked it a lot, so each one of us chose a color like in the movie.
Unfortunately my Strat isn't a Highway One it's a Squier Fat Strat with a humbucker in the bridge position With a little bit of tweaking here and there I've been able to get a decent sound out of it but I'm saving a little money to buy better gear.
Unfortunately not a lot of teenagers in México like surf music
I don't think there are many teenagers anywhere who really like surf music. I turned 20 this past summer, so that makes one less teenage surf fan in the world.
Mr. Green you're our youngest representative. Keep the scene alive down there in the kiddie pool! (But hey, 20 bands in D.F alone sounds pretty good to me. With Los Torperros that's 21. Even better. )
Fortunately there will always be a group of people that will keep a certain genre or music style alive, this forum is a good example of that. I'll always try to mantain, support and represent surf music no matter what age. 
— Augusto Vite