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So what are you supposed to do when you get a friend request and that person has their profile set to private? And you have no idea who they are. I've been just denying them.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I have that happen a lot and there was no failure yet in accepting them. All fun and cool.

The Exotic Guitar of Kahuna Kawentzmann

You can get the boy out of the Keynes era, but you can’t get the Keynes era out of the boy.

If it is the SG101 myspace then you should accept them. If it is your personal one and you don't know who they are then I personally wouldn't do that.

Also, if someone has their profile private they probably aren't going to be phisher or some other malcontent.

What about deleting people? I do that if they post a ton of bulletins with those surveys or other junk like that. Is that acceptable, or would it be rude? I just cleaned up my friend list, actually, and I was wondering that.

Also, do you ever get friend requests from people you used to be friends with? That's awkward for me, 'cause when I stop hanging out with people it's usually for a reason--I'm not talking about fighting or anything bad, just growing apart. But yeah, then I'll get a friend request from someone like that, and I usually accept, but then I realize that I have nothing to say to them.

i accept all friends. If they get annoying, they get deleted. I certainly dont lose sleep over it! Wink

I don't allow anyone to be my friend unless I know them. I've deleted a ton of people that I used to go to high school with 4-5 years ago. Life has changed a lot.

I don't allow anyone to be my friend unless I know them. I've deleted a ton of people that I used to go to high school with 4-5 years ago. Life has changed a lot.

what about me? can i be your friend? Shocked Wink

I guess so. I hope you don't post too many annoying bulletins.

What is the proper etiquette for posting bulletins of upcoming shows? I get annoyed with abnoxious bulletins as well, but do like to let people know when we're playing.

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

What's annoying about bulletins? You choose to read them or not read them, no one is forced to see them. How else can you spread the word about a show?

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

I don't think annoying bulletins originally entailed bands promoting shows. More teenage girls "why doesn't anybody love me" bulletins.

I have no problem with private profiles, it's usually either young girls or people who use myspace really as a selective stayintouchwithfriends thing. one thing I do do (?) is to check their profile quite a bit after adding, just to see if they are of an affiliation of any kind that Im strongly opoosed to. didt happen so far. actually, I kind of regard it as a compliment when somebody who is keeping his profile private (and hence isnt out to get as much friends as possible as a status-symbol) to ask me as friend.

btw, I only have a band page, I think it differs.

I usually deny just the bands I dont like or who are obviously only trying to get their no. of friends up. I except everybody and every band form the region I live, but I deny R&B acts from amsterdam. I also deny all metal bands. (yes, we get requests form metal bands. Maybe because we got an ultra cool scaffolding-endorsement poster in our pic section Smile

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

I accept all metal band friend requests Wink Laughing Rock

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

Yes Ruhar, but you are cool! Wink

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

It just seemed to me kind of odd that they want to be my friend, but I can't see their page to make any judgment about them. I suppose I am using the word "friend" in the more common sense as opposed to the myspace de-valued meaning of the word. Smile

So yeah, I make them a friend, hit refresh on their page, then decide to keep them or delete them.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

You can either do that or you can just send them a private message asking who they are and if you know them.

I pretty much pass a very quick judgement on anyone wanting to add The Lava Rats. Personally, I'm very, very selective about my friends.

I post hilarious bulletins, but that's because people encourage me.


WE except most "friends"....i turn down hip hop acts and naked chicks..i know, i must be crazy NAKED CHICKS! It's not appropriate.....i've hooked up with some great old friends and i figure if someone likes our music then they can be "friends" and the "set to private" thing doesn't bother me. I delete any and all of those Macy's gift card type comments....they're stupid......duh! Is that stuff spam? Does someone "hack" your profile and send that crap out with your name? I use the bulletin thing a lot i guess.....i send out flyers and stuff like that for shows or i send out what i think are cool surf videos or music videos and like Danny said you can choose to read or not. Some people abuse it but......what else is new!!

The TakeOffs
"Kauai's Only All-Instrumental Surf Band"

What about deleting people? I do that if they post a ton of bulletins with those surveys or other junk like that. Is that acceptable, or would it be rude? I just cleaned up my friend list, actually, and I was wondering that.

I did that once. I deleted two people who where conducting a trivial fill-in-the-time conversation via bulletins. I felt bad about it, but it was very annoying.

There are dimensions to this, but in general, I think it's fair. It depends on what "friend" means in the context of a page. I suspect in a band page that it would be better to just ignore it.

It just seemed to me kind of odd that they want to be my friend, but I can't see their page to make any judgment about them. I suppose I am using the word "friend" in the more common sense as opposed to the myspace de-valued meaning of the word. Smile

So yeah, I make them a friend, hit refresh on their page, then decide to keep them or delete them.

HA! Funny you bring this up. I've become sick of it myself, so unless I get a letter from them, I know them, or it's a band I like, I just deny it.

However, for the band profiles, it's different. I add them, but if it turns out to be something suspicious, I just block them. This automatically deletes the person from your "friends."


"Turn the knob to 10 and break it off!" -Baja Marty

I delete any and all of those Macy's gift card type comments....they're stupid......duh! Is that stuff spam? Does someone "hack" your profile and send that crap out with your name?

of course it is. I have gotten "buy at macy's" or "I won the lottery" bulletins from PollodelMar and the Tommorowman and who not of the well respectd bands. the whole bulletin thing is obviously just a non-functioning gadget in the whole myspace concept, appearantly too easy to hack. I just ignore it mostly, unless something happens to catch my eye.

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

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