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In the world of the GAS obsessed the vintage pedal collectors have got to be the most demented - are these guys high or what...

Check this out -

$400+ for a DOD Overdrive? For god's sake - a 12 eyar old could make this for about $7 and it would sound exactly the same...

We are all high...

I think I have one of their analog delays and a chorus pedal in the trash drawer in the basement. If I remember correctly, the delay eats batteries and the chorus is pretty anemic sounding. Anybody want 'em? ed

Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

Yngwie has used one of these since his early days, and therefore for the guys that want that tone, this is the pedal to get. Whenever you see high prices on effects of any kind, it's because a celebrity used it and it's not made anymore (though I think there is a signature Yngwie replica of this pedal out on the market now, but I'm not sure).


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The Madeira Official Website
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The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Laughing Ah, Yngwie. So great.

Science friction burns my fingers.

Laughing Ah, Yngwie. So great.

and oh so modest.

and oh so modest.

He's about as modest as he is tasteful.

Listenable, too.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

As we can hear differences in tubes these people can hear differences in capacitors, resistors, and chips used in these pedals.

Eric Johnson has said he can tell (by tone) the brand of batteries in his pedals...

After looking at the insides of that pedal, I think I could easily reproduce it in an afternoon of parts hunting/building. In fact, I imagine I could build that far better. It honestly doesn't even look like it's that well built.

Sometimes vintage doesn't always mean it's good.

"Hope is a waking dream." - Aristotle

Eric Johnson has said he can tell (by tone) the brand of batteries in his pedals...

I believe Mr. Wronski has as well.

Eric Johnson has said he can tell (by tone) the brand of batteries in his pedals...

I have to imagine an imaginary conversation between Eric Johnson and Link Wray would go something like this:


Eric Johnson: So, Link, I noticed that when I put Ray-O-Vac brand batteries in my Tube Screamer it sounded more, more, well..."brown". Super bluesy and raw. More real.

Link Wray: Come again?

EJ: The batteries, man, the brand of batteries really matters. I can't play my guitar unless I have Ray-O-Vac!

LW: F^@%ing pansy...


Eric Johnson has absolutely no Elvis in him, to paraphrase Mojo Nixon.


The difference in battery type can theoretically be discerned. Certain batteries have different resistances.

haha! $400 for a stompbox?!
I think I'll build some DOD reissues and sold them on ebay...... With $200 I'm happy!

Every word is like an unecessary stain on silence and nothingness.

i've got a klon 'centaur' i've been thinking about putting on ebay. this makes me wonder if i can actually get something for it.

"When I was a kid in Sweden back in 1978, I bought my first DOD 250 pedal. This preamp overdrive pushing the front end of my tube amps has been a key element to my tone ever since. Like most handwired vintage equipment of the era, there is some variety in the sound between my different old gray pedals. DOD took my favorite pedal and used that as the reference to create the YJM308. Now I can always get my trademark tone and keep my original vintage gear safe at home. More than that, this new pedal sounds so good it is what I am using these days. I have not hooked up my old 250s at all recently. I am using the YJM308 for everything, including my new album. Not to mention it looks cool"
-Yngwie Malmsteen

i've got a klon 'centaur' i've been thinking about putting on ebay. this makes me wonder if i can actually get something for it.

mom_surfing: I would reccommend that you do put it on ebay because I just got $484 for mine from a guy in Austrialia 1 month ago. It will sell. No doubt. These things are highly sought after and people don't want to wait 3 months to have one made to order.

The Secret Samurai Website
The Secret Samurai on Facebook

I sold my TS808 for $475 on Craigslist and had a dozen responses within two hours of posting the ad. I don't get was a good pedal but it wasn't THAT good. This was a pedal I got new somewhere around '80-'82 for about $30. A lot of hype drives that market, in my opinion.


I recently got $217 for a Maestro Fuzz-Tone reissue on Ebay. I bought it a year and a half ago from musicians friend for 89.99. I was flabbergasted.

The Exotics 1994-Current
The Chickenshack -

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