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Permalink Surf on Sirius?

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I'm thinking about signing up for Sirius Radio, but are there any channels that are surf dominated or even surf friendly? I think this will be the deciding factor for me.

Bob Bitchin'

I've got sirius - no all surf channels, but several play "some" surf - the 60's station does 15 minutes everyday at 1pm central - and Underground garage plays bits (just enough for me to get excited) before the DJ talks. The Jimmy Buffett station (don't ask why we listen to it, we just do) plays some too.

Not enough surf - but more than on regular radio.


"You can't tell where you're going if you don't know where you've been"

i have XM and there are 2 surf shows 1 on the channel

Fungus 53 noon ET on fridays and replayed at 9PM ET
they also have a ska show and a rockabilly show

Sixties 6 11 pm ET on saturdays

Little Steven's Underground Garage plays some surf. Disorder may even throw some instro stuff in every now and then. I love Sirius. Get it. XM is probably great too though I have no experience with it...


drummer-Lava Rats

i have XM and there are 2 surf shows 1 on the channel

Fungus 53 noon ET on fridays and replayed at 9PM ET
they also have a ska show and a rockabilly show

Sixties 6 11 pm ET on saturdays

the surf shows are called 'kowabunga uber alles' and there is also a show called 'hee-haw hell', not sure of the exact time or channel though.

I have XM they had a show on the 60's every Sat. night for an hour..I think they still have it, it's called Wax your Woody!!They had some good stuff from the Ventures and even some Junior Brown.

Sweet! So I geuss I'll have to check it out. It's good to know that there is some support for surf in this newer media.
Bob Bitchin'

I had heard that Sirius and XM were gonna merge.
Whats the news on that?



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