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Permalink Need Help Creating Album Cover

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Hi guys, I just completed my original debut EP Louder Than Life. I would like to create a digital album cover for it. I was wondering what you guys used, or if you hired a professional to do it. I have tried Google, and sites like Canva and Piscard come up. Are either of those sites any good? Any advice or recommendations would be greatly appreciated. - A tribute to Dick Dale. New EP Louder Than Life available on bandcamp and website.

We always use a professional for our album covers. Not sure about the sites you mentioned, but I am sure others will chime in.


Canadian Surf

I have used some AI gen sites but wasn’t really happy with the results. Then one of my daughters made a couple of cover arts and I like em)

Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver

Putting to one side the various ethical problems with using AI-generated art, at a practical level it almost always looks... off.

If you've got an idea of what you want but you don't know how to create it, ideally you'd pay an artist. But if it's just a case of needing something for digitial distribution, here are a couple of DIY ideas that you may find approachable:

  • Find a suitable public domain photo, and just add some text

  • Make a simple image that looks like the label on a 45 - a lot of people do this for digital single releases. Example from Hi-Tide:


The Miramars (2017-2022) /

Thanks guys, I appreciate the advice. - A tribute to Dick Dale. New EP Louder Than Life available on bandcamp and website.

Yes, please avoid using AI , at any cost…

Not to sound preachy , but as tempting as it is because it is so cheap and fast , it is posed and intended to replace literally tens of thousands of artists jobs …

I’ve noticed some bands using AI for gig flyers and promo materials and you can almost always spot it as there is always something “off” in terms of style and execution…I can’t help but automatically dislike the bands that do use AI lol

From a personal perspective,as a professional artist of 20 plus years myself I find the advent of AI “art” both amazing and wholly depressing…
I never thought I’d see the day where artists would be 100% replaced , but that’s exactly what we are witnessing….and that’s not hyperbole …Not just for art , but writing , programming, office work, etc…

Just some food for thought!

Last edited: Feb 24, 2025 16:07:07

I’ll avoid AI, but may use a pre-made templet or photo if that makes sense. I appreciate the response, wierd_oh84. Big shout out to Samurai, as he played bass on 3/4 songs on this EP! - A tribute to Dick Dale. New EP Louder Than Life available on bandcamp and website.

SixStringSurfer wrote:

I’ll avoid AI, but may use a pre-made templet or photo if that makes sense. I appreciate the response, wierd_oh84. Big shout out to Samurai, as he played bass on 3/4 songs on this EP!


I too use pre existing images as reference/ inspiration…. But when the time comes to actually create, 100% human made!lol

And congrats on the album! Can’t wait to check it out !

As I'm something of an artist (though not professional by any means), I'm always in favor of supporting creative people by hiring them and paying them properly. But if you want to tackle it yourself, a program like Powerpoint is easy to use as far as inserting a background image and adding in text and moving it around. Just set the slide size to 12x12 (or other square size), insert image for background, then insert text boxes that can easily be moved around, resize, twirled, stapled, rinsed, and repeated...

We've done a mixture of images, bandshots, AI, etc.
We typically do the layout ourselves using Xara and other software. I'm not an artist, but come from a family of artists. Unfortunately none are layout artists so I'm self taught.

Our last 2 releases pulled graphics from AI as an experiment. It was fun, but gets kind of looking similar. I did like the images and laid out the rest myself, but still feel we fall short of the bands who use professionals. We try to avoid the traditional layout rehashed from the 50s, 60s and 70s. There are a lot of those in the surf community. Some are great, others are just uninspired copies.

It would be easier to use a good graphic artist if we had some solid recommendations. Trying to go online or look locally is a crap shoot, and finding a true creative layout person is hard. Choosing wrong is expensive and trying to get the rights to the artwork purchased, would be costly.

So maybe SG101ers could give some referrals.

Regarding AI, it's taking over my accounting industry too. The younger generations and some older folks are not as concerned with quality or long term consequences.

So go into programming and IT maintenance before we are all just being controlled by droids...

Surf.The most dangerous of genres...


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Last edited: Feb 24, 2025 19:50:17


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