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Permalink Surfy Industries Surfyman pedal thoughts

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I’m eager to hear your thoughts, SixStringSurfer, since you’ve had a lot of experience with an original blonde Showman.

Last edited: Feb 25, 2025 14:35:09

I am very impressed with the SurfyMan. I tried it with my 1976 Princeston, and it made a massive difference. It really does a fantastic job of making almost any amp sound like a Brownface Showman.

It was too much for my little mini Katana, but that didn’t surprise me. When I tried it with my Quilter, it really blew me away. Honestly, I will be using this instead of my Brownfacer pedal from now on.

I made a short clip showing how close it gets to my ‘62 Showman, but the video doesn’t do it justice. It sounds a lot closer in person. I almost decided not to upload it, but here it is anyway.

Kudos to Surfy Industries, they really knocked it out of the park on this one. - A tribute to Dick Dale. New EP Louder Than Life available on bandcamp and website.

I’m glad to hear you are enjoying it. The only real difference I’m hearing in your clips is a small shift in the midrange which could be easily tweaked with an eq pedal if one were really wanting to be that precise about it. Thanks for giving your thoughts and making a video clip.

Glad you enjoyed the video. I had the presence dimed on the SurfyMan. I actually took a photo of all the settings. I’ll play around with it some more when I have time, and try to make another video.

While nothing can compare to the real thing, this is close enough to save my back. I may even buy a second Quilter, and play through both of them at the same time. Showman heads are heavy! - A tribute to Dick Dale. New EP Louder Than Life available on bandcamp and website.

Did you have the Vint EQ switch engaged in the clip? I think it’s easier to dial in a good vibrant tone on my superblock with the Vint EQ switch down and engaged. The frequency widens to my ears with sparklier highs and lower lows while not cutting any important midrange content. I tend to set my presence very high around 8 or nine. My guitar is a little thick sounding and I find the quilter stuff a little on the warm side which is weird because a lot of people find it leaning toward the bright side.

I definitely had the vintage switch on. I also went through the return on the Quilter. Im going to mess around with it some more this weekend when I have a little more free time. - A tribute to Dick Dale. New EP Louder Than Life available on bandcamp and website.

Wish I could order one through the new Canadian distributor (AxeAndYouShallReceive) but they don't have any in stock yet. I am hoping to do this before the tariff stuff begins (having no clue if there will be an impact but fingers crossed that it won't!!).
I am very interested in hearing the increasing number of Youtube videos and the testimonials.

The Surf Shakers:
Vancouver BC Canada

Can someone please explain the signal chain in detail when using the Surfyman in the effects loop of the Quilter Superblock US. Do you just plug it into the return of the effects loop or do you need to go in to the send also?
P.S.: why not just go directly into the Superblock US at the end of the sipnal chain. What is the advantage of using the Surfyman in the effects loop of the Quilter.

It works either way. It’s designed to work both ways but bypassing the preamp of an amp, like the Superblock, will make it a little simpler since the eq controls of the Surfyman pedal are all you have to worry about, in terms of equalization. It’s not going to hurt anything or necessarily even sound “better” one way or another. And you don’t have to go into the send of the effects loop of the Superblock when bypassing it’s preamp. I prefer the sound and simplicity of bypassing the amps preamp section since the Surfyman is a preamp type pedal in and of itself.

The more I play around with it, the more I think I like it going through the input jack on the Quilter (with the vintage setting on both the Quilter and the SurfyMan turned on).

You have to dial back the treble though, as it can get too shrill very quickly. Maybe that’s why Surfer Joe recommended going through the return, to avoid the potential ice pick issue.

Once I have a setting dialed in, I’ll make another video. I would love to hear other people’s thoughts on this. Try it through the Input jack vs the return and let me know what you think. - A tribute to Dick Dale. New EP Louder Than Life available on bandcamp and website.

Last edited: Mar 02, 2025 16:54:27

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