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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Surf Music General Discussion »

Permalink Surfrajettes 'Easy as Pie' new release

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I just got my pre-order CD in!
These gals really have the tone down.
What another great lineup!
I love the whole 'diner theme' too.

Hope to see them live sometime.


Agreed! It's a truly cool album! It comes with a diner placemat too! My wife and I have seen them 3 or 4 times, always a great show. They play here in Cincinnati Dec 6th again with opener Kyle Eldridge...a local guitar hero in the style of Joe Maphis (and friend of Deke Dickerson and Crazy Joe).

Besides great songs, The Surfrajettes are bringing a unique sense of style and detail to surf! My wife has started insisting that I get color coordinated cables to match my guitars because the Surfrajettes use them! So far I have new surf green and Olympic white coily cables to match my surf green Jag and my Oly White Clam Shack!

Their new drummer has really brought their music into a new realm. The band as a whole has come a long way and it's inspiring to see them growing in both reach and productivity. I was really impressed by their first album and I hope there are many more to come!

Toasted Western is my fav on the album - but quite a few bangers! They’re great live - Have seen them a couple times when they’ve come through NC as openers. We might try to catch them in Nashville next month.

This is a great album, and I love the freshness of their sound. Simple but authentic vibe. The 60s retro waitress theme is also really cool. I liked it so much I sent one on vinyl to my nephew in Texas, he's a fan too now.

I took my ma and girlfriend to see them back in August for a free show at the Detroit Institute of Arts. It was a great place to see a show and I got to meet the ladies afterword and get a poster autographed.

I wish "Banshee Bop" would have been on the album! I think it's my favorite song of theirs yet. Check it out if you haven't already!

Last edited: Nov 10, 2024 20:49:26

I listened to the new album today and really liked it. They’ve upped their game sonically and with great song writing.

Craig Skelly

Little Kahuna
The Breakaways
The Curl Riders

Digging their whole vibe as well as the new album. Went to see them when they came through town as an opener. Looking forward to seeing them as a headlining act.

Project: MAYHEM by Hypersonic Secret now available!

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