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Glen Campbell played some guitar on the Super Stocks recordings and probably other surf style songs recorded by the Wrecking Crew.

Campbell supposedly played lead guitar on some instrumental hot-rod albums that came out on Del-Fi in the sixties, credited to made-up bands: the Darts, the De-Fenders, the Deuce Coupes. Here's a link to the Amazon site selling the Del-Fi CD that compiled all that stuff:
I have an earlier version of this CD. I haven't listened to it in many years, but my memory is that it's all rather generic and lacking in much passion or imagination. They sound like they just went in and played the music that was put in front of them. Campbell did not impress.


To me, those albums in general did not impress. Super Stocks were much higher quality and probably had a bigger budget. I bet those Del-Fi sessions were just as you described.

Most of the recordings of Eddie and the Showmen were done with th jag....but I went back to the strat in the last recordings and performances.

Here's a great photo from that era:


Why did you switch back to the Strat? And do you remember anything special about this photo, Eddie?

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You mentioned a new album that's in progress - is it all new material, or are some of the songs updated versions of the material you used to play?



That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Kinda Off Topic

To me, those albums in general did not impress. Super Stocks were much higher quality and probably had a bigger budget. I bet those Del-Fi sessions were just as you described.

Campbell supposedly played lead guitar on some instrumental hot-rod albums that came out on Del-Fi in the sixties, credited to made-up bands: the Darts, the De-Fenders, the Deuce Coupes. ... I have an earlier version of this CD. I haven't listened to it in many years, but my memory is that it's all rather generic and lacking in much passion or imagination. They sound like they just went in and played the music that was put in front of them. Campbell did not impress.

Of the three, the Deuce Coupes album is the only one that has enough decent material to warrant a purchase. (Even then, like half the songs are just rewrites of "Money.") There's a few fiery performances, but I think it could be either Campbell or Tommy Tedesco on lead.

In addition to the 2-CD set Ivan linked to, Del-Fi did separate reissues of the three albums that are fairly easy to find and relatively inexpensive. The Deuce Coupes one is kind of worth it, the other two definitely aren't. (Just my opinion.)


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Man what a great piece Tim. It makes me want to hitchhike out to HB and hang out some more.
It makes a guy feel pretty good to see Eddie return to Surf Music.

Man what a great piece Tim. It makes me want to hitchhike out to HB and hang out some more.
It makes a guy feel pretty good to see Eddie return to Surf Music.

You know where I live Big Shooter.....

Hi Ivan...

Yes it is possible I used more mix at one time or another. I can hear what you are referring to.

Strat vs Jag....I used the Jag for a while in Eddie and the Showmen. Did a lot of recording with it. But I also used my strat, and recorded with it as well. I guess it’s about 50 / 50. Jag first half ... strat second half.

No ... I did not do any woodshedding beyond my normal practice time. What happened came very natural to me and there were no restrictions, no fences just freedom to do whatever I felt in my head and heart to do. As far as aggressive, fiery and technical, it was most assuredly intentional. Music is extremely emotional to me.................

I have never seen this magazine...Have no idea who the author is. I am unaware of, and do not recall, fans becoming hostile. I did run into to Dick Dale, he invited me to visit, I did visit but we didn’t jam.

Thanks again Ivan. Good questions.


Ivan....I don't know exactly why I went back to a strat.....Might have become bored with the Jag.
And Leo had built me two beautiful strats. I have always preferred the look of a strat over a Jag.

As far as the photo....... nothing special.


Hey Warren,

There will be new tunes and redos of some of the old stuff.



Thank you very much for you detailed answers, Eddie. You're very kind.

I have never seen this magazine...Have no idea who the author is. I am unaware of, and do not recall, fans becoming hostile. I did run into to Dick Dale, he invited me to visit, I did visit but we didn’t jam.

Here's the website for this book/magazine:
The article I'm referring to is in issue #4 (the current one). The name of it is "Harmony Park vs. Retail Clerks Hall: Battle of the Orange County Surf Clubs" by Domenic Priore. (You can see the table of contents here.) I'd recommend checking it out. Maybe somebody around LA can actually show it to you. I'd love to hear your perspective on it, how much of it is actually true.

Thanks again, Eddie. I greatly look forward to your new recordings.


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I have a copy of it.
I'll try to dig it out, and show it to Eddie, (If) he wants to see it.



I have a copy of it.
I'll try to dig it out, and show it to Eddie, (If) he wants to see it.

That would be great, Jeff. I actually had you in mind when writing that!! I figured you bought a copy of it, and I know you'd definitely see Eddie again soon.


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Cool Rolling Eyes Very Happy


... the true King of the Surf Guitar is here! Probably the best post in SG101 History.

"as he stepped into the stealthy night air... little did he know the fire escape was not there"

I hear Mr. Rebel performed with Los Straight Jackets today. I sure hope some pics & video turn up!

I was going to give a chance to others to ask some questions, but seeing as there are none, I'll jump in again!

And Leo had built me two beautiful strats. I have always preferred the look of a strat over a Jag.

Leo BUILT you TWO Strats? Can you tell us how that came about?

So, the Strat you're playing in the photo above is not the same sunburst Strat you had when you were in the Belairs?

Also, I read somewhere that Eddie & the Showmen were supposed to record a full-length LP sometime in '64. Is that true, and if yes, why didn't it happen? Did you feel that you got enough label support for your releases in general?


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Hi Ivan,

I had painted my jag black, fading into silver...sort of a "black sunburst" if you will.
I liked the idea, so I asked Leo if he would make me a black sunburst metalflake strat. He built two actually. One was very classy, subtle flakes really bitchin lookin' guitar. The other one was way too "pretty" for me...a bit femimine. Kathy Marshall wound up with that one.

So...the strat in that picture is the "black sunburst metalflake" I liked. I traded the strat I used in the Bel Airs for the jag.

Don't know who might have said that, but no one told me about an LP.

NO! Ivan I did not get enough support. Grrrrrrr

Thanks Man,

Eddie, thanks so much for all the answers - that is seriously nice of you. I hope you don't mind all the questions. If you do, please feel free to stop answering at any time. You've already been extremely generous with your time!

Wow, a black-sunburst metalflake! That must have looked amazing! How long did you keep that one? Did Leo charge you for these guitars or give 'em to you free? What about the amps? (How many Showmans did you have while in E&TS, anyway? Were there just a few you always used or did you go through them one after another?)

Can you tell us more about your relationship with Leo? Did he have you test-drive much stuff for him? He had a close relationship with Dale, too - did he ever talk to you about him?

Speaking of DD, I suppose that you noticed that his version of "Mexico" and of course "Taco Wagon" seemed to sound more than a bit like "Border Town" - do you think he was influenced by your song? (I suspect you don't know, but just speculate.)

Finally, how much attention did you pay to the surf music scene at the time? Did you go see other bands and feel some competition with them, or were you just doing your thing and didn't care what the others were doing? Were there any guitarists and/or bands around that time that seriously impressed you or even made you sweat a bit?

Thanks again in advance!

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A few more questions: 1) whatever happened to Kathy Marshall? Have you by any chance had any contact with her over the last 30 years? It's a real shame that she never recorded anything. It sounds like she could really rip it up.

2) When did E&TS call it quits? What led to that final decision? Was it difficult to break up that band? What was your next project following the E&TS breakup? Were you glad to be done with surf music at the time, or did you regret that people didn't want to hear it anymore?


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Best. Thread. Ever.

I was gonna ask the Kathy Marshall question too. Smile

I should format this into an interview article when we are all done. Thumbs Up

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