Posted on Jan 15 2025 10:02 AM
Danny is on point and thanks, by the way, Danny, for mentioning the stem splitter. I have not used it but now I can see the temptation! To one of your other points, canned drums have helped me a ton.
Although not a hotshot - I'm a fan of recording technology. A few random thoughts below ...
From personal experience, GarageBand is and was a great tool for drafting ideas but depending on the standard you wish to achieve and the type of manipulation you want to indulge in, Logic is much better. Par Avion's Prickly Pear was 100% done in Logic although stems and individual source files were delivered to a mixer but only after reference mixes were created. I also had outside musicians send in files such as harmonica and strings. Between you and me, I hate the idea of going through all of these steps but Logic was powerful enough to deliver the right file formats etc. etc. PP was funded by BMG so I had to step up my game. In fact, file formats is one of the benefits of Logic that is cited in a video that I checked up on YouTube upon reading this thread - link below. Sometimes people (like editors for film/tv etc.) ask for curious file formats although there are certainly standards. Logic can provide.
I seem to recall having more efficiency in Logic because of the wealth of key commands. I don't seem to remember GB having that vocabulary.
A funny example for fun and sort of a hack: The guitar riff that I wrote for Said the Ripper that wound up being used on a hit in Japan was whimsically drafted in GarageBand - it was exported and integrated into a larger project in a "proper" studio using ProTools - what I am saying is that it was started in GarageBand - kinda cool me thinks. Perhaps the moral to that story is simply to stay creative no matter what your system is.
I think that there are references out there of big name albums (albeit not surf) that "got away" with GarageBand. I know I am rambling but another cool thing about Logic is that it's not that expensive relative to other DAW systems. These are different times and, for me, it's great to plop myself down in a coffee shop for 10 minutes and listen in headphones to a mix or scrutinize a sax riff someone sent from Denmark or across the street etc.
Not sure if that helped but, let's just say: I don't think you will regret using Logic
Prickly Pear: https://bit.ly/paravionpricklypear <- link is sometimes buggy.
Creepy Nuts feat. guitar riff done in GB: https://bit.ly/creepynutsmeetsaidtheripper
GarageBand v Logic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=ylYcVkupMYo
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Last edited: Jan 15, 2025 10:05:03