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Permalink Flash Photography at Shows

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I hate to use flash when trying to photograph a band in a dark club, but I haven't had very good results without it. I'd love to hear some opinions.


I'm all for using flash at shows but the results are usually terrible. I get better shots by using existing light and fixing them in is hard if there are no stage lights. Flash shots look harsh and amatuer unless you have have a big rig and are bouncing the light off a wall or ceiling but that is difficult with digital cameras. Otherwise you get flare spots, washed out color and hard shadows. Digital cameras pick up low light and colors very nicely. Get a tripod.

If someone likes our band enough to take tons of pictures of us using a flash I consider it flattering.

The Exotics 1994-Current
The Chickenshack -

I agree that flash looks harsh and prefer not to use it anyway. But when stage lighting is relatively poor and I can't use a tripod (crowd), the results are often too blurry to fix. That's when I wonder whether I should use the flash or just forget the pictures.


If girls in the audience want to flash us, that's fine. Photographers too.


I ticked "discretion" but that's more as an audience member - on stage it doesnt really bother me. But the ones we've got were either small cameras with integrated flash which you hardly see, or pro cameras where you dont need flash.

I agree tho that best pics are made without flash. get an 800ASA film and set camera and have it developped as 3200 ... gives a great grain and contrast too. and ggood digital cameras can handle it too.

Me personally I suck at taking pictures though.

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Who cares? I love Elvis footage from the 70s when there are 30,000 instamatic flash cubes going off at once. It's awesome.
A bunch of people aiming their phones at you is harder to get used to. We are like cavemen frozen in ice only to be awakened in your modern society.

It's a rawk show not a funeral. Flash all you want!!

Atomic Mosquitos
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Lots of flashing means they like you, deal with it.
A bad photo is worse than no photo. However I have gotten a lot of use out of bad photos by making silhouettes out of the figures or by combining elements from several (see Slacktone logo). With Photoshop you can get creative and make art from garbage.

Some of the bands I have videoed recently were in clubs where the lighting was really poor. The resulting video was not very good. I do have a system that has a light on top of the camera but it is limited & I try to be respectful & not shine it in the performers eyes so I have rarely used it. When recording the show, I want to blend in as much as possible & not be part of the show or spoil it for others. I'd like to get some aux lighting I can use in dark clubs & not compromise the performance.

When you see someone taking a picture of you and your band with flash or without it, you sorta feel like a celebrity
ha ha ha Laughing Just kidding.
But seriously, if someone uses their camera flash it means that they want to remember that moment, and they want to get a good picture of your band so you should feel lucky of someone flashes you during a show.

Augusto Vite

If someone likes our band enough to take tons of pictures of us using a flash I consider it flattering.

+1 Up until recently, we haven't had many live shots. One of my co-workers has been coming to gigs snapping pics like mad lately, so we have a pretty good archive started.

My wife has always felt terrible about flashing away at the shows, but it is the only way she can get a decent shot in those dark clubs. Often the band will ask the house to turn down the stage lights because they are too hot, or are in their eyes. And the band is wearing dark clothing, making pictures even harder to get. Oh well, I hope no band she has captured was upset with us. A few times she asked or asked me to ask if it was ok. The few times we did the bands always said "SURE!!!"...but she still felt bad about it...LOL.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

When I am playing I hardly notice anything. Anyone else the same? Onstage is the most extreme case, but it is the same thing even when practicing at home. (I have had long, coherent conversations with my wife and remembered <i>nothing</i> of it. It has gotten me into trouble on a few occasions.) So I never notice the flashes much.

I do notice the flash when other bands are on and it is a little distracting from an audience point of view. So what? It is rock and roll.

Now, at the symphony, running up to the front of the stage and taking more than 3 or 4 flashes is rude, I think. Wink


Take a handful of pictures with flash if you are doing because you enjoy the band. Don't sit and take a ton with flash. Most clubs have enough lighting to take pictures without flash if you know what you are doing with the camera. A picture with flash is going to look much more professional.

I do feel like a bit of a rockstar with some flashing going on during our set, but I agree that, given enough light, flashless pics almost always look worlds better.


Never been an issue with us, all the old girls go after our singer which is kinda amusing.

I say flash em if you've got em.

Most clubs have enough lighting to take pictures without flash if you know what you are doing with the camera. A picture with flash is going to look much more professional.

Contradictory statements?

Anyway your first statement has been not true in our experience. They are mostly dark seedy dungeons. And my wife knows how to use a camera.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Dark seedy dungeons, indeed.

A picture with flash is going to look much more professional.

If it's a professional shot you shouldn't even notice if it's flash or not. I've been a professional photographer for the County Hospital for 15 years and I think I know what I'm doing with a camera, digital or film. If the light is too low it really doesn't matter if you know what you're doing or not, any good shots will be pure luck unless you like blur and grain. Of course, there are different ideas as to what a good shot is...Ansel Adams said he felt lucky to get one good a year.

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