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This is the Rob Zombie and Ghastly Ones song from Halloween Hootenanny cd.
why its put to this cartoon, I dont know, but it kinda works.


Not a video but quite spooky nonetheless:

Frank N. Stein and the Abominable Surf Men : The Monster Surfer

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Jeff that's a cool video, I'm a big sucker when it comes to Halloween based garage/surf music Drool I love it! thanks for sharing.


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Not a video but quite spooky nonetheless:

Frank N. Stein and the Abominable Surf Men : The Monster Surfer

Holy SH*t Klas where did you find this cut? I've been searching for years for this track!!!! do you have any more spook surf???


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Ok anyone here remember this one? growing up in Socal they use to air it on channel 5 around the Halloween season.

Mad monster party trailer clip check it out! from 1967


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Not a video but quite spooky nonetheless:

Frank N. Stein and the Abominable Surf Men : The Monster Surfer

Holy SH*t Klas where did you find this cut? I've been searching for years for this track!!!! do you have any more spook surf???


I have it on the great My Son The Surf Nut LP although the mp3 I posted was taken from a halloween internet comp called Ghouls With Attitude (track 9 on vol. 1). Also check out track 10 "Surfer Smash" by Bobby "Boris" Jones.

Then there's of course also the Deadly Ones album which is reissued on CD.


Ok anyone here remember this one? growing up in Socal they use to air it on channel 5 around the Halloween season.

Mad monster party trailer clip check it out! from 1967

Yeah, that's a really cool movie. The Ghastly Ones video should have used footage from that one instead.

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Wild vid Jeff!

Ditto on being a big sucker when it comes to Halloween based garage/surf music.

Klas, thanks for posting The Monster Surfer. Killer cut!

Who reissued the Deadly Ones lp?
Been searching for that one with no luck so far.

The Thunderchiefs

Who reissued the Deadly Ones lp?

Collectables reissued it in the U.S. but it was also put out (as a twofer with the Aki Aleong and the Nobles album) by the German Surf bootleg label. The Collectables release seems to be out of print but there are new copies from Amazon market sellers from $12.49.

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Duh, I always forget about Amazon.

Thanks Klas.

The Thunderchiefs

You beat me to it Klas Laughing searched @ but they don't issue it any more so Shaun grab a copy before they go kat go, I bought mine when it came out in 2001

Also try It's Monster Surfing Time they got 1 at $20 bones, only 1 copy Crying

Also remember this one guys? The Ghouls aka Super Stocks, The Hondells
I was able to find an official reissue of it by capitol records from "One Way Records" these guys re-issued all those double album Venture cds, the real deal I found it on 9 years ago, not a boot-leg, under the disc near the circle it says "mastered by EMI MFG."

If you get a chance grab a copy of this 2 disc set boot-leg "The Complete Frankie Stein and his ghouls" this disc is boss! I bought my copy through these guys, just shoot them an email about how to order and he'll hook you up with a paypal invoice A+ service!!!



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Not surf music related, but if you enjoy horror stuff, here's my small contribution to the Halloween thread.

Ivonna Cadaver...

a little touch of horror...


Sound of the Surf, the movie
Facebook SOTS

Thanks for the links Kyle!

The Thunderchiefs

Also remember this one guys? The Ghouls aka Super Stocks, The Hondells

Man, I knew I had forgot to mention a really important album!

I was able to find an official reissue of it by capitol records from "One Way Records"

I didn't even know One Way Records reissued the Ghouls album although I have their double disc of the 3 Mr. Gasser and the Weirdos albums. Sundazed was supposed to reissue the Ghouls LP (and the Mr. Gasser ones) about a year ago but all was cancelled in the last minute for some reason. It's still listed on Amazon and hopefully they will be able to sort things out.

If you get a chance grab a copy of this 2 disc set boot-leg "The Complete Frankie Stein and his ghouls" this disc is boss!

I second the recommendation for Frankie Stein. There is actually an official CD including selected songs from the original 5 LPs, mastered from (though in some cases bad sounding) master tapes and released on the original label, Power Records.

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Ghouls With Attitude

For a totally great horror instro, check out track 15 on vol. 1, Kenny and The Fiends "House on Haunted Hill" (click track numbers to listen or download). The whole comp is great and well worth to download if you're into 60s horror novelties or just need something exciting to play over halloween.

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

thanks for all the links to everything.
I love Halloween and all things spooky.

its my favorite Holiday.



Did Sundazed ever give any reason for why these were cancelled?

I really was looking foreward to getting the Mr. Gasser stuff and Drac's Duece.


Also remember this one guys? The Ghouls aka Super Stocks, The Hondells

Man, I knew I had forgot to mention a really important album!

I was able to find an official reissue of it by capitol records from "One Way Records"

I didn't even know One Way Records reissued the Ghouls album although I have their double disc of the 3 Mr. Gasser and the Weirdos albums. Sundazed was supposed to reissue the Ghouls LP (and the Mr. Gasser ones) about a year ago but all was cancelled in the last minute for some reason. It's still listed on Amazon and hopefully they will be able to sort things out.

If you get a chance grab a copy of this 2 disc set boot-leg "The Complete Frankie Stein and his ghouls" this disc is boss!

I second the recommendation for Frankie Stein. There is actually an official CD including selected songs from the original 5 LPs, mastered from (though in some cases bad sounding) master tapes and released on the original label, Power Records.

Did Sundazed ever give any reason for why these were cancelled?

I really was looking foreward to getting the Mr. Gasser stuff and Drac's Duece.

I read somewhere that they were cancelled because of legal issues. However, such things can often be sorted out so hopefully they will get reissued in a not too distant future. I just sent an e-mail to Sundazed asking about any news on it.

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Let us know if you hear anything Klas. I think a lot of people would be interested in these reissues.

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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea


The entire Ghouls LP is on this Hondells collection:


I bought a copy last night despite the horrendous cover art. I may be mistaken, but I think it's OOP as well. Three of the Ghouls instros are on this comp, which is so great that everyone should own at least three copies:



That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

Let us know if you hear anything Klas. I think a lot of people would be interested in these reissues.

I just got a reply from Sundazed. For some reason they chose not to answer the question about being able to release it later on.


can you tell me what happened with the Ghouls "Dracula's Deuce" album, that was supposed to get a reissue from Sundazed about a year ago. Why was it cancelled and do you expect to be able to reissue it in the future?



EMI, who we were licensing it from held it up do to some ownership issues beyond our control.

Best regards,

Tim Livingston
Sundazed Music

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Last edited: Sep 26, 2007 13:48:40

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