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There's lots of authentic Mexican food in California, and probably all over the Southwestern US. There are a lot of Mexicans here, after all. You just have to find the small family-run businesses and avoid the big Americanized chain restaurants.

Yeah that's true, small family-run businesses are always the best places to eat at. No matter the country or culture.

small, family owned businesses are the best for everything. (i'm prejudiced of course).

Mmmm.... Mission District burritos.....


small, family owned businesses are the best for everything. (i'm prejudiced of course).

How about guitars?


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Man, I'm hungy now........
late night food run!!! WOOHOO!!

momsurfing_ tacos

double mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... fish tacos, preferably on the beach with the fish caught this morning. Fresh limes spicy salsa and cerveza. OOOhh.

Outsides???? sound good to you?

BTD- gotta be soft shell (what did your Dr. say about fried foods?)


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yeah I know, but if you wanna get technical about it, the tortillas are bad uncooked also.
fried is just worse.



Mmmm.... Mission District burritos.....


Damn right, brotha!!!

Science friction burns my fingers.


Mmmm.... Mission District burritos.....


Damn right, brotha!!!

Hell yes.


small, family owned businesses are the best for everything. (i'm prejudiced of course).

How about guitars?


i've bought all of my music stuff from two very cool and well stocked family owned businesses.



Mmmm.... Mission District burritos.....


Damn right, brotha!!!

Hell yes.

We should do a SG101 meet up at La Cumbre or El Farolito before a show some day...


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I always try to do a meet up for dinner before shows,
sometimes its just 2 of us. sometimes we can get up to about 8.

but that is few and far between.
everybody had such hectic schedulles, i'm just happy if they come to the show.

but it is cool to actually sit down and eat and talk to people without music blarring at you.



We should do a SG101 meet up at La Cumbre or El Farolito before a show some day...


Good idea! I vote El Farolito!

Science friction burns my fingers.

double mmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... fish tacos, preferably on the beach with the fish caught this morning. Fresh limes spicy salsa and cerveza. OOOhh.

Outsides???? sound good to you?


Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy You know I love fish tacos!

We should do a SG101 meet up at La Cumbre or El Farolito before a show some day...


I'm game. Smile Great idea!


I'm coming up for the Oct 21st show at hotel Utah.
is either of those places close to the Utah?

would anybody want to meet up before that show?

although they do have to die for burgers at the Hotel Utah....
hmmmmm decisions decisions.

but I'd like to meet up with some Nor. Cal. Hodads before the show.
say noonish.



All this talk of mexican food, tacos, fish tacos is making me angry that I live by no good mexican restaraunts...

I am super sweet

I'm down for whatever Mexican food anyone wants in SF.


I'm down for whatever Mexican food anyone wants in SF.


How about one of those nacho hats? I can try to hook that up, but I don't know if I'd be able to wear it on the plane...


I'm down for whatever Mexican food anyone wants in SF.


How about one of those nacho hats? I can try to hook that up, but I don't know if I'd be able to wear it on the plane...

Yayyyy!!! Now Jon gets to be a "Nacho Man"!!!!


cheap, convenient, and portable...

uh-huh... and therein lies the problem with the average Joe's palate over there and down here too! The "Maccas" generation (and that means all of those fast food chains, not just Macdonalds) want it now, want it cheap and want it portable. That's no way to enjoy good food!

I refuse to buy from "fast food" chains... it's all garbage!

PS: I had the misfortune of being taken to a Taco Bell in LA when I was there.



I'm down for whatever Mexican food anyone wants in SF.


How about one of those nacho hats? I can try to hook that up, but I don't know if I'd be able to wear it on the plane...

Yayyyy!!! Now Jon gets to be a "Nacho Man"!!!!



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