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Permalink The Madeira 20th anniversary!

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IvanP wrote:

OTD In 2004, the Madeira played our first show, with The Volcanos and the Troubadours - and the first of many, many, many times that we played "Sandstorm" live! Huge thanks to our dear friend Brian Neal who traveled all the way from Iowa and shot this video, such a treat to be able to revisit it! Really hard to believe it's been 20 years... (On bass was Scott Waddell, who was with us for about the first year, Todd joining us in the spring of 2005.)

I'm also attaching the second video shot by Brian at that show, of us playing "Planet of the Apes" by the Space Cossacks. In the beginning our setlist did have a few Cossacks tracks since the band broke up a few years earlier. It was fun seeing how different the tracks ended up sounding with the different musicians!


(BTW, we've got a show lined up for next month - and with the Volcanos again, no less! It'll be on Saturday, July 13th, at Tip Top Deluxe in Grand Rapids, MI, and we'll also be joined by Kitten and the Tonics as well as the Chris Casello Trio. Hope to see some of you there!

Wow, thanks for sharing! Very different energy from Space Cossacks, arrangement also differ but it gives some new vibe to these tunes. Nice!

Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver

I truly cannot believe it has been 20 years. I remember being very excited to see all the bands that night. And please correct me if I am wrong, but I think this was the show that The Volcanos showed up to as a 3 piece. Their bass player dropped out and they didn't want to disappoint anyone so Chris played bass and Rick played all the lead parts.

The Madeira (and Ivan's friendship) have been a big part of my life for the last 20 years. Here's to many many more!

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