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Permalink Fender Cables - any experience

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Can anyone give me an opinion on the Fender guitar cables? Tone and durability, mainly. I'm looking at the Deluxe series specifically. They look pretty beefy and the plugs look very tough. Just wondering if they are as good as they look!

In the past I've used D'Addario cables which boasted a lifetime guarantee which was great, but around the time mine started failing, they disappeared from the shops, and that was the end of that.

At the moment I'm using home made cables using Van Damme cable and Amphenol plugs.

[I know there are other brands out there but I just want an opinion on the Fender Deluxe series, please. The choice for equipment is not so large since the UK left the EU.]

All of my cables are Fender coiled. Like them. But mostly use wireless during the last 4 years.

Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver

I love fender Cables. I own the woven black coily cable and a white Coily cable

both are good cables and great quality. There is some major weight to em and gold connectors

Fender cables are good quality. I use Rattlesnake cables, which are excellent quality - perhaps even amazing Smile Transparent (don't affect tone) and tough.

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Thoroughly satisfied with my coiled one although when doing fly-outs, I sometimes opt for a lighter weight alternate (although less attractive). In other words, the coiled ones weigh a lot - at least the one I have.


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I pretty much switched all my cables to Fender. But I like the Fender Professional Series. They are made from some weird thicker black rubber, but they are real bendable even though they don't look like it.

I use Whirlwind cables. I have several and they’ve lasted me for years (decades, in fact), They also came with lifetime guarantees, but don’t seem to be available any more, unfortunately. I do have a couple of Fender cables, which are absolutely fine. I can’t say that I’ve ever noticed any good quality, robust cable (and the fenders fall into that category) to have an influence on tone, although the general advice is not to use cables that are longer than needed.

Good quality cables tend to be expensive, but my experience is that they’re worth the investment. Buy cheap, buy twice (or multiple times), but I think you know that.

Los Fantasticos

Last edited: Apr 17, 2024 00:53:37

Thanks for everyone who took the time to respond. I'll add a couple of cables to my scant birthday present list.

Jon - after checking out Whirlwind cables, it turns out I have one and have had it for years which correlates with your statement. It has two straight jacks on it though, which is less convenient for a Jazzmaster.

Durability, quality? I have a Fender cable I’ve had since 1994 that still works flawlessly. Tone? I don’t buy into the idea that any decent cable is going to give any noticeable difference in tone. Hendrix, Dale, and so on never stressed over having all Monster cables.

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