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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Surf Music General Discussion »

Permalink What's the best website for European shows and a list of European bands?

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We all know how great this site is as if it weren't I wouldn't be here. Wondering on the possibility of a dedicated website to European shows. I've bought round trip tickets to go to Copenhagen in the summer and in doing this in between jobs will be able to be in Europe several weeks. I did buy a rail pass. I strongly am considering going to Surfer Joe (more actually likely) although my emphasis is to do a loop through Norway, Sweden, Finland, the Baltics, Poland, Germany and back to Denmark with detours if time permits. There is so much stuff from Scandinavian surf bands I'm actually afraid I might forget a band and once I get back to the states have regret of missing a show (it happens enough here in the states). Really hoping to see a ton of shows in Helsinki as there are quite a few bands I like from there. A few good surf record shops would be great too or maybe I could order titles from all over the continent on Discogs to be sent to a post office general delivery? I know and have bought from Green Cookie but if I they're in Greece.

Also for bonus points listen to metal too if there are any festivals to check out. Huge fan of the Truckfighters, Kadavar and just starting to get into Slift (I know, not Nordic but French band that sounds like Lemmy era Hawkwind... Ummon might be one of the greatest songs I've ever heard) as well as stuff like Amon Amarth and Heidevolk. Really hoping to see a ton of shows while in Europe. If this is too long or deviated off topic too much, I apologize.

Off the top of my head, I really like from those areas the Doltones, the Hypnomen, the Mobsmen, Burt Rocket, the Surfites, the Daytonas, the Space Rangers, El Supernaut, Husky and the Sandmen, Laika and the Cosmonauts (retired), Happy Times, the Wanglers, Tremelo Beer Gut, Surfpatrouille, and the Kilaueas...

Not sure about all the mentioned countries but in Germany there is no single source of information on surf shows (as well as other club events). Mostly you get information from FB events, clubs-venues pages, band pages and your FB friends living in different areas. So it’s not easy for a traveler. I think I may advise some German shows cause I keep an eye and go there if it’s not far. I also keep an eye on Netherlands or Belgium cause it’s also a driving distance for me.

Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver

Last edited: Jan 19, 2024 12:49:57

I know it’s a lot of work, but always best to just follow a lot of bands pages.


Hey empty glass! - check out this calendar of European surf shows set up by the guy(s) who organize the Sunburn surf festival in Tilburg (the Netherlands):

Of course it isn't a comprehensive list but it seems that quite a few bands know about it and list their shows on it. It is especially good for keeping track of bands from the Netherlands, Belgium, UK and France, it seems. Worth a look!

As for lists of bands, there are a few good series of compilations of currently active bands from individual countries, e.g.


United Kingdom (i.e. Brighton and Tyneside ;)) :

Andy Wellens, who is on here, recently furnished us with a long list of Belgian surf bands:

Following bands pages on social media as Jeff says is a good idea, but for some reason the algorithms love telling me about those shows just AFTER they happen, so its worth using a variety of resources!

Steve_Pisteve wrote:

Hey empty glass! - check out this calendar of European surf shows set up by the guy(s) who organize the Sunburn surf festival in Tilburg (the Netherlands):

Of course it isn't a comprehensive list but it seems that quite a few bands know about it and list their shows on it. It is especially good for keeping track of bands from the Netherlands, Belgium, UK and France, it seems. Worth a look!

As for lists of bands, there are a few good series of compilations of currently active bands from individual countries, e.g.


United Kingdom (i.e. Brighton and Tyneside ;)) :

Andy Wellens, who is on here, recently furnished us with a long list of Belgian surf bands:

Following bands pages on social media as Jeff says is a good idea, but for some reason the algorithms love telling me about those shows just AFTER they happen, so its worth using a variety of resources!

Thanks, I didn’t know about this calendar!

Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver

Steve_Pisteve wrote:

Hey empty glass! - check out this calendar of European surf shows set up by the guy(s) who organize the Sunburn surf festival in Tilburg (the Netherlands):

Of course it isn't a comprehensive list but it seems that quite a few bands know about it and list their shows on it. It is especially good for keeping track of bands from the Netherlands, Belgium, UK and France, it seems. Worth a look!

Thanks for the shout-out, Steve! Glad to see more and more people are aware of its existence.

I started Surfin’ Europe because I wanted to discover more surf bands myself. But I often found out about nearby gigs only after the fact. So I started keeping an eye out for gigs and put them all on my calendar. And then I figured it might be useful for others too.

Unfortunately not all that many bands seem to know about it yet, so it's still mainly a lot of work on my part to collect all the data, and sometimes to even make sense of it ;P

Bands and organizers who want to make sure their events make it to the calendar, can help by sending in their data (in plain text English please!). See for instructions.

For those interested in what bands are playing where, you can filter gigs by country.
Surfin’ Europe is based on Google Calendar, so if your calendar software is compatible with that, then you can even subscribe to the separate country calendars.

Surfin’ Europe – Surf gigs in Europe
The Malbehavers – Instrumental Surf Music from Tilburg (NL)
Tout Tilburg Surft – Malbehavers’ debut EP

Last edited: Jan 22, 2024 09:31:12

Steve_Pisteve wrote:

Hey empty glass! - check out this calendar of European surf shows set up by the guy(s) who organize the Sunburn surf festival in Tilburg (the Netherlands):

Of course it isn't a comprehensive list but it seems that quite a few bands know about it and list their shows on it. It is especially good for keeping track of bands from the Netherlands, Belgium, UK and France, it seems. Worth a look!

As for lists of bands, there are a few good series of compilations of currently active bands from individual countries, e.g.


United Kingdom (i.e. Brighton and Tyneside ;)) :

Andy Wellens, who is on here, recently furnished us with a long list of Belgian surf bands:

Following bands pages on social media as Jeff says is a good idea, but for some reason the algorithms love telling me about those shows just AFTER they happen, so its worth using a variety of resources!

Great resource! Thank you as this was just the information what I was looking for. Smile

Thanks for the calendar, as a European it's useful to know what's happening.

I would suggest Bandcamp, but you have to know what bands to follow. Usually the ones that play the most festivals so you get to find out what's happening. Follow Surfer Joe (Lorenzo, rather than the festival) as he is usually promoting a lot of shows.

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