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Permalink DIY Metal Flake paint job

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Happy New Years fellow Surf Gs!

I posted interest on the "Sparkle Guitar is IN" thread about a month ago asking about certain products for DIY paint jobs using just rattle-can methods.

Someone had directed me to Roth Rattle Bomb website where I found some excellent resources.

I ordered a kit which comes with mostly everything you need, less the auto primer.
"Custard Pie" was my choice to change from the Squier VM Jaguar Arctic White.

At this stage of progress I am pleased with results.
Still have the gloss coats to go, which is a 2 part can that mixes with a button on the bottom.
I used this bicycle mechanic stand to hold a pvc tube that the guitar paint stick would fit and rotate for spraying.

I will post more pictures when completed!
I plan to use the same mint pickguard which is a great match.




Last edited: Dec 31, 2023 14:51:29

Looks great

I love these metalflake finishes.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.


Last edited: Jan 31, 2024 15:27:39

Dig it! Wish I had that kind of skill (and patience.....mostly patience). Can't wait to see the end result!

Bango Rilla!

DiPintos, Fenders and Reverb (oh, my!)

The GO-GO Rillas
Bandcamp | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube | TikTok | Threads: thegogorillas | Spotify

Did you buy that rig to paint it?

N0_Camping4U wrote:

Did you buy that rig to paint it?<

No, I had this bicycle mechanic stand already.
The pvc fit perfectly in the clamp.
I did make the neck stick tho from heavy dowel and plywood.

Love it!

I have had this project on hold for a while but now getting back into completion.
There were a couple setbacks with paint runs causing a redo.
The weather also had been seriously wet or cold and a patiently waited for low humidity.
But now it's looking real good and I can see the end in sight!


Nice work.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

Finally completed this paint job and I am thrilled with the results.
I am by no means a painter, and I certainly had a fair amount of challenges.
Still tho, for a rattle-can job this is premium!

I bought more products from Roth Rattle Bomb, got more of the Custard Pie sparkle.but also some Custard Pie Kandy.
This Kandy clear coat is slightly pigmented to match the sparkle Custard Pie and makes the depth of sparkle really come out.
The final coat of 3max was interesting, a red button on bottom of can is pressed and mixes a 2 part epoxy based formula. Seriously hazardous and flammable. I was nervous about using it. I waited for a favorable weather day and did setup nearly outside with lots of fan ventilation. It really went on smooth.

I had started painting the headstock and something went wrong, it all came off, and fortunately I could restore the natural enamel and the logo.
Just as well because this Custard Pie sparkle would have had new sticker logos completely disappear.

This particular Squier Jaguar has had more upgrades than anything I have done before.
It's nearly all Fender US hardware with the latest being an AVRI tremelo.

But the custom fit Jeff Beck Stratocaster high output pickups is simply the best!
Remarkable surf tone, and no hum!
I think it's my favorite guitar!
Painting was a good project but a lot of work.

I have another can of Roth "WunderBomb" which is a one step process.
I can't imagine that it would be nearly as good as this result.
I am now officially in "Sparkle club"


That’s a very rich color. That finish looks exceptionally deep.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

Bet that looks amazing in person! Way to go!

Bango Rilla!

DiPintos, Fenders and Reverb (oh, my!)

The GO-GO Rillas
Bandcamp | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube | TikTok | Threads: thegogorillas | Spotify

Well I'm back at it again with the next Roth Rattle Bomb flake paint job!
This time working a Telecaster equipped with TV JONES Filtertrons.
I had a Bigsby tremelo on this a while back and although it was cool, I liked the feel of the Tele with just a hard tail bridge.
So, the old holes needed filling, why not do a complete repaint.
The Roth products are really quite good giving professional finishes, possible for the amateur painter as myself.
The previous Jaguar Custard Pie flake came out beautiful and better than I expected.
So the Telecaster is going to get "Tropicali Flake and Candy"

I began by filling holes with Bondo and a prime coat of Rustoleum Auto Primer.
Sand & wetsand.
Next is the Roth Base coat of Tropicali.
Need a dry set then onto the flake tomorrow.


Last edited: Jul 11, 2024 18:59:02

Good to see you, dude.

You gotta love that color. I’m looking forward to the next installment.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

I paint fairly often, mostly hot rod projects. The modern spray can products that are catalyzed allow people without equipment to get good results for a minimum investment. I'm glad you have found this to add to the enjoyment of your hobby. Looking forward to completion. Smile

After a disastrous epic FAIL I began over from scratch!!

I had started to spray the metal flake and it suddenly turned the orange base milky white. I stopped and contacted Roth for advice.
They explained that was a direct result of high humidity. I live on Cape Cod beach environment and Summertime is fairly humid.

Being determined for success, I began the project over, stripping down to wood.

There was possibly another issue with using the Rustoleum brown auto primer. I used a white Krylon primer for this next round and it is coming out great.
The Tropicali base coat went on clean and smooth.

Next application was the metal flake, using 'Acid Trip' holographic large flake.
I was able to get to this stage quite well working in weather window of low humidity.
But now back to waiting for the next break in this steamy environment.
This will take time and I plan to be patient.
It's tough to see the metal flake in these pictures and we need to wait for the gloss coats to bring it out.
Next step is Kandy.
Then the gloss with steps of wet-sanding.


Last edited: Jul 23, 2024 06:54:33

It’s a shame that all that effort, not to mention the costly paint, were lost, but it looks like you are bouncing back well. That color coat looks amazingly smooth. Rattle cans have come a long way.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

Finally had better dry weather to shoot the flake and Kandy coats, then into the final steps of gloss.
I need one more wet sand and gloss coat and it's done.
The Kandy added quite a change with depth and color shifting between tints of orange.
Sunlight plays wild tricks!


That back is amazing.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

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