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Every forum and site I am a member of have these features. Even the professional forums I am a member of. It greatly helps with engagement and allows members to react to something said or posted without a lot of commitment. This site desperately needs one.

The Kahuna Kings

If this site had many, many more posts, it might be helpful. As it is, I have no problem reading every post that seems interesting to me.

The most helpful thing for me is for posters to ensure they have descriptive titles of their posts.

If I'd stop buying old guitars to fix, I might actually learn to play.
Bringing instruments back to life since 2013.

ldk wrote:

If this site had many, many more posts, it might be helpful. As it is, I have no problem reading every post that seems interesting to me.

The most helpful thing for me is for posters to ensure they have descriptive titles of their posts.

It's my opinion that the site would have more activity and possibly more content if it had a simpler way to engage a post or a comment. I just read a great comment on another thread that I completely agree with and was spot on. A simple like button would have engaged the person. Every forum in the world and social media does this.

The Kahuna Kings

Probably not going to happen.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Brian wrote:

Probably not going to happen.

If I could, I would "Like" Brian's post. Smile

If I'd stop buying old guitars to fix, I might actually learn to play.
Bringing instruments back to life since 2013.

Last edited: Dec 14, 2023 23:59:25





I like it this old school way. We have enough of fancy networks with likes and shares. Here you must say something to react, that’s right.

Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver

Brian wrote:

Probably not going to happen.

I completely understand. I've never hosted a web forum, but I would imagine it would require a completely new software package and weeks of overhaul if the current system does not have the ability.

The Kahuna Kings

Last edited: Dec 15, 2023 05:27:34

Brian wrote:

Probably not going to happen.

I, for one, appreciate the simplicity of the current site. If I like something, I comment, it’s that simple.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

Now that I've been here for a while, I find this forum refreshingly simple and low-tech - and I mean that 100% as a compliment. It's nice to come here and engage with people when I have something to say and just read their words when I don't.

Instead of just hitting a "like" button or whatever, people have to actually put something down to engage. It's much less like rats hitting the lever for their food pellets in the lab and more like building a community.

(Don't worry ... I made an unpopular suggestion when I was new, too. I get where you're coming from.)

Project: MAYHEM by Hypersonic Secret now available!

I've asked Brian to remove the thread as it really should have been directed to him in a message. I really wasn't looking to it as a survey. My guess it could never be added without changing the entire platform. I've noticed a major decrease in any engagement on the FB surf sites also. I attribute it to our post pandemic world. I think people are burned out on engagement.

The Kahuna Kings

stratdancer wrote:

I've asked Brian to remove the thread as it really should have been directed to him in a message. I really wasn't looking to it as a survey. My guess it could never be added without changing the entire platform. I've noticed a major decrease in any engagement on the FB surf sites also. I attribute it to our post pandemic world. I think people are burned out on engagement.

I think that the level,of engagement suggested by Facebook, etc. is wearisome. I enjoy posting, but I also value my privacy, and I don’t feel any need to publicly state my likes and dislikes. Privacy is to precious to give away.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

chiba wrote:

(Don't worry ... I made an unpopular suggestion when I was new, too. I get where you're coming from.)

Actually Dave is an old SG101 regular (look at his number of posts). He's been absent a bit, but it's good to see you back Dave!

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

DannySnyder wrote:

chiba wrote:

(Don't worry ... I made an unpopular suggestion when I was new, too. I get where you're coming from.)

Actually Dave is an old SG101 regular (look at his number of posts). He's been absent a bit, but it's good to see you back Dave!

Thank you Danny! I guess I miss the good old days when this was a bustling community full of discussion and some lively debate. I even miss Jake! Laughing

The Kahuna Kings

Jake, if you are lurking, I truly miss you!

The Kahuna Kings

stratdancer wrote:

Every forum and site I am a member of have these features. Even the professional forums I am a member of. It greatly helps with engagement and allows members to react to something said or posted without a lot of commitment. This site desperately needs one.

No, it doesn't. And neither does the world need social media. This is a forum, which is COMPLETELY different. No destructive algorithms, no e-peen showdowns, and not very palatable to the (ADHD) masses. You want like buttons, stick to actual social media sites.

What this site "needs" is another Pulp Fiction.

Daniel Deathtide

DeathTide wrote:

stratdancer wrote:

Every forum and site I am a member of have these features. Even the professional forums I am a member of. It greatly helps with engagement and allows members to react to something said or posted without a lot of commitment. This site desperately needs one.

No, it doesn't. And neither does the world need social media. This is a forum, which is COMPLETELY different. No destructive algorithms, no e-peen showdowns, and not very palatable to the (ADHD) masses. You want like buttons, stick to actual social media sites.

What this site "needs" is another Pulp Fiction.

Very true, especially the last sentence. As to another Pulp Fiction, I’ll start right now, with my iPhone camera.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

Last edited: Dec 15, 2023 11:23:40

I realize people like different things. But I really dislike like buttons. I respectfully disagree that hittihg a like button is meaningful engagement. But beyond that, simply hitting a quote on a post one likes, then typing Like, then hitting the Submit, does exactly the same thing, and can be done in about the same, or perhaps a few seconds more, time. But perhaps in that process, one can find something meaningful to say about the topic.

I moderate over at the Steel Guitar Forum. My delving into steel guitar 20 years ago and intense engagement over there is what delayed my engagement here - I've been playing surf (and many other styles of) guitar a LOT longer than steel guitar. But what we're experiencing here is similar to what's going on with the Steel Guitar Forum. Facebook has deeply cut into most if not all forums. I guess places like the Gear Page, tdpri, and have stayed pretty busy, but think about how many more general gearheads, guitar players, and drummers there are than steel players or surf guitarists. I imagine that facebook has cut into their activity too, but perhaps it's just not as noticeable.

Anyway - IMO, this forum is excellent as-is. Not a lot of stupid blather, people here are serious about the subject. Surf and related instruumental guitar is a bit of a niche style - always has been and probably always will be - that's fine with me. I've always marched to my own drummer, and I think that is very true about a lot of people here. I do agree that it would be nice if there was more activity. But I think that's mostly up to us, isn't it?

The Delverados - surf, punk, trash, twang - Facebook
Chicken Tractor Deluxe - hardcore Americana - Facebook and Website
The Telegrassers - semi-electric bluegrass/Americana - Facebook

Sorry I didn't mean to come off abrupt. Let me expound upon my answer:

1) I'm not personally a fan of like buttons and am skeptical they increase engagement.
2) This site is running custom software written by me a long time ago and it's essentially in maintenance mode. I could code support for a like button but it's hard to muster the enthusiasm when I don't see a lot of benefit.

Sorry Dave, but I really appreciate the input and glad you are still thinking about this site and how to make it better.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

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