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Permalink Fender Blues Junior IV

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Does the Fender Blues Junior IV surf? I have a lead on one for sale for a great price and wondering if it would be worth it.

Allegedly from what I read it can get you some nice clean tones at loud volume but maybe with a little natural dirt (which is ok with me)

Also, would it be a giggable amp?

I'm not a "Fender-clean "purist, but I didn't particularly like the tonal characteristics of the early Blues Jr's. Mine was midrangey and muddy sounding. I wouldn't say that it didn't surf, but it was not a great tone, to my ears. I replaced mine with a Reverend Goblin (no longer made), which has exponetially better tone. I understand that Fender has made some enhancements to the newer Blue Jr. models, so maybe my experience doesn't apply to the one that you're considering.

Gigable? I'm no authority. I haven't actively gigged in eons. I never used mine for anything more than drummerless jams. Miking it up, and running through a P.A. would definitely work. Without reinforcement, especially with a full band, with a loud drummer, it would most likely get lost in the mix.

I'd recommend considering a Quilter Aviator Cub US. 50w, Tweed, Bownface, and Blackface Fender settings. The "sweet spot" attainable at any volume. Lightweight and portable. Great tone. A new one is less costly than a new Blue s Jr.


Last edited: Dec 09, 2023 13:15:55

RobbieReverb wrote:

I'm not a "Fender-clean "purist, but I didn't particularly like the tonal characteristics of the early Blues Jr's. Mine was midrangey and muddy sounding. I wouldn't say that it didn't surf, but it was not a great tone, to my ears. I replaced mine with a Reverend Goblin (no longer made), which has exponetially better tone. I understand that Fender has made some enhancements to the newer Blue Jr. models, so maybe my experience doesn't apply to the one that you're considering.

Gigable? I'm no authority. I haven't actively gigged in eons. I never used mine for anything more than drummerless jams. Miking it up, and running through a P.A. would definitely work. Without reinforcement, especially with a full band, with a loud drummer, it would most likely get lost in the mix.

I'd recommend considering a Quilter Aviator Cub US. 50w, Tweed, Bownface, and Blackface Fender settings. The "sweet spot" attainable at any volume. Lightweight and portable. Great tone. A new one is less costly than a new Blue s Jr.

Thanks Robbie for the Aviator Cub link….. I’ll definitely check it out!

I had a Blues Jr. II, which was modded. It was a great little amp, but much too midrangey for my tastes. I played a handful of gigs on mine, and it was ok, but nothing to write home about. It is more of a Blues amp, and that is its greatest strength.

The artist formerly known as: Synchro

When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.

I had one for several years and it surely may surf. Maybe not so classic and too midrangy but I liked it. I used Sonic Blue Twanger pedal to make it more blackface. I also giged a lot with it, you can use it in a small venue if your drummer is not too loud.

Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver

Last edited: Dec 10, 2023 03:39:33

RobbieReverb wrote:

I'm not a "Fender-clean "purist, but I didn't particularly like the tonal characteristics of the early Blues Jr's. Mine was midrangey and muddy sounding. I wouldn't say that it didn't surf, but it was not a great tone, to my ears. I replaced mine with a Reverend Goblin (no longer made), which has exponetially better tone. I understand that Fender has made some enhancements to the newer Blue Jr. models, so maybe my experience doesn't apply to the one that you're considering.

Gigable? I'm no authority. I haven't actively gigged in eons. I never used mine for anything more than drummerless jams. Miking it up, and running through a P.A. would definitely work. Without reinforcement, especially with a full band, with a loud drummer, it would most likely get lost in the mix.

I'd recommend considering a Quilter Aviator Cub US. 50w, Tweed, Bownface, and Blackface Fender settings. The "sweet spot" attainable at any volume. Lightweight and portable. Great tone. A new one is less costly than a new Blue s Jr.

Yes, now I would surely use Quilter for gigs. Pocket size and great tone, surely better in my opinion than this Blues Junior.

Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver

RobbieReverb wrote:

I'm not a "Fender-clean "purist, but I didn't particularly like the tonal characteristics of the early Blues Jr's. Mine was midrangey and muddy sounding. I wouldn't say that it didn't surf, but it was not a great tone, to my ears. I replaced mine with a Reverend Goblin (no longer made), which has exponetially better tone. I understand that Fender has made some enhancements to the newer Blue Jr. models, so maybe my experience doesn't apply to the one that you're considering.

Gigable? I'm no authority. I haven't actively gigged in eons. I never used mine for anything more than drummerless jams. Miking it up, and running through a P.A. would definitely work. Without reinforcement, especially with a full band, with a loud drummer, it would most likely get lost in the mix.

I'd recommend considering a Quilter Aviator Cub US. 50w, Tweed, Bownface, and Blackface Fender settings. The "sweet spot" attainable at any volume. Lightweight and portable. Great tone. A new one is less costly than a new Blue s Jr.

Yes, now I would surely use Quilter for gigs. Pocket size and great tone, surely better in my opinion than this Blues Junior.

Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver

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