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Posts: 26

Posted on Nov 11 2023 08:47 AM
I am a fan of Belgian guitar instrumentals (dare I say, surf music)who prefers to get his music on vinyl.
I feel duty bound to announce, if anyone missed it, that at the end of September The Vice Barons (previously Les Vice Barons) finally released their 2019 album Lookin' in the Face of Evil on vinyl. Blood red vinyl, no less.
When it came out it was their first album in 20 odd years, after 1997's "Steel Blue Moods".
Searching the forums here I found quite a few references to the Vice Barons a few years back, but not much recently, although some of the podcasts/radio shows have played tracks off Lookin' in the Face of Evil.
It is a fun album, apparently inspired by Italian 1970s film soundtracks, which I have an infinite amount of time for. There is plenty of brass and organ sounds, as there is on Steel Blue Moods. Another band with that kind of soundtrack/library influence is Stereophonic Space Sound Unlimited, although the Vice Barons don't sound much like them.
Anyway, obviously I ordered the vinyl (I never bought the album as a digital download but promised to get it on vinyl if it was ever released). So here is a picture of it, along with some other Belgian guitar instro records.

I like to think that it is possibly the greatest Belgian instrumental guitar vinyl collection currently in Hungary. Quite a boast, I know. Yes, I realise I am missing Los I missing any others? Also, to Humanga Danga: if you release any vinyl I'll buy it, I promise.
Incidentally, I am not Belgian, nor am I in any way connected to the Vice Barons, except as a fan.
Oh, and here is a great overview of the top Belgian 60s band, The Jokers by Ivan Pongracic, in case you missed it 11 years ago:
Joined: Jan 15, 2023
Posts: 26

Posted on Nov 11 2023 10:49 AM
Steve_Pisteve wrote:
I am a fan of Belgian guitar instrumentals (dare I say, surf music)who prefers to get his music on vinyl.
I feel duty bound to announce, if anyone missed it, that at the end of September The Vice Barons (previously Les Vice Barons) finally released their 2019 album Lookin' in the Face of Evil on vinyl. Blood red vinyl, no less.
When it came out it was their first album in 20 odd years, after 1997's "Steel Blue Moods".
Searching the forums here I found quite a few references to the Vice Barons a few years back, but not much recently, although some of the podcasts/radio shows have played tracks off Lookin' in the Face of Evil.
It is a fun album, apparently inspired by Italian 1970s film soundtracks, which I have an infinite amount of time for. There is plenty of brass and organ sounds, as there is on Steel Blue Moods. Another band with that kind of soundtrack/library influence is Stereophonic Space Sound Unlimited, although the Vice Barons don't sound much like them.
Anyway, obviously I ordered the vinyl (I never bought the album as a digital download but promised to get it on vinyl if it was ever released). So here is a picture of it, along with some other Belgian guitar instro records.

I like to think that it is possibly the greatest Belgian instrumental guitar vinyl collection currently in Hungary. Quite a boast, I know. Yes, I realise I am missing Los I missing any others? Also, to Humanga Danga: if you release any vinyl I'll buy it, I promise.
Incidentally, I am not Belgian, nor am I in any way connected to the Vice Barons, except as a fan.
Oh, and here is a great overview of the top Belgian 60s band, The Jokers by Ivan Pongracic, in case you missed it 11 years ago:
EDIT: I forgot to mention The Akulas, who are very cool. More vinyl I need...
Joined: Nov 05, 2023
Posts: 58
Brussels Area

Posted on Nov 11 2023 11:15 AM
You need to do your research indeed.
Succes. Cheers, Andy
— Cheers,
For the daring... and lusty!
Last edited: Nov 12, 2023 07:27:22
Joined: Jan 15, 2023
Posts: 26

Posted on Nov 11 2023 11:37 AM
Wellens_ wrote:
You nerd to do your research indeed.
Succes. Cheers, Andy
Ah, apparently I forgot the Arousals too! Sorry! Have you released anything on Bandcamp or vinyl?
Anyway, looks like you are busy playing lots of gigs, so hope to get to one next time I am in Belgium, whenever that may be.
Joined: Nov 05, 2023
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Brussels Area

Posted on Nov 11 2023 11:41 AM
I am sorry. Nerd was a spelling corrector thing.
Anyways. No worries. We did record but did not release anything. But lot's, really, lot's of bands did. Some of them had really cool sh*t.
— Cheers,
For the daring... and lusty!
Joined: Nov 05, 2023
Posts: 58
Brussels Area

Posted on Nov 12 2023 04:16 AM
Hi folks,
Who were in the Belgian instrumental(not necessarely surf) scene in 20 - 25y (or even 30) from now:
Vice Barons; cd's, vinyl
Fifty Foot Combo; cd's, vinyl
Speedball Jr; cd's, vinyl
Andrews Surfers; cd's, vinyl
Incredible Sucking Spongies; cd's, vinyl
Hawaiian Astro Boys; cd's
Ghosttones; demo cd
Dunlop Devils; demo cd
Coastals; none
Bards of Avalon; none
Hydrosonics; demo cd's
Interstellar Secret Service; demo cd?
Ohm-Men; demo cd?
Tritones; demo cd's, appearance on official Belgian movie soundtrack 'Ex-drummer'
El Zeb (F/B); vinyl
Surfbeat Club (Nl/B); vinyl
O'Haras; cd's
Vickings; cd's
Moe Greene Specials; cd's, vinyl
Reef Rider; cd
Famous Fantastix; none
Los Venturas; cd's, vinyl
FTP Surfer; none
Kaiser Bill's Batmen; live cdr
Arousals; demo tracks
Spektrums; demo cd
Hell-o-tiki; cd's, vinyl
Whodads; cd, vinyl
Revelaires; cd's, vinyl
Humanga Danga; cd's
StratoCats; demo cd
Harley & The Revtones; demo cd
Pirato Ketchup; vinyl
Hawaian Baby Woodrose; ??
Batsons; ??
Link; none
Akulas; cd's, vinyl
Poneymen; vinyl
Slingshot Bikini; none
Error Team; vinyl
Secret Fez Society; vinyl
Left Arm of Buddha; vinyl
Atlantis; cd's
Les Touristes; none
St Anna Bay Coconuts; vinyl
Astro Sonic; ??
Twilight Surfers; ??
Rencontrer l'amour; cd's
Stopping Smokers; ??
I must have forgot some, sorry for that.. feel free to add.
Of course, in the 60s, following the Shadows and Ventures craze there were lots of releasing and non-releasing Belgian instro bands. Back in the days though, most bands had lots of vocals on their setlist too. A thing bands of these days do less or not.
Fun topic 
— Cheers,
For the daring... and lusty!
Last edited: Nov 13, 2023 13:20:03
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Posted on Nov 12 2023 12:24 PM
Andy the SAB Coconuts have cds also
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
Joined: Nov 05, 2023
Posts: 58
Brussels Area

Posted on Nov 12 2023 01:55 PM
Thanks, Jeff!
— Cheers,
For the daring... and lusty!
Joined: Jan 15, 2023
Posts: 26

Posted on Nov 12 2023 04:24 PM
Wow, that is a wonderfully long list of Belgian instrumental bands. Great work, Wellens.
Back in the 1990s I noticed that Belgium has a great scene, and wondered why. Back then I didn't hear much about French surf bands (now there are plenty) but Belgium seemed to have them in spades. Belgian bands release stuff on vinyl too, unlike UK surf bands, who mostly seem to put out only CDs or digital these days.(With some exceptions, like the Atom Jacks). I fully expect to be corrected on this opinion by an outraged fellow Brit...
I actually saw El Zeb this summer in Livorno, but I don't think they brought any vinyl with them (I might be wrong). What an intense guitarist!
Santa Ana Bay Coconuts I discovered this summer when I ordered some records from Green Cookie and they generously threw in a load of free download codes, including their album Harbor City Surfing. It seems they are recording another one this week.
Anyway, I will definitely work my way through that list, thanks! No more research nerded ;)
PS I assumed that if a band has a vinyl out, they also have CDs (which aren't that interesting to me, as I don't have a CD player at home.)
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Posts: 58
Brussels Area

Posted on Nov 13 2023 01:25 PM
Belgium had quite a good scene, indeed.
With El Zeb we brought a few 7"s, cd's and guitar picks. Seb was low on stock on the vinyls and flying to Livorno wasn't making things easy to bring merch. We were happy to get our guitars there in the first place.
Anyway, stay on the lookout, Seb is ready to record a full album.
Cheers, Andy
— Cheers,
For the daring... and lusty!