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After viewing this video , I feel like I'm double picking in slooooow moooootion...

Keep watching, the ending is unreal. (as is his hairdoo)

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

That guy played at Deke Dickerson's Guitar Geek Fest 2 years back.

great technique if your into that stuff.
I can't stand the sqeeky guitar pick sound.

I couldn't wait for his 15 min to be up.



It's amazing and all that, but it is also a great example of more is less.

yeah too true,
I don't mind it as badly when he plays slow single notes in a more melodic style,
its the weedley weedley weedley stuff that bores me.
Especially the sweep picking.

check please moment for sure.



Yeah, it's yawn yawn for me, too. I like his vibrato when he actually holds a note for more than a 32nd note!

His left hand technique is incredibly fast. But the way he set up his gear, he almost doesn't need to pick at all. There is so much gain and the strings are thin as spider silk.

What I need is a speedy right hand lesson with a set of 13s.



This guy is crazy fast too: (you gotta wait through about 3.5 minutes of awesomly cheesy hair metal before the solo)

This guy is crazy fast too: (you gotta wait through about 3.5 minutes of awesomly cheesy hair metal before the solo)

And to think we almost made it two years without any videos featuring keytar.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

and that my friends is the reason Kristena hates Metal.

I thought I had put all that horrible stuff outta my mind.
but it all came rushing back.

hours of watching horrible videos on Headbangers ball to catch a few good ones.



this is what I wanted to see when I put on MTV headbangers ball

and I think this is video of the Reunion show I saw at the key club
in Hollywood,

is it me or did they get Heavier over time?



Michael Angelo is completely over the top.

But it doesn't get much faster within the context of a band and a song than the mighty DRAGONFORCE!!!!

Power metal at its more 'powerest.' Check out the solos from 3:00 to 4:15.

One of the major influences on the guitarists: early eighties video games (Pac Man, all the Atari stuff, etc.). You can definitely tell!!!


Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

But it doesn't get much faster within the context of a band and a song than the mighty DRAGONFORCE!!!!

Shocked How utterly annoying! Like playing a mozart album on 78 RPM - and then some. This actually got more on my nerves then watching my friend play Tetris at level 18-3. wow.

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."


Very 'Dethclock'

I dont know about anyone else, but I can watch these all day.

Shocked How utterly annoying!

Yeah, totally annoying to say the least, especially on a surf music forum...

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

can we move this thread to the shallow end?



can we move this thread to the shallow end?

How about just deleting it to avoid further damage?

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

Did any one catch the last part of the video!??!?!

His arms/hands are moving at inhuman speeds!

Dragonforce is hilarious, I had the pleasure of seeing them at a festival a while back.

Science friction burns my fingers.

Did any one catch the last part of the video!??!?!

His arms/hands are moving at inhuman speeds!

Im pretty sure parts of the vid are sped up.

Either way, thats some fast pickin'

If you play it backwards it says, "John is dead"...

Ron (ToneBoy)
The Mariners (1964 to Present)
Lonzo & Oscar (1999 to Present)
Billy Henson & Summerstorm (2001 to Present)

I gotta admit, I kind of dig Dragonforce.

But that could just be me. Granted, all their songs sound the same, but at least they've got good melodic structures.


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