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the Van's tennis shoe store, where the giant skate park is.




Motorhead ones?????
oh shit, talk about Dilemmas


The Motorhead ones are not the old school sk8 hi's though, they are the new school style.

I heard there is a Slayer one too but havent seen those.


Oh no! I dunno what/whos uglier the shoe or JMasics (or his purpley guitar)?

really Slayer?
or should I say SLAYYYEEEERRRRRRR!!!!



Motorhead ones?????
oh shit, talk about Dilemmas

That's no dilemma from where I'm standing. Motörhead over Maiden, any day of the week. Easily.

And good call on the proper SLAAAAAYYEERRRR! pronounciation. I'm sure Denis from the Treblemakers approves, too.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.


Motorhead ones?????
oh shit, talk about Dilemmas

That's no dilemma from where I'm standing. Motörhead over Maiden, any day of the week. Easily.

Booooooooh!!!! No way!! Motorhead's awesome, but Maiden's, well, #$*@ing MAIDEN!!!!! It doesn't get more legendary than them!


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The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Id buy neither shoes, but apart from that, Motorhead are about the hardest and truest rockers on the planet, and like Ivan said (meaning something quite different), Maiden is, well, #@$%$# Maiden. Stir the Pot Wink

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Evil Thumbs Down Fight Lucky for you I leave for the Czech Republic in just a couple of hours, so I don't have the time to pursue this. So, I'll just say: isn't it great we live in the world where you can dig both? Smile (As I did in '03 when Maiden had Motorhead (and Dio!!) open for them. Rock )


Bye all!

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

ah, the true libertarian speaking! have fun in Tsjechie as we call it. next time, travel some more in (the western part of) Europe and we can meet up. better yet, bring the rest of the band and call it a tour!!!! (yeah yeah, I know, a guy can dream right?)

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Off Topic Well, I am flying through Amsterdam! But I'll be there for 75 minutes, trying desperately to get from one plane to the other on time. I'll wave as I'm there - watch for it around 7:30 am. Very Happy


Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

As I did in '03 when Maiden had Motorhead (and Dio!!) open for them

I was at that show as well. Probably the most fun I've ever had at a concert. This thread is just begging to be diverged into a "Maiden vs. *" debacle.
Maiden Rulez!! Stir the Pot Rock

The Secret Samurai Website
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80's metal is one of my guilty pleasures, and Iron Maiden is right at the top!

This reminds me of the "Other genres of music" thread, here at The Shallow End. Being a typical Virgo, I keep my media collections in alphabetical order (then chronological order), so in perusing my collection, you'll see Iron Butterfly sitting next to Iron Maiden. Smile


Fast Cars & Loud Guitars!


Hey Overkill just played out here!

Ill take early Maiden over any band anywhere anytime they will destroy everyone.

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