Joined: Aug 29, 2023
Posts: 37

Posted on Aug 31 2023 12:02 AM
I have been perusing this forum for probably over a year, but I finally decided to join and contribute. I am NOT a very good guitar player and my knowledge of Surf Rock is somewhat minimal. I know some of the basics from watching Youtube videos, but I have much to learn.
I recently picked up two guitars that I think will work well for me to learn on. The first is a Squire 40th Anniversary Jazzmaster in whatever greenish blue color that is. I am going to be upgrading the pickups on that soon. The second is a Fender MIM Jag (Lacquer) in Fiesta Red.
I am an amateur singer-songwriter and mostly play Americana/Folk type music, but I love Surf Rock and always have. So, recently I have been jammiing to some online backing tracks and picked up a Topanga pedal to go with my other pedals. I'm having a blast.
I am not sure if I should post this or not, as it's really bad! But, a couple of years ago I got a notion to write a surf-like song and I put it on my first album. It's not drippy and not really surf music per se, but I'll post it up anyway. You'll see just how bad I am! 
I actually read a post here I think about how surf music never has a banjo, so I decided to try it! Feel free to rip this apart!
Mosquito Coast
Anyway, I look forward to attempting to learn how to play real surf music!
Last edited: Aug 31, 2023 01:34:43
Joined: Mar 14, 2006
Posts: 2272
Kiev, Ukraine

Posted on Aug 31 2023 05:54 AM
Welcome, Todd! The tune doesn’t sounds for me surfy, more like some instrumental country or bluegrass but it’s surely fun)
I also should say that these laquer MIM Jaguars are among the best Jaguars for the money, so you are lucky to have it!
— Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine
Lost Diver
Joined: Jul 18, 2018
Posts: 128

Posted on Aug 31 2023 07:34 AM
Hey Todd, welcome!
I agree with Samurai that the tune doesn't sound like surf to me. But I'd say that the initial tune, up until about 1:30, could probably easily be turned into something surf-like, when played over a surf beat and with more attack (or even better: drip). Well, if that's what you want of course.
— Surfin’ Europe – Surf gigs in Europe
The Malbehavers – Instrumental Surf Music from Tilburg (NL)
Tout Tilburg Surft – Malbehavers’ debut EP
Joined: Sep 02, 2022
Posts: 531
Central VA

Posted on Aug 31 2023 09:43 AM
Plenty of surf potential ...right up until the banjo kicks in Really interesting song. Welcome to SG101!
— --
Project: MAYHEM by Hypersonic Secret now available!
Joined: Aug 29, 2023
Posts: 37

Posted on Aug 31 2023 12:23 PM
Thanks for the warm welcome! I agree the song isn't really surf. I guess I should have said "inspired by" instead. I have been playing around with effects to get that drip sound and I'm getting there with my practice. I am also trying to get that quick tremolo style single string run down, but it's not easy!
Being born in South Carolina and living in Texas for the past 25 years, I can't say I was really part of anything surf related, but I love the music. My mother was a huge beach/shag fan though. My in laws all live in Cali, mostly around Santa Cruz. So, I get to visit often enough.
Last edited: Aug 31, 2023 12:26:45
Joined: Feb 02, 2008
Posts: 4502
Not One-Sawn, but Two-Sawn . . . AZ.

Posted on Aug 31 2023 11:21 PM
There is definitely some Surf DNA. Whatever genre you wish to call it, it’s a good song and kept my interest to the last bar.
— The artist formerly known as: Synchro
When Surf Guitar is outlawed only outlaws will play Surf Guitar.
Joined: Feb 28, 2006
Posts: 2371
San Jose, Ca.

Posted on Sep 01 2023 12:00 AM
Welcome, Todd! This forum is a tremendous resource for all things surf. Who needs labels? It's a fun song. Can't wait until you take a deeper dive into the world of reverb.
— Bob