Hey everyone!
In my musical guitar journey of 3&1/2 years now, im still learning the subtle refinements that are possible with the electric guitar , pedals and amps.
I see a lot of folks using the Blossom Point and SurfyTrem pedals on their boards and am very curious as to why…I am genuinely curious about them and will definitely acquire them if they can help me attain a classic , First Wave sound and playability.
1.What exactly does the Blossom Point do ? Why does it exist and can no other (more affordable) pedals do what it does?
2.Why the SurfyTrem ? Why is it better than say my Boss Tr-2? What makes it unique?
I’ve read and reread the info on Surfy Industries website for each and honestly the info seems to be aimed at somewhat advanced players.
Im having a difficult time understanding what these pedals do in the real world and why I should purchase them.
Im an intermediate player at best with a mild learning and comprehension disability and need stuff broken down in order to understand.
Let me also state that I LOVE Surfy Industries!
I’ve purchased both the SuryBear Metal AND Classic , and they’re literally my most prized possessions, even more so than my guitars ! Im so grateful for having them…
So this isn’t a snarky “why should I buy this?!” Post aimed at SI… it’s me trying to finally understand what the hell these pedals do!
Also, my goal is to get a classic , First Wave sound… im not too interested in the modern surf sound (super clean and over produced just doesn’t connect with me)
Aside from these pedals , what other items / effects pedals can help me get that vintage sound? I can’t afford a Showman Amp or even a Deluxe Reverb, but I’m saving up to buy a Quilter Superblock US and a 25 watt cabinet for my new amp set up…