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Posted on Apr 17 2023 04:36 PM
There is a problem with my tinnitus thread I started late last night.
The thread isn't showing an option for anyone to response.
I tried responding today, but my response did not appear.
I also PM'd Brian about it not long ago.
Brian in another post asked me to start a new thread & he will delete the old thread.
My Original post :
Mary Spender's video from 7 days ago.
Does anyone here suffer from tinnitus ? How do you combat it ?
This may be relevant to the musicians here & anyone else who attends
loud events.
I have mild tinnitus, probably from headphone use and the occasional concert that's too loud. I like to sleep with a fan on & a nature sounds cd.
Noel's response:
After playing violin in the Pittsburgh Symphony from 1931 through 1979, and seriously studying it for the decade before then, Dad developed tinnitus so severe he had to retire. He couldn't even enjoy playing records. This is a known hazard of playing violins and violas in symphony orchestras, and I'm sure it affects the other musicians as well.
I've heard these work pretty well. If you want better than these, you'll have to look at electronic hearing protection like from Walker's for competitive shooters.
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Posted on Apr 17 2023 05:20 PM
Thanks Dave. I'll try to look into why the original thread did not render.
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Posted on Apr 17 2023 05:36 PM
My left eardrum popped during the crescendo of the last song (Telstar) at a Los Straitjackets concert 20 years ago and have had tinnitus every since. It really sucks.
I wear the Eargasm plugs and highly recommend them.
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Posted on Apr 17 2023 08:06 PM
Noel's suggestion of the Minuendo plugs can be bought in this link below.
They are pricey at $136 on sale.
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Posted on Apr 17 2023 09:10 PM
3 capsules of NAC 600 mg (n-acetylcysteine) stopped my tinnitus completely, 2 per day removed most of it, and even 1 daily cut it noticeably. I found several systematic scientific studies in the medical literature verifying this effect. I have suggested it to half a dozen people but it did not help them. Because my tinnitus was mostly in my left ear and I my guitar amp is to my left during rehearsals, I expect a connection.
Here is one of several reports of scientific studies about NAC.
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Posted on Apr 17 2023 09:12 PM
the NAC I used I bought from swansonvitamins.com but NAC is widely available.
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Last edited: Apr 17, 2023 21:12:59
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Posted on Apr 18 2023 12:08 AM
I have mild, constant tinnitus, I can hear it buzzing right now. Unfortunately I didn’t wear earplugs when I was younger, but do now, anytime I’m exposed to loud music. There’s no reason not to wear them, and you don’t have to buy expensive molded ones, though they do sound better. Go to the drugstore and buy a bulk pack, they are cheap.
People ask, if the noise bothers you, play quieter. Unfortunately, it’s a matter of physics, especially for drums. Drums have to be hit hard to sound good (period). So, wear ear plugs!
Also, I have an aversion to loud barking, it’s called Rintintinnitus.
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Posted on Apr 18 2023 12:44 AM
I couldn’t agree more with Ferenc!
I too have a constant high pitched “ringing”
Hundreds of gigs/rehearsals/concerts etc. I think I saw DD at least 30 times… only the first time without plugs. The more exposure the more I notice the ringing. I do wear earplugs and have since most of the damage was done maybe in high school? I’ve also put my ears extremely close to Dusty’s kick drum (with plugs) and Dave Wronski’s amp. There are good loud sounds and bad loud sounds I think. Obviously surf music loud is good!
Also, just about any loud noise can make it flair up: siren, feedback, truck lift gate slamming down, various power tools and of course “rintintinnitus”
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Posted on Apr 18 2023 06:11 AM
I have suffered on occasion since my late 20's. I wear ear plugs at concerts. People around me look at me like I'm in the wrong place. Hearing loss is normal with age. I don't want to accelerate it.
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Posted on Apr 18 2023 07:46 AM
DaveF wrote:
Noel's suggestion of the Minuendo plugs can be bought in this link below.
They are pricey at $136 on sale.
Yes, admittedly they are. But to prevent developing Tinnitus in the first place, or to provide relief from Tinnitus if you already have it, while allowing you to hear the full range of audio frequencies without muting or clipping I still think they're worth the investment. I used a previous generation of these things, and the results were vastly superior to any fancy non-electric earplugs. We spend so much on gear for the stage already, I look at these as a very cost-effective way to save my hearing. As always, IMHO.YMMV.
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Last edited: Apr 18, 2023 07:47:12
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Posted on Apr 18 2023 08:35 AM
Lucky to have avoided this as a life long musician and band teacher. I have worn earplugs for many decades,starting off with foam ones, then graduating up to ER25 molded ones. My wife recently got some Loop earplugs and loves them. I bought a pair but haven’t used them yet. Quite affordable. https://www.loopearplugs.com/
Protect your ears, and if you haven’t,start now is my advice.
— Canadian Surf
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Posted on Apr 18 2023 08:37 AM
My home office is completely quiet right now, save the dishwasher running, and my tinnitus which seems to be a high F# with a octave low F# and then some varying tones.
It has gotten worse over the past year. Not sure if due to mixing with closed end headphones, or just age.
Developed it years ago, mainly due to drummers hammering on their cymbals and overly loud 65 twin.
Thanks for the 600 mg NAC suggestion. I'll see if Doc says it's okay to mix. Also, great and timely thread for me.
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Posted on Apr 18 2023 09:05 AM
I heard a doctor on a radio program saying that there is hearing damage from loud sounds., the hearing will just not hear certain frequencies.
but that tinnitus is from too much salt and sugar in our modern diets.
they cause the veins to harden and blood pressure to raise in the brain.
The ringing is in the head, not the ear.
— Jeff(bigtikidude)
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Posted on Apr 18 2023 09:20 AM
I don't know if I buy into tinnitus being caused by ("from") too much salt & sugar, but I can attest to diet affecting the severity of my tinnitus. When I reduce my caffeine & sugar intake, my tinnitus lessens a bit. Not a lot.
I've tried every quacky wacky "cure" you can imagine, and even participated in some clinical studies. One had me wearing a magnetic headwrap for 6+ hours a day. It did nothing but make me sweaty.
Between standing next to cymbals in a tiny rehearsal space as a teenager and then picking up motorcycling, I kind of never had a chance against tinnitus. Add to that ear/hearing problems from when I was little (completely deaf at one point, with a slightly botched surgery in an Army hospital to restore my hearing) and tinnitus is just part of my life at this point.
I use ear plugs all the time, every time, even when driving a car with the windows down. Loud noises without ear plugs are physically painful for me, and even brief exposure will exacerbate my tinnitus for weeks. It sucks, but I'm used to it.
The foam drugstore ear plugs work great, are cheap and disposable and you can get them pretty much anywhere. I rely on my custom molded ear plugs I get through my audiologist - expensive but worth every penny to save what hearing I have left. It's not that I would mind learning ASL, I just don't want to HAVE to learn it.
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Posted on Apr 18 2023 10:02 AM
Eliminate all caffeine, meditate your stress away, and gets lots of sleep. That's all you can do if you're not one of the lucky few for whom NAC works.
— Daniel Deathtide
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Posted on Apr 18 2023 10:50 AM
I have a friend who's aunt is an audiologist and she made custom molded ear plugs for me, my friend, and my bass player. It has saved my hearing. My drummer is LOUD. I recommend that anyone gets a decent pair and wears them. I don't miss trying to sleep after a gig with ringing ears.
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Memphis, TN

Posted on Apr 18 2023 12:00 PM
Great thread... I wear 31 dB ear plugs made by Earasers, and they work great. Does anyone know the dB rating of those expensive ear plugs? I looked on their website, but don't see any technical specs.
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Posted on Apr 18 2023 01:08 PM
Squid wrote:
3 capsules of NAC 600 mg (n-acetylcysteine) stopped my tinnitus completely, 2 per day removed most of it, and even 1 daily cut it noticeably.
A bottle of 600 mg can be found at Amazon and Walmart for $10. Target doesn't have any in stores. I may try a bottle. Thanks, Squid
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Posted on Apr 18 2023 01:50 PM
I too deal with tinnitus every day. Some days are louder than others. I've often wondered if it was diet related, however, I too started playing loud rock music at age 12, in a concrete basement with my friends, and no earplugs. That graduated into decades of playing in clubs so I look forward to trying the NAC and hope it works!
— Patrick
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Posted on Apr 19 2023 04:37 AM
I have tinnitus in both ears. My right ear is the worst of the two and it also has significant hearing loss - I can't hear any highs with it.
The tinnitus is a constant hissing sound and the right ear also has a whistling sound that comes and goes.
It started to become an issue in my 40's (I'm 72 now) and that's when I started wearing ear plugs in a band situation. In work situations I'd been wearing hearing protection since my 20's but I never encountered anyone in any band wearing ear plugs. It just wasn't done or talked about, in fact when I started wearing them our vocalist/bassist thought it was a great joke.
When you haven't experienced the reality of tinnitus it's easy to just dismiss it as unimportant.
Nowadays I like quiet surroundings and don't have background music or other sounds playing to act as a distraction, same when I'm in bed, even though the tinnitus is more noticeable, I think it's better to rest the ears.
When I do listen to music it's at a low volume. I don't use headphones or ear buds. Same with playing the guitar. Sometimes I don't even plug into an amp.
When I'm out and about I'm wearing ear plugs, I just don't like loud noises of any kind at all, including loud music.
I think I'll also try the NAC supplement, thanks for that info Conrad.
Last edited: Apr 19, 2023 04:40:02