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Permalink more laughs, this time at Slowhand's expense...

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At first I wasn't sure what I was looking at. Then I couldn't stop laughing. Great stuff.

Check out "slash shreds". I think I just broke a rib watching that.

Matter is just energy waiting to happen.

That's pretty damn clever.

I watched all of these back-to-back last nite and I don't think I've ever laughed so hard. The Star Wars video with the "Coming to America" dialogue in it is friggin hilarious too.

Shawn Martin

I'm crying watching those...too funny! They really do a good job matching the sound to the video...must be fun.


What a perfect way to begin a Monday morning.

drummer-Lava Rats

I tried sharing this on a few other "surf" forums and they just don't get it.

One viewer asks " is it a joke? WTF were the audience clapping at ?"

about the steve vai clip, another said "damn, no wonder the karate kid beat him in crossroads."

The humor impairment is almost funnier than the clips themselves. Only a musician knows the feeling?

Sound of the Surf, the movie
Facebook SOTS

call me crazy but I actually liked the overdub better then 95% of what Clapton does normally. Smile

very well done though

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

I love Clapton, but this is great! I don't care what the haters say, he <u>is</u> great.

By the way, "Layla, and assorted Love Songs" is probably in my top ten, too!

Its almost as if say 'Stairway to Heaven' solo was note for note someone elses, that just wouldnt be right.

No, but that famous intro sounds a hell of a lot like Spirit's "Taurus." And those two bands toured together before IV was recorded, if memory serves.


That was excessively violent and completely unnecessary. I loved it.

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