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Why are <b>The Doors</b> uncool? they have some great tunes.

Spud, I bumped you over to the Shallow End. I think it's a valid question that is worthy of discussion. However I don't want to divert from the lovefest we're all having with John right now, so I hope you don't mind.


For the record, I like the Doors, all albums.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

What? Says who? They're awesome. Yeah Jim Morrison can be a little corny..."Whip the horses eyes and make them bleed" or whatever, yeah what? But no man they rule.

No problem Danny, glad you thought the question was worthy of a thread.

I'm a big Doors fan. Their albums are great:
inspired playing; great songs; tremendous
artistic vision. They were not a consistantly
good live band, however, largely due to Jim
Morrison's chemical abuse issues. IMHO a bass
player would've improved their sound, too. I
still rate them as a GREAT band.




In my humble opinion the Doors are one of the few bands from that era that are not outdated by time.
Still enjoy playing their albums.
Did see 'em as a trio in Amsterdam in 1968 because Jim was rushed to hospital because he didn't have the time the roll a joint and swallowed the piece of hash, well that was told at that time, the asshole...
I love his voice.

I'm a somewhat limited Doors fan (due to lack of total familiarity) and I've never thought of them as uncool. They're another one of those things I won't admit to liking to strangers because of the cult of personality that surrounds Jim Morrison.

The Mystery Men?
El Capitan and The Reluctant Sadists
SSS Agent #31

Who doesn't like the Doors?

"There's blood in the street it's up to our ankles"

i love jim morrisons' voice and most of their work. i remember scratching pennies together to buy the first doors' album when it came out. it was around 3 bucks.

..."the scream of the butterfly" what's uncool about that?

I love The Doors.

I grew up as a small kid on a steady diet of the Doors thanks to my dad.
I don't listen to them as much as I used to. but I do love the Doors.

I am assuming that most of the people on sg101 that don't like the Doors won't post here.

its always akward saying what you hate, in a friendly forum
Beleive me, everytime I don't agree that the Ventures are/were the
Greatest instro band. I get plenty of PMs about it.



its always akward saying what you hate, in a friendly forum
Beleive me, everytime I don't agree that the Ventures are/were the
Greatest instro band. I get plenty of PMs about it.


If they were the greatest instro band then instro music isn't a good as I thought.

The first Doors Lp is a classic. Strange Days runs a close second. For me, what followed was hit and miss with Morrison Hotel being the strongest later release. The crystal ship is being filled... Cool

I was really into the Doors in high school. Looking back, some of it was kind of cheezy, but I still like them a lot. They certainly had a unique and different sound with the organ being so prominent. I admired their musicianship. Densmore was an interesting drummer and Krieger was a pretty tasteful but sparse guitar player. And of course the whole "Jim" thing.... It was too bad he had to self destruct at such an early age (27).

It is quite crazy looking back now on the whole Miami incident and how much trouble it caused them when you consider what occurs daily on MTV, VH1, and in major concert acts.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Yes, I liked their early and later stuff. That period in the middle with Soft Parade, etc. doesn't do anything for me.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

It's funny this came up now, cause about two weeks, after not listening to the Doors for many years, I decided to put some of their stuff on my iPod. I have their first three albums on CD (s/t, Strange Days, Waiting for the Sun), and there's a fair amount of crap on those, but also some great stuff. After going on iTunes, I came to the conclusion that all the Doors songs I like were on the old best-of double-LP that I got for my birthday back in '82 or '83. So, I just selected those songs from my 3 CDs, and bought the rest through iTunes. I've listened through this selection several times, and dug it, though a bit less each subsequent time. It's not my favorite kind of music, but they were great musicians and wrote some great songs: Hello, I Love You, Love Me Two Times, Love Her Madly, Break On Through, People Are Strange, Strange Days, Light My Fire. Spanish Caravan has some truly impressive flamenco playing by Krieger (who was indeed well trained in flamenco guitar before joining the Doors). So, a great listen every few years or so, but not something I'd keep in regular rotation.

Incidentally, here's a conundrum for the super-trad-head-Doors-haters: a month or so ago I was watching a program on the summer of love, and one of the Grateful Dead guys said that he absolutely hated the Doors - completely lacking in groove, soulless, etc. Doesn't a put down by the Grateful Dead earn the band SOME respect? Laughing

Oh, and two days ago I picked up the Doors movie on DVD at Wal-Mart for $5. Hadn't seen it since it came out, but enjoyed it at the time, despite Stone's attempt at deification of Morrison. We'll see how it appeals this time around...


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About the movie, yeah it was a bit over the top with the whole "Jim is Christ" thing, but wow did Val Kilmer do a great job. I was very skeptical when I heard he was going to play Jim. But I remember watching the movie, and after 10 minutes or so, I found myself believing I was watching Jim and not an actor! I too haven't seen that movie in over a decade. Let us know what you think of it now Ivan.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

The Doors are awesome.

Buy the DVD Inside the Doors 1967-1969. The music has been remastered to dts and it's the ultimate critical review of The Doors on record, on film and live on stage.


When I heard "Inside the Doors" I totally though of something nastier than what it implied.

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