allrighty, Im diggin a bit in my Itunes for the surf rider bassline thread and I see I have four lively ones - "versions", from pulp fiction, the surf's up comp, the Surf Monsters comp, and a cd from a "guitar legends" series. allright, so two of them (PF en GL) are equal in lenght and are the full version with the final cymbal hit, the S'sU version is 10 secs shorter, and they did a quick fade right before the end-note. but then there's the surf Monsters version, which is 2:24 as opposed to the full versions 3:20. that's a good chunck missing, so I figure they must have cut something out, and I listen to surfmonsters version and I'll be damned, right at 1:22 there's the most ugly discernable edit cut you've ever heard. the guy cutting the tape must have been wasted!... so I compare the two versions, and indeed the first sax part is gone in the surf monsters. the thing is, that gained them 13 secs, and the other time difference comes from a much earlier fade in the end, which doesn't sound weird at all.
Now Im wondering, why on earth would they leave that cut in, just to gain 13 secs? the CD's only 48 minutes or so long, they could have easily fitted the full version on there? are the tapes destroyed? Im supposing they worked from original tapes because of the different mastering, but whether or not - it's not that they wouldn't copy the source first before cutting it up right? what's goin'on here?
anyone have any insights?
—Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."