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is it just me, or...most guys sweat onstage, lubes up the hands / neck, I dry up. Hand across the neck does not slide, fingers stick togather, I don't get real nervos, but this only happens when I play out. I've used string ease ect and all it does is get sticky after awhile. Any cures?

If you hand was actually dry then it would slide easily. I would hardly call sweating 'lubing up' the neck. It doesn't help me play at all. You need to properly clean off your neck before you play and don't put anything on it. Chances are there is residue on there or something.

nah, I'm real good with guitar polish, wiping after a playing, my guitars are as perfect as they can be. Dosen't happen when we practice, maybe I'm not describing properly, my hand gets sticky.

I get the same thing. I'm open to suggestions.

Danny Snyder

"With great reverb comes great responsibility" - Uncle Leo

Playing keys and guitar with Combo Tezeta

Formerly a guitarist in The TomorrowMen and Meshugga Beach Party

Latest surf project - Now That's What I Call SURF

I sweat profusely on stage and my glasses are constantly falling off. I'm a wreck. Washing hands before going on sometimes helps with the sticky hands problem, especially at outdoor gigs.

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maybe a bit talcum, or cornstarch might help...

or maybe you need something like this behind your amp setup:
those bowling-ball-return-hand-drying-fans rule!



You can take some fine steel wool and take some of the finish off the back of the neck..also...NEVER pick up a beer with your fretting hand Laughing

Reach into your pants and get some of the sweat off of your sack. That should lube things up.

Too graphic?

you guys are making me laugh

Just use a towel or bandanna or whatever, and wipe up whatever excess liquid you've got going on. Up north I sweat like a yak in heat, so I just pulled out my bandanna, stuck it in my back pocket, and tried to dry myself off as was possible. My hands tend not to sweat, and I actually prefer a little humidity to my fingertips drying out when we play outdoors shows.


I believe that's why I have a small hand towel close by everytime I play, specially if there's a lighting rig close by because I just cook under those bloody things.

Reach into your pants and get some of the sweat off of your sack. That should lube things up.

Too graphic?

Yes, just a tad tmi.

Yeah, my hands sweat a lot when I play. I need to keep a small towel to wipe my neck and fretboard, sometimes between songs.


Sound of the Surf, the movie
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This is Surfer's actual guitar being blessed by a native Hawaiian goddess before one of his sweaty performances. No joke. I think he needs more than a small towel or bandana on stage. Perhaps a cold shower would do the trick. I'm sweating just posting this pic.



OK, tried the windex, the bowling thingy just means more stuff to load in the truck and I took a belt sander to my neck....Jake, being from Seattle, you give new meaning to "grundge".

The little Hawaiian babe is probably a better player anyway.

Fried Chicken before a show, keeps you lubed for hours!

Atomic Mosquitos
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Here's what to do: Before a show, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Then, douse your hands using 91% Isopropyl Alcohol (rubbing alcohol) and work in as if your drying your hands with a air dryer.

There you go, no sweat..

there is a surgical procedure to cure palmar hyperhidrosis:


"Dr. Baumgartner utilizes the most advanced, minimally-invasive, endoscopic techniques to cure hyperhidrosis by using micro incisions that reduce muscle and tissue disruption."

Finally some real medical advice, and I didn't even know I had hypowhatsus!

whoops...I've been confused this whole thread! "Palmar Hyperhidrosis" is TOO MUCH sweat on the seems like you describe "Hypohidrosis"...TOO LITTLE palm sweat....hmmm...

I know that bass player Monk Montgomery had eczema and used to lube up with tons petroleum jelly before playing his p-bass...maybe trying some sort of beeswax would also work? Bee's wax would keep your hands slick, and not mess up the rosewood at all...maybe check a Whole Foods Market, Trader Joe's or some sort of organic health place to find bee's wax hand creme...

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