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Permalink CD's are the new retro (for hipsters)

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We released the last Aloha Sluts album on CD only, two years ago. With a press release that CD's are the new retro. Well, 2 years later we got prove that we were 'hipsters' aka early adopters... This was in the news today in the Netherland: LINK sorry Dutch language only, but you can copy the link into Google Translate.|

I know vinyl is popular, still buy it, but I love CD's too. I can stay in my garden lounge seat for over an hour. With LP I have to get up every 20 minutes, so I drink more, because I am cutting down on my and my fridge energy load Big Grin

Our first EP was vinyl only, but our last album was only on CD. The last one sold out quickly. We had 1000 each. We sold our last vinyl EP's at Aloha Fest, 5 years after release date.

And yes we had a record company to support us.... ehm.... no support from them since they just signed Guanabatz at the same time. I got a cool Dickies Jacket with Guanabatz logo for free (one of my teenage heroes). So I'm not complaining. But we are working on our 3rd album, self produced, a.k.a. mostly me because the bassplayer just quit. And mastering for CD or Vinyl is something I don't have experience off. I produced several bands, but never did any mastering, since it is a different kind of skill...

So my question is... CD only, or invest in vinyl release too?
Aloha Sluts on BandCamp (my photography)
Aloha Fest on facebook

Last edited: May 30, 2022 16:51:14

To me, vinyl is a vanity thing.
Do it to be cool. But unless you have a good system, does it really sound better? I will always buy vinyl if somebody does a Vinyl only. But I prefer cd. The best is cd, download code, and vinyl all in one package.
Bradipos IV did that, and I got it quick.


I prefer CD's, and don't buy vinyl. If CD's aren't available, I buy the download, but I'm not happy about it. The only time I buy vinyl is if the CD is included, as Jeff mentioned the Bradipos IV having done.


The turnaround and price for CDs is the most attractive selling point for a release. CDs will sound better than vinyl on mediocre systems.


Canadian Surf

Not making cds is,
not wanting to make more money from those that will by them.


Last edited: Apr 29, 2023 10:37:37

I began collecting surf CD's just this year. In fact, I just got Big Pounder by The Surfites in the mail yesterday. Out of print stuff is a little expensive, but I'm willing to put up with it most of the time.

In terms of vinyl, I only collect 45s, as often times the music on those records aren't on CD.


It’s funny how some people are really pushing the vinyl.
When surf bands play at the HB pier shows, we give them tables to sell merch. Most people buy cds.


Yes, CD's are handy, easier to carry around and don't take up so much space if you're cramped for space. They also can carry much more music than a vinyl.

CD's are cheaper to make - you can have 200 CD's for about half the price you'd pay for 100 vinyl.

Yet indeed, vinyl is being pushed and I sometimes get the idea you're not really part of the club if you don't have at least one vinyl in your oeuvre. But I think that's mainly because the club consists mainly out of older middle aged men who can still remember that LP's were the only medium around. Also I understand that LP's will sell faster at shows than CD's will.

Vinyl takes one heck of a lot longer to make than a CD. Impala '59 on vinyl is taking now nearly 10 months and is still not here. CD's only take a week or so.

Impala '59 thus will be on vinyl and my upcoming 4th album will probably also be, but I don't mind if any of the following albums will be only on CD - saves the frustration of having to wait until God's arse turns blue before you finally have your product in your hands.

In short, apart from the relative pressure from the community, nothing stands in the way of releasing only CD's.

_Introducing; Impala '59; An Evening with; Herr Magnatech Bittet Zum Tanz; Europa

Changing label.

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