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Permalink The 2022 SG101 Festival Traveler's Thread - where are you going to sleep?

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I don't know if this thread would help any of the out-of-town travelers that are planning on attending this year's SG101 convention. I've seen a few folks asking about where they are staying, prices, etc. There's a lot of options out there!

This becomes more of an issue when super-surf fans, like me, want to attend all the pre-shows before Sunday's main event but find the lodging expenses challenging. ($350/night+ Sigh ) Also - transportation to/from venues and their locations may be daunting. Carpooling or planned UBER/LYFT sharing are great alternatives to car rentals.

So with that in mind, if anyone has extra space, or need roommates to offset costs, I think this thread would be a great way for surf fans to open their lines of communication with one another; whether it's only one person or a large group looking at renting a house for the weekend.


Hi, I'm Gellert, guitarist for The Fintastics.

Last edited: May 23, 2022 13:05:41

Don't stay in Hollywood. Try the Beverly Garland, It's about $182 a night, There's other hotels off of Ventura Blvd. These Hotels are only 10 to 15 minutes away from the Show in a car.

Cousin Mary Told me they got a place in Hollywood for not much more than 100 a night. I’ll ask her to chime in.

if people are coming from afar.
please look into room and car sharing to save money in these pricey times.


We got a room at La Mirage Inn. Got the reservation a couple of months ago. Most of the hotels in the area were much more expensive.

TheFintastics wrote:

I don't know if this thread would help any of the out-of-town travelers that are planning on attending this year's SG101 convention. I've seen a few folks asking about where they are staying, prices, etc. There's a lot of options out there!

This becomes more of an issue when super-surf fans, like me, want to attend all the pre-shows before Sunday's main event but find the lodging expenses challenging. ($350/night+ Sigh )

So with that in mind, if anyone has extra space, or need roommates to offset costs, I think this thread would be a great way for surf fans to open their lines of communication with one another; whether it's only one person or a large group looking at renting a house for the weekend.

Hey Gellert,

I reserved a room at the Economy Inn on Sunset Blvd for about $100/night from Friday and checking out Monday. But I can cancel this reservation with no penalty so I'd be down to splitting cost on a room somewhere with you if you want.

I haven't booked a flight yet because when I looked this past week, the prices were pretty high.


Tien_Doan wrote:

TheFintastics wrote:

I don't know if this thread would help any of the out-of-town travelers that are planning on attending this year's SG101 convention. I've seen a few folks asking about where they are staying, prices, etc. There's a lot of options out there!

This becomes more of an issue when super-surf fans, like me, want to attend all the pre-shows before Sunday's main event but find the lodging expenses challenging. ($350/night+ Sigh )

So with that in mind, if anyone has extra space, or need roommates to offset costs, I think this thread would be a great way for surf fans to open their lines of communication with one another; whether it's only one person or a large group looking at renting a house for the weekend.

Hey Gellert,

I reserved a room at the Economy Inn on Sunset Blvd for about $100/night from Friday and checking out Monday. But I can cancel this reservation with no penalty so I'd be down to splitting cost on a room somewhere with you if you want.

I haven't booked a flight yet because when I looked this past week, the prices were pretty high.


Hey there, Tien!

I already have my lodging paid for the entire trip. I appreciate you chiming in!


Hi, I'm Gellert, guitarist for The Fintastics.

Last edited: May 23, 2022 13:08:05

Haha! NP, Gellert! See you down there!


$32 per night per bunk at the Samesun hostel on Hollywood Blvd.

Travel tip: Expedia is usually the best especially if you need to cancel at the last minute. BUT I have always found that booking direct withe the hotel (not their 800 reservation center) will result in the best rates and often an upgrade without any additional charge.

Happy Sunsets!

Last edited: May 25, 2022 09:34:22



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