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Permalink a purty nice Jazzmaster...

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alright, so I couldn't resist the see-through blonde/white on alder finish on this CIJ Jazzmaster...




so what if I have to eat Top Ramen noodles all summer long in order to afford it? can you blame me? Wink


Not a fan of it on a Jazzmaster. I would take it in a Telecaster though.

Very cool! Smile I like this finish better on the Jazzmaster than
on the strats and teles I've seen I've seen with it.

Bob S.


very sharp looking ax. I am hoping to get one int he surf green myself.


You gotta love it! That's a nice looking Jazz. Funny, I just went into debt on a Jaguar. But, I must say, I really like the Jazzmasters best. Hope you have many hours and years of enjoyment out of that new Fender.


Very nice. I like it a lot.

wow! the Jazzmaster arrived at the DavePad on Friday...

came in the Fender Japan box with all the Japanese paperwork...I wish I knew how to read kanji characters...also included was the allen wrench and the useless cheapo fender patch cord...awesome!

I wonder why it comes with such itsy-bitsy super-slinky Fender strings? They feel like they might be .09 or maybe even .08 guage...I will spend a little time doing the DaveSetUp on the guitar this weekend...switch to the big strings, install the WhizzoBuzzStop, set the action and intonation, figure out the tremlock setup and all that...

Even with the lame-skinny-ass stock strings, I am absolutely floored by this guitar's tone and playability!

I'm stoked and totally surfing!

wow, Dave great! I happy you like. Keep us posted on its abilitys. I really want to know if the CIJ/MAJ are up for the challange. If they are I may consider getting one instead of the American RI. Hell I may even get 2 for the same price Smile

the thing I like a lot about the Japanese Fenders is the price point/ quality.

I think they make great stage guitars, because of the ding and damage and theft factors. If you are worrying about your irreplaceable $2K or $3K (or more) guitar all night, then the gig may not be so fun.

Besides, I am the King of matter what I do, I innevitably hit the headstock on a cymbal, or ding the lower bought missing the stand...or else the guitar will simply fall over due to my ignorance or ineptitude or clumsiness...

With the Japanese CIJs, I don't have to "fret" about all the little "character marks" that inevitably will occur. I can simply play the guitar without worrying about its $$$ value.

I think they are a great value, for the money. The workmanship is impeccable, in my book.

really a very very nice guitar...I still feel "I am not worthy" when I pick it up!



...I just went into debt on a Jaguar...Gavin

Gavin, what's your Jaguar look like? Are you pleased with it? How are you adapting to the somewhat shorter scale?

inquiring minds would like to know...

(man, I wish Colorado was closer, I could just drive around the block and pay a visit in person.)


So? How did it go? What gauge strings you slap on there? How is she sounding? Inquiring minds would like to know Cool

So? How did it go? What gauge strings you slap on there? How is she sounding? Inquiring minds would like to know Cool


Man!!! Oh, man!!!...If you can't tell...I'm stoked!

I still am saying to myself: "I am not worthy!"

I set up the Jazzmaster with Pyramid Gold flatwounds (.013-.052), fairly heavy guage. It took me a little while to figure out the Jazzmaster tremolo and Tremlock setup, but when it was all said and done, the guitar was palying and sounding sweet! I have to let the new string tension settle in for a little while, and allow the Jazzmaster to aclimate to the Mojave desert climate before I do any neck or truss rod tweaks...but so far everything looks great in the truss rod department: the neck is flat, flat, flat. The intonation and string height are all sweet, the trem is working smooth...

The chords on this guitar shimmer glass-like...the single-note timbre is round and full.

Who knows, maybe this guitar just might just make me become a better guitarist? (and that's saying a lot for an old-time bass playing dude like me)

"I am not worthy!"


Sell Out!!!!
j/k dude, I love the sound of guitar too. Or why else would I be into surf.




are you going to do the Mustang Saddle Mod? This is one thing that concerns me, when my guitar arrives. I really am not a good guitar mechanic. Id rather not make any mods, and if I have to I would rather go to an expierenced person (especially for my new jag).

I was just wondering if you felt the mod was imperative right off the bat. I have read peoples opinions, and its seems like a mixed bag.

I sometimes wish I kept my old Squire, I would have done all my maintence practice on it. Instead, I have become reliant and always take my guitars to the shop, which has prevented me from learning how to do certain things myself.

You opinion would be appreciated, as well as anyone else who wants to chime in.

I wouldn't do the mustang saddle mod. I find nothing wrong with the Jag/Jazz saddles. Set it up properly and they won't bounce.

Yeah Jake, that was the type responce I was looking for. I have read that 12 gauge strings also help the dilema as well. But at the same time, I read that Heavy strings can warp the neck. Overtime, any thoughts on this?

Don't do any mods until you really think you need to.

Heavy strings won't mess up your guitar if you have a truss rod (and most non-cheapo guitars have one).

I eventually went to Mustang saddles, but I really only needed one for the low E string. The grooves in the Jaguar saddles were too narrow for my low E. The Mustang saddles were just less trouble for me. They also have more mass than the Jag/JM saddles, and I actually heard a difference (and I'm a pretty skeptical guy). And oh yeah, I had to get vintage Mustang saddles for my AV RI, cause the modern aftermarket Mustang saddles are made for the MIJ/CIJ guitars, and they are not as wide as vintage/AV RI saddles.

But don't do anything until you have a good tech set up your guitar and you have it for a while.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I had trouble at first but it has all evened out. You will read stuff and learn stuff on your own to fix the problems with the stock hardware. If a saddle buzzes put some glue on the screw, I used loctite. I can just spot mustang saddles on a Jaguar, and I don't like how they make 'em look.

Dave, are you going to do the Mustang Saddle Mod?


No, I just did a set-up, and will mess around with that for a while before I do any modification. I would probably go the buzzstop route rather than the mustang bridge...but, really, i think it is simply a matter of preference.

Last edited: May 23, 2006 10:23:25

The Mustang bridge just drops right in, less intrusive than a buzz stop. Heck, you really only need the Mustang saddles.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

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