Thought it'd be a good time to do a posh version (the old one was one of the last 1-mic recorded live videos) of this awesome song we often used as our opening song in the past. Young guitarist Mina also thought it'd be a good idea for us to do a 1984 live version of the song with Nokie Edwards playing the lead guitar, while McGee was playing the bass. "Slaughter on 10th Avenue" was really the song that had me begun to think perhaps Mina should play lead, as she first demonstrated to me that it was easy for her to remember the whole song. I kept wondering and asked myself if the song was really that easy to memorize. To me, it'd quite long...She was like 8 when she first played it. Hahaha! Hope you enjoy it!
Want some non-stop surf rock to go well with your day and put a smile on your face? Check out other surf tunes below is a playlist Mina has prepared for you.
Last edited: Mar 16, 2022 12:18:25