Hey everyone, hope all's good!
Putting a song out tomorrow under my new outfit, Radioactive Electric Eel Factory, or R.E.E.F for short.
Officially not out until tomorrow, but the good thing about self releasing is I can do what I want: https://radioactiveelectriceelfactory.bandcamp.com/releases
Would be great to hear thoughts/feedback, ways you think the recording could be better. Recorded everything at home solo, so it's a little rough around the edges as I've never recorded myself or recorded surf music before.
My band has wound down a little, and had some riffs kicking around that I've wanted to use for a while, and now is just as good a time as any.
Hope you enjoy!
Neil the Eel / R.E.E.F.
Last Trout on the Left out now: https://linktr.ee/radioactiveelectriceelfactory