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Permalink Drip at lower volumes?

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Got a question for you guys, I’ve been playing guitar years but just getting into playing surf

Got a smaller amp for the house, a Fender Vibro Champ reissue and I’m going through a Surfy Bear Metal and playing a Strat.

I put all the settings on the surfy bear around 6 or 7, the amp is trebly enough as far as I can tell. Was using the bridge pickup

My issue is that the drip doesn’t sound very pronounced, going through the forum I can see it could be a number of issues (not least being my technique) but could my gear be the culprit or the volume I play at (I have a 5 year old to avoid waking up)

Thanks in advance Big Grin

Last edited: Feb 04, 2022 09:56:46


Last edited: Mar 03, 2022 02:23:02

Gilette wrote:

Maybe try thinner picks? I get more drip from a .73 than a .88, and almost none from a 1.0.

thanks I’ll give that a try, can I ask what material the picks you use are made of?

Last edited: Feb 04, 2022 13:20:27


Last edited: Mar 03, 2022 02:22:46

Did you take the foam out of the surfybear? Also, is the surfy bear laying flat? Reverb pans are orientation specific and if you have the surfy bear standing up on its side with the original pan in there, it won’t be very drippy.


New music!


Last edited: Feb 04, 2022 18:21:54

Oh I took the foam out, and it’s definitely laying flat


Last edited: Mar 03, 2022 02:22:26

Yes, thinner picks definitely help getting a good drip. Been using Dunlop Tortex .50 mm for many years now...

T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S

I have no problem getting drip at really low volumes by putting a clean or treble boost in front of the SB.

The Kahuna Kings

Thanks for the tips guys I’ll try those, I’ll put my ZVEX SHO in front of the surfy bear and use some thinner pics

and I’ll crank it up a bit too Big Grin

Klas wrote:

Yes, thinner picks definitely help getting a good drip. Been using Dunlop Tortex .50 mm for many years now...

The authority speaks! This band has my #1 favorite tone + drip, I mean that guitar sound is just perfect.

The problem for me is I cannot play with thin picks, so I guess I’ll never quit get the perfect drip.

Daniel Deathtide

Last edited: Feb 05, 2022 16:25:06

What is the volume setting on the SurfyBear Metal?

spskins wrote:

What is the volume setting on the SurfyBear Metal?

Around 5-6

I'm not known for my low volume or having a toddler (I hope not), but try a good booster before the Surfy Bear, like a Xotic EP booster. Not cheap, but there some really good chinese clone, like the Mosky XP. I have a 10 dollar clone called BP booster, does really sound the same.

A small tube pre amp after your reverb and direct in to your amp or DAW can simulate an almost overdriven amp too at low volume. Beringer has some nice once for around 30 bucks. Or try the Joyo JF-14 American Amp simulation, cost around 10 dollar.
Aloha Sluts on BandCamp (my photography)
Aloha Fest on facebook

Last edited: Feb 05, 2022 17:46:09

I presently have a 5 month old and play SurfyBears all day to test them, using a Fender Super Champ X2. In order to get my work done and doublecheck the SurfyBears before shipping, I have found the headphone jack on the back extremely useful. I can play them at the volume they deserve, make sure they drip and I won't wake the baby.
BTW, does your Metal have the SurfyPan or is it older?

Last edited: Feb 07, 2022 15:05:20

spskins, set the Super Champ aside and use the Bandmaster! Laughing - A tribute to Dick Dale. New Singles "Finish Line" and "Paradiso" on Bandcamp and website.

SixStringSurfer wrote:

spskins, set the Super Champ aside and use the Bandmaster! Laughing

I am! Just not in the office next to his room! The Bandmaster is up in the music room and is sounding sweet! Smile

Is there a new X2 that has dedicated headphone out/silent playing? Mine has line out, but as far as I've read would still need a dummy load for the speaker out.

No Springs, the premiere lo-fi bedroom one-man surf band!

nosprings wrote:

Is there a new X2 that has dedicated headphone out/silent playing? Mine has line out, but as far as I've read would still need a dummy load for the speaker out.

I got mine used a few years the back, you just unplug the speaker from the jack and plug in your headphones. Sounds great!

Last edited: Feb 07, 2022 20:55:06

spskins wrote:

I presently have a 5 month old and play SurfyBears all day to test them, using a Fender Super Champ X2. In order to get my work done and doublecheck the SurfyBears before shipping, I have found the headphone jack on the back extremely useful. I can play them at the volume they deserve, make sure they drip and I won't wake the baby.
BTW, does your Metal have the SurfyPan or is it older?

I got it in September I don’t know how to check if it has a surfy pan

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