I was quite pleased this weekend to see that my band, Wiped Out, was finally populating artists in the "Fans Also Like" section of Spotify. If you know anything about how Spotify works and how this is populated, you might understand my excitement when seeing this.
First and most importantly, the artist cannot manipulate this in any way. It is purely based on listeners habits and other information, including social media activity, that Spotify can understand by crawling the internet.
Here's how Spotify describes the secret sauce:
_When Spotify's back end is populating Fans Also Like, it relies primarily on two factors. The first one is shared fans—particularly among artists who might exist on the fringes. "The more fans two artists have in common, and the larger the share of each artist's total fans those shared fans represent, the more similar we consider them," says McDonald. "If an aspiring band has 10,000 fans, and 6,000 of them are also fans of another band that also has 10,000 fans, that's a pretty good sign that the two bands are probably similar. Whereas either of those bands might easily have 1,000 fans who also like Ariana Grande, but Ariana has tens of millions of fans, so those 1,000 shared fans aren't a significant share of hers."
If I had to hand pick 3 artists that influence Wiped Out, it would be these two plus Dick Dale, so it was quite satisfying to see this!
FWIW, Messer Chups fell off the next day, but I expect them to appear again within a few days, as is what happened with Man-Or-Astroman after the first day they appeared in the section.
Anyway, just wanted to geek out with someone who might appreciate this. Figured you guys might!
If you haven't heard us yet, listen on Spotify here: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4nBtxEYkPQwYtQAYWlTJLU?si=pnu9YSoyQKGQUBieUsnkdg
The first song on Spotify has vocals, but the rest are all instro surf.