Joined: Jun 17, 2006
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Bay City, Michigan

Posted on Jul 27 2007 11:50 PM
for recording drums, or just playing drums in general, how do you get it so the snare doesnt rattle during tom solos or when the guitar or bass is playing with no drums.
i've asked someone at a music shop before, and he said the heads just need to be adjusted properly, but we did that, and it is difficult to impossible to unlatch the springs everytime it is needed in such short time.
we also have our springs taped to the bottom of our snare to get rid of a lot of it, but by doing this we sacrifice some of the snare's tone.
please help!!!
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Berlin, Germany

Posted on Jul 28 2007 04:15 AM
I love snare rattle!
— The Exotic Guitar of Kahuna Kawentzmann
You can get the boy out of the Keynes era, but you can’t get the Keynes era out of the boy.
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Stockholm, Sweden

Posted on Jul 28 2007 04:40 AM
I love snare rattle!
Yeah, me too!
— T H E ✠ S U R F I T E S
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Bay City, Michigan

Posted on Jul 28 2007 08:39 AM
not when it can be heard overtop of a tom solo or a guitar.
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Toronto, ON

Posted on Jul 28 2007 08:29 PM
That sound was getting annoying for me too so I asked the same thing to a guy I know and he told me to put one or two squares of toilet paper under the metalic springs located on the bottom part of the drummer's snare, but they kept coming off and falling onto the floor so I taped the toilet paper to the plastic...(I'm sorry I'm not a drummer and know very little drummer tech terms) and Bada Bing !!! ;)
P.S. It's not necessary to tape the springs, just tape the toilet paper under them.
— Augusto Vite
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Posted on Jul 28 2007 08:32 PM
Make sure your snare isn't touching other drum hardware. Even the stand shouldn't be touching.
Joined: Apr 06, 2006
Posts: 94

Posted on Jul 30 2007 11:45 AM
Try tightening the snares via the knob on the snare throw off or slackening the bottom head a little bit. Also, make sure the snares themselves are seated properly. There will always be some rattle but if it's a properly tuned decent snare drum it shouldn't be so bad that you can't make a recording with it. By the way I've never had to resort to using toilet paper on any of my snare drums. Maybe a little gaffers tape on the batter head to cut down on the ring.
— drummer-Lava Rats
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Berlin, Germany

Posted on Jul 31 2007 03:27 AM
My snare is different. Itâs wood and the springs are on the inside, resting on the resonant skin. I have put it near bass speakers and room drivers to capture its beautiful rattling.
— The Exotic Guitar of Kahuna Kawentzmann
You can get the boy out of the Keynes era, but you can’t get the Keynes era out of the boy.
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Murfreesboro, TN

Posted on Jul 31 2007 11:13 AM
Martha, the drummer for The Mariners, had that problem too but was able to eliminate the rattle by isolating her drum set from the floor (she set her drums on a dense mat) to minimize the vibration picked up from the big guitar amps. We also moved our amps further away from her drums to also help minimize the vibration. Maybe that would work for you...
— Ron (ToneBoy)
The Mariners (1964 to Present)
Lonzo & Oscar (1999 to Present)
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Murfreesboro, TN

Posted on Jul 31 2007 11:15 AM
And I agree that isolating the snare from its stand and from other hardware, including cymbal stands helps a lot...
— Ron (ToneBoy)
The Mariners (1964 to Present)
Lonzo & Oscar (1999 to Present)
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Menomonie, Wisconsin USA

Posted on Jul 31 2007 04:42 PM
I did some studio work years ago with a drummer who could control snare rattle simply by setting his wallet on his snare drum. Just a standard old bi-fold wallet. He'd open it up and set it on the drum with one half on the beater head, and the other half hanging over the side of the drum. His name was Randy Worden and he was fun to be around.
An engineer, or it might have be a producer (I don't recall which), once remarked that the wallet wasn't heavy enough and wasn't eliminating the snare rattle. Never one to miss an opportunity, Randy immediately replied that if they paid us what we were worth the problem would solve itself.
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Boise, ID

Posted on Jul 31 2007 06:43 PM
Loosening the 2 lugs on each side of the snare bed can help with eliminating some of the buzz. If the snare bed is too shallow (or non existent), the wires won't lie properly against the head, which'll make them rattle.
Al Jackson Jr apparently used the billfold on the top head method on a lot of the Booker T & the MGs recordings.
— Shawn Martin