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228 days ago

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179 days ago

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Permalink Is Your Band Practicing During The Pandemic?

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The latest studies show that the most likely places where the virus can be spread is indoors with poor ventilation. That describes our practice space. We are actively searching for a location that we can social distance and have ventilation so we can practice. At some point we might all have a chance to perform again. When that happens for us I want to showcase an entire albums worth of new material. We need lots of rehearsals that can't take place right now. Need to find a space! Seek and Restore!

The Kahuna Kings

We haven’t met since March but plan to come back in June. We also think of finding new base cause the one we rehearsed at is poorly ventilated. Already some gigs planned for autumn so we need to work!!! I came up with some new tunes while sitting at home, so looking forward!

Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver

We practice in an old bank building that is part of a Grand Cafe. And the week after our drummer had a work accident and almost severed his right thumb. So for us it would be a band pause without Covid 19 (has anyone allready called a surf song that?).

The lockdown for bars and restaurants ends in the Netherlands on june 1st. And the thumb has healed enough so our first band practice in months is on!

We managed to record some new songs on the last day before the lock down. So we are stoked to get the new material in our set! Now hoping that live shows will be possible in the near future (we had to cancel everything until august).
Aloha Sluts on BandCamp (my photography)
Aloha Fest on facebook

arny wrote:

We practice in an old bank building that is part of a Grand Cafe. And the week after our drummer had a work accident and almost severed his right thumb. So for us it would be a band pause without Covid 19 (has anyone allready called a surf song that?).

The lockdown for bars and restaurants ends in the Netherlands on june 1st. And the thumb has healed enough so our first band practice in months is on!

We managed to record some new songs on the last day before the lock down. So we are stoked to get the new material in our set! Now hoping that live shows will be possible in the near future (we had to cancel everything until august).

Love your band and looking forward to some new records!

Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver

arny wrote:

We practice in an old bank building that is part of a Grand Cafe. And the week after our drummer had a work accident and almost severed his right thumb. So for us it would be a band pause without Covid 19 (has anyone allready called a surf song that?).

The lockdown for bars and restaurants ends in the Netherlands on june 1st. And the thumb has healed enough so our first band practice in months is on!

We managed to record some new songs on the last day before the lock down. So we are stoked to get the new material in our set! Now hoping that live shows will be possible in the near future (we had to cancel everything until august).

Love your band and looking forward to some new records!

Waikiki Makaki surf-rock band from Ukraine

Lost Diver

My jazz trio's event gigs evaporated. No gigs or rehearsals. But I'm recording my surf instro solo project at home. Some of these tracks have been languishing for a long time, so it's feeling good to get to that part of it. But rehearsing in person is not happening in my little world.

Squid From Madrid - New Single on Bandcamp
MB Website

We have resumed practice three weeks ago, in a big room to stay away from each other, and with masks. We call them the "6-feet-apart sessions" Smile


Lead Guitar in Blackball Bandits :
Solo project :

The_Cholla wrote:

We have resumed practice three weeks ago, in a big room to stay away from each other, and with masks. We call them the "6-feet-apart sessions" Smile

Looks like a club we play at occasionally. Might as well get some music in there!

The Kahuna Kings


No. Unfortunate because we have a new bass player and she's still learning our stuff. She works in the hospital so it feels too risky to meet up until the risks are negligible.

I'm surprised how little I've practiced on my own without band practices. I have been learning the clarinet in an effort to learn to read music. Not much clarinet in surf music, though!

da-ron wrote:

No. Unfortunate because we have a new bass player and she's still learning our stuff. She works in the hospital so it feels too risky to meet up until the risks are negligible.

I'm surprised how little I've practiced on my own without band practices. I have been learning the clarinet in an effort to learn to read music. Not much clarinet in surf music, though!

Not yet, at least.

Los Fantasticos

Last edited: Jun 03, 2020 06:31:59

djangodeadman wrote:

da-ron wrote:

No. Unfortunate because we have a new bass player and she's still learning our stuff. She works in the hospital so it feels too risky to meet up until the risks are negligible.

I'm surprised how little I've practiced on my own without band practices. I have been learning the clarinet in an effort to learn to read music. Not much clarinet in surf music, though!

Not yet, at least.

And not for a while yet if I'm leading the charge. It's like a fancy recorder, but boy, can yo get some unholy squeaks out of it.

I think Misirlou would sound great on it but the range is a bit beyond a beginner. I can play part of Hava Nagila which sounds a little bit cool.

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