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Permalink surf music in stores revisited

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a 15ish year old girl asked my counter help (22 year old woman who listens to dave matthews/jack johnson/etc) who was playing on the shop stereo. the answer, in a tired voice 'oh, some band'.

the correct answer 'the insect surfers' Shocked

I wouldn't know the answer either. I've never gotten my hands on an Insect Surfer's album. I'm hoping to buy when this summer when I am down there.

The Insect Surfers are INDEED SOME BAND!!!! Some Good! these days...


Canadian Surf

We need to talk about your counter help there, Mom... Whack LOL

Ron (ToneBoy)
The Mariners (1964 to Present)
Lonzo & Oscar (1999 to Present)
Billy Henson & Summerstorm (2001 to Present)

Yes we do need to talk about her. 22 year old female. Send her my way. I like a good deal of Jack Johnson's stuff, and I only hate Dave Matthews the person... and most of his music. I don't hate the fans.

I wouldn't know the answer either. I've never gotten my hands on an Insect Surfer's album. I'm hoping to buy when this summer when I am down there.

but i'm sure had you not known you would have asked me as i was standing right there and i was playing my cd


I wouldn't know the answer either. I've never gotten my hands on an Insect Surfer's album. I'm hoping to buy when this summer when I am down there.

but i'm sure had you not known you would have asked me as i was standing right there and i was playing my cd

That I would have. Or maybe I would have hit on the 22 year old girl. I'm 23 so I'm sure she would be unable to resist me. "Hey, I'm in a band" Works everytime.

everyone's hitting on the 22 yr. old. she's cute. her brother's in a band so that might not work. and her dad hates surf music because it's too simple. he's been playing jazz and rock for over 40 years. she's been brainwashed.. Very Happy

The Insect Surfers are INDEED SOME BAND!!!! Some Good! these days...


at least the girl that asked was interested and obviously liked what she was hearing.

Last edited: Jul 18, 2007 17:26:18

Surf music too simple? We'll get him a Slacktone or 'Verb CD. Although I do respect any sort of Jazz that isn't smooth jazz.

Carol, I'm going to marry the 22 year old. I will convert her and make her realize her brothers band is shit compared to mine. For I am a guitar god... in my bedroom. And I'm sure my mom would agree.

Surf music too simple? We'll get him a Slacktone or 'Verb CD. Although I do respect any sort of Jazz that isn't smooth jazz.

Carol, I'm going to marry the 22 year old. I will convert her and make her realize her brothers band is shit compared to mine. For I am a guitar god... in my bedroom. And I'm sure my mom would agree.

i'll make sure to have the 'verb' cd playing in the shop the next time her dad is in. Very Happy

For I am a guitar god... in my bedroom. And I'm sure my mom would agree.

I tell people the very same thing about myself.

That I would have. Or maybe I would have hit on the 22 year old girl. I'm 23 so I'm sure she would be unable to resist me. "Hey, I'm in a band" Works everytime.

I think Jake wandered into the nitrous oxide forum... Very Happy

see you soon, man!

Buy Speed of Dark @ Bandcamp
Buy Spin the Bottle @ Bandcamp
My Blog- Euro Tour Blog
Pool Boys on Spotify
Frankie & The Pool Boys on FB
Pollo Del Mar on FB
DJ Frankie Pool Boy on North Sea Surf Radio

All I've done for the past two days is sit around and think. I tend to attempt to become humorous when this happens.

I'm so bored.

If the 22 year old girl had actually taken a genuine interest in the music that was playing, then I would have been doing some seriously shameless macking. But if she's uninterested in surf, what more personality could I possibly have to share in common?

Perhaps a deep love of Shakespeare?

I sent your CD out by the way. Thanks.

her dad hates surf music because it's too simple. he's been playing jazz and rock for over 40 years. she's been brainwashed.. Very Happy

Her dad doesn't like surf either? This only reaffirms why I (and I suggest you, Jake) would best lay off: She's got bad genes. Going out with a girl like that would only reduce one's Darwinian fitness, love of Shakespeare or no.

And thank you Jake for the CD.

Mom you need to fire that girl that is working for you, Period.
first of all , she should know that you like surf, and that was a put down to you
in a round about way.
But hell to talk S**T on the Insects, I have a good mind to go out there and smack her upside the head.

kidding of course, but not about the firing part.


This is somewhat sexist but I'm always nice to the cute(lady) customers at work. There are mean ones that no longer get preferential treatment, but a cute girl starts out with the faster service versus some slutty girl or some date rapist guy who has to earn it. I work at a University by the way.

Its better to get a smile from a cute girl than get a "thank bro" from a guy. Fact.

Aww you young guy crack me up. ROTFL
You all must be single. LMAO


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