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So it's 50 years since Woodstock. Let's hear any memories (If you can remember anything!)

Well I was one year old so.... Big Grin

BUT...I did pick up the CCR Woodstock release. TOTALLY digging it....a couple of fantastic jams at the end.

I just completed my sophomore year at high school when the movie came out, I saw it the day school ended and then 2 days later I saw the Who, Leon Russell, John Sebastian and Blues Image do it again at Anaheim Stadium. Kind of a mini Woodstock, complete with naked people and my first glimpse of pot and LSD. All for $5.

Sha Na Na played Wipeout at Woodstock!

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

That is so awesome! It sounds way more 50s rock n rolly played up high like that. So much testosterone in that video!

When I was nineteen I worked at the HIMB (HI Institute of Marine Biology) and my job was to shuttle scientists and workers from the main island of Oahu to Coconut Island (in Kaneohe Bay), where the HIMB was. I hung out at a little lighthouse all day until I saw a car drive down the pier on the other side. The lighthouse had a huge console-sized 8-track player, and in that a Sha Na Na live in 1976 or something. This was 1993-94 so no phones or bluetooth speakers to bring. I listened to that Sha Na Na tape over and over. There was a Beatles 8-track too but I couldn't really get into that one. One time there were divers working on the lines between and I had to go around them - straight into a reef! Heh. I hit the propellers a few times on coral - sorry coral! Funny look from the scientist. I guess that's what happens when you're nineteen! Across the bay there was a house on the water that had a huge collection of giant exotic birds. I'd hear them yelling all the time from the lighthouse. One time I was riding a bike around the island on my lunch break and looked up to see a GIGANTIC parrot just staring at me. I guess they flew over once in a while.

Hey thanks for the video!

Daniel Deathtide

They had a 32 CD Box set "Woodstock 69" that sold out this year (They only made 1969 units) Has a book and artwork with it too.

I was only 8 years old then, so I remember it but wasn't there. Laughing

An interesting comment made about the Isle of Wight festival in 1970. This festival attracted 600,000 people and was the biggest and last of it's kind in the world. Considering you could only get to the Isle of Wight by boat, that was quite some attendance!

Anyway, the person recollected that at the time you could only hear music on tiny radios or record players, "No one had a decent hifi". So to hear rock music live with the full force of the sound was quite a buzz, apparently. Something that gets forgotten in these days of easily accessible quality sound systems.

I was in sixth grade and got a Woodstock book from the Scholastic Book Club. I was pretty popular when friends found out there were bOObs in there Big Grin

I'm too young to have gone.
But the original Woodstock movie, as well as "Taking Woodstock" really made me wish I had been there!

I lived only two hours away in upstate NY, and had seen info about a "rock festival" that was coming up, but had no real thoughts about how exciting such an event would be, or how big it would be, etc. So...I didn't go. Damn.

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