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Permalink 2019 Pre - SG101 Convention BBQ - any interest?

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Hey everyone, I wanted to get a feel for the interest level for having a pre-Convention BBQ/meet n' greet at my place again this year. If we can get enough yes's I'd be stoked to do it again. If you'd like to do it please let me know here and help spread the word to any member you might know who doesn't visit the site much anymore and encourage them to log in here and respond.
Last year we had a small fun crowd - I'm up for doing that again but there's room for more! I'll take a tally by say Sunday night and post something Monday.
To anyone on the fence, if you can squeeze the time out of your schedule to make it you'll be glad you did. SG101 people are the coolest on the planet and it's a great way to talk and get to know each other before the Convention mayhem begins Big Grin


Bill S._______

Bill, count me in again for the pre-Convention BBQ I will be coming in from Texas. Last year was my first time at the Surf Guitar 101 Convention. At your BBQ I got to know people that all love surf music but also had many different interests such as guitars, electronics, bands, recording, vintage equipment and the different eras of surf music. I highly recommend your pre-Convention BBQ/meet n' greet as a great warm up to the 2019 Surf Guitar 101 Convention.

Count me in, Bill. Many thanks to you and your wife for hosting the BBQ, now, and in years past. For anybody sitting on the fence, I highly recommend it!


Count me in as I had an awesome time last year.


Hi, I'm Gellert, guitarist for The Fintastics.

I'm up for it too, yoo betcha!

I will take off that Friday from work to attend.


Ken and I would love to attend the BBQ. Thanks for your generous hospitality, Bill.

bigtikidude wrote:

I will take off that Friday from work to attend.

That's great Jeff!
Also, make sure and let the visiting bands know they are welcome too. I know their time schedules are tight but if any can make it that would be great.

Bill S._______

Last edited: Jul 10, 2019 12:07:52

Loved the BBQ, really helped me settle into the weekend. If you do it my wife and I are definitely in.

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

Depending on our schedule the other two Seatopians and I are in.


The Seatopians 2017-
The Seatopians on bandcamp

BETH and I would like to attend. Any jam gear this year? Seems no members jam for 2019 though we are working on 2020.

Don't Fear the Reverb ! Grateful Surf ! SURFIN' Tiki Bandits !
I can be reached through the following or at :

Count me in! Just let me know what I can bring!

Count me in too.

Hey Bill,

I can actually make it this year. Let me know what to bring as well. Looking forward to it. Thanx for once again being such a gracious host!


Hey everybody -
I'm sorry to say that due to a sudden unexpected family health issue, we won't be able to host the BBQ this year. It looks like the next few weeks will involve some tests, and depending on the results perhaps more tests.
In light of this I hope you all understand that I feel the best thing to do is bow out now before anyone makes solid plans. Hopefully if all goes well we'll be at the Convention. My apologies to all - hopefully we'll be back on track for 2020.

Bill S._______

Really sorry to hear it, hope those tests come out OK. I've been there, stay strong.

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

All the best to you and your family Bill.

Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

Sorry to hear about the health issues, Bill. Here's to a speedy resolution and full recovery!

Four String Fender for The Delstroyers & The Woodhavens

Bill thank you for the info.
Sorry to hear about health issues,
But very understandable, no worries.


Unless somebody else local were to step up.
(Sorry we can't, at my place)
Maybe we could just do a meet up in the big park in
El Segundo for a bring your own food n drink picnic.
Meet n greet


Last edited: Jul 16, 2019 13:22:17

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