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SurfGuitar101 Forums » Surf Music General Discussion »

Permalink The Jagaloons "Ruin The Party" debut album out now

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This topic was automatically created to discuss the news story The Jagaloons "Ruin The Party" debut album out now.

Debut album Ruin The Party available here!

Only needed about ten seconds to go ahead and purchase this - once the sample ended!

A great mix of sounds, all surfy, and all fairly mellow. Relaxing, but I'm still alert. Even the super fast one Beware the orange claw is still relaxing to me. I really enjoy some of the non-standard beats that are sprinkled in! That is great, breaking up the surf beat for a second, but not having a whole song with an alternative beat.

There are many things going on in this. The production is great. Not too clean and not too lo-fi. The drums are great, they remind me of 80s punk rock bands somehow. The whole production sounds 80s, analog-ey in a kind of boxy and cool way. The guitar doesn't dominate, but it kinda does. Songwriting is solid, some cool chord changes and pretty flawless surf guitar playing. The guitar tone is nice for a dirty surf tone. There is dirt and to me, a lack of that "full bass" sound of a 15" tone ring cab. I prefer a cleaner and bassier guitar tone, but I can still appreciate the incredible skill and creative vision of this band! (This is why I don't give many reviews!)

How weird is it that a fella with zero posts started this thread haha!

Daniel Deathtide

I never really paid attention to it until just now but the cover art on this is awesome. I'm not even entirely sure how they did it, the instruments look to real to be miniatures and the shadows are too correct to be photoshopped.

Higher quality version of the photo is on bandcamp

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

Yeah, really awesome cover! Shock

Skins for The Delstroyers

Thanks for kind words, everyone!

If you are wondering how we did the cover, check out this little vid of what happened behind the scenes at the photo shoot for the cover.

Debut album Ruin The Party available here!

Awesome. And I feel like an idiot for not figuring that out.

Storm Surge of Reverb: Surf & Instro Radio

After watching that video, I still don't get how you did it. It looks great though.

EDIT: Mannequins and some Photoshop? I don't get how the heads looks so good?

Daniel Deathtide

Last edited: May 21, 2019 12:03:39

C'mon... You are from NOLA... The answer is obvious: VOODOO!

Debut album Ruin The Party available here!

I purchased a copy. Smile

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