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...Drummer Appreciation Day!

No joke. A co worker just brought it to my attention and I confirmed it on the internet. (And we all know everything on the internet is 100% true.) So be sure to appreciate a drummer if you see one. Very Happy


drummer-Lava Rats


Here here to fellow drummers!

Science friction burns my fingers.

Ah yes.. drummers... reminds me of a the first meeting with the Beatles and George Martin:

G.M. :
So, John.. you're leadership shows you to be the BRAINS of the outfit. I just know you'll take this group to the top.
and, Paul, you're the HEART of the group with your tender lyrics and melodies.
and, George, with your tasteful guitar work, your'e the SOUL of the Beatles.

And you, Ringo,... er...umm...hmmm.. let's see.. --- YOU'RE THE DRUMMER!


AND he was the most popular Beatle at the height of Beatlemania. Very Happy

I'll take the bait - great drumming on the new LR cd!

seriously, I mean it. happy D.A.Day!


Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

I certainly appreciate drummers. I have no idea how they do all that. Way too much coordination involved for me. I think surf is one of those genres were a good drummer can shine and really add something to the music.


Site dude - S3 Agent #202
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"It starts... when it begins" -- Ralf Kilauea

I'll take the bait - great drumming on the new LR cd!

seriously, I mean it. happy D.A.Day!


I certainly wasn't fishing with this topic but I won't turn your compliment down. Thanks very much and I'm glad you're enjoying the sounds.


drummer-Lava Rats

haha, I didnt take it as such. I really like the new cd, I'll post a review or a shortnote when Ive given it a few more listens

I agree with Brian - drumming is just way way imortant in surf music, much more as in your average pop music or even rock 'n 'roll / -ablilly and whatever.

Rules to live by #314:
"When in Italy, if the menu says something's grilled, don't assume it is."

Cheers to surf drummers everywhere!


I Kiss drummers!


drummers rule!


I'll have to go around hugging drummers all day. (this would have worked out so much better if I hadn't had band practice tonight, or if I knew more female drummers)


You know, I think I'm gonna call my drummer right now just to tell him how much I appreciate him.

...then maybe my Mom.

I just called my drummer, and you know what?, it really made his day.
He even told his daughter that she has to be nice to him today.

The Mighty Surf Lords- Sparks,Nv.
"Praise The Lords"

drummers rule!


Oh crap that pic rules!

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