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Permalink The Madeira at 2017 SG101 Convention - full set with the Center of the Surf audio track!

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To celebrate today's 15th anniversary of the first time we played together, we present a small gift to surf music fans: the video of our full performance at the 2017 Surf Guitar 101 Convention, recorded with two cameras and edited by Dave Dripp, and synced to the "Center of the Surf" audio track! And yes, it does also feature the three songs on which we were joined by the mighty John Blair and Jonpaul Balak!!
Thank you ALL for these many years of support and we hope you'll enjoy this little token of our appreciation. (And HUGE thanks to Dave for doing this for us - we're deeply grateful!!)

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

I am so excited to watch when I get home from work! Was an amazing show!

The Obsidians! (Ottawa surf)
The Obsidians debut EP

Happy Anniversary, Ivan Cheers

And thanks for the vid!

Super cool. Smile

It's the end of the day. I'm so pooped that I'd need help with that. Smile Caput! Fineto! End of the road! Professor, this video makes me feel like I need to go back to work. I have a lot of the band's cd's. Without the magic of the live performance, it's not the same. Smile Congratulations to all of the band and thank you for sharing. Smile

Oh man, what a treat! Thanks for posting this Ivan.

Woody D
S3 #148
Henrico Va

Nice concert Ivan Cool - How do you guys move all the gear to Kalifornia

I saw where you have one of Eddie Bertrand's old Strats. Is that it fixed up or another guitar?

Watching this video should everyone turn into SURF MUSIC!
Thanks a million for sharing this we us, Ivan!
Ruediger from Germany

Surfing_Sam_61 wrote:

Nice concert Ivan Cool - How do you guys move all the gear to Kalifornia

I saw where you have one of Eddie Bertrand's old Strats. Is that it fixed up or another guitar?

At the SG101 convention we provide the Backline for all the bands.
Guitar amps by Ran Mosessco, bass amp by Jonpaul/me/matt Quilter)
Drums by Dusty Watson.


Ivan, Dave thanks, great to relive this.
Also as I'm usually running around and rarely get to see a bands full set
At SG101.


WOW! Great vid. HUGE sound!

Hi all!! SO THRILLED that you guys are enjoying the video! It's probably the "peak Madeira" experience! Big Grin I'm truly glad and deeply grateful that it was captured by Mark Linett in such a powerful-sounding recording AND now on video (two angles, no less! Big Razz ) by Dave! Hopefully long after we're gone this will still be there for anybody that wants to know what we were all about - they will be able to look at this video and get a good idea, I think.

Thanks all once again!

(Sam, that isn't one of Eddie's Strats - I actually don't really have a whole Strat that belonged to him - I've got the neck of an 1986 '62 reissue Strat that he played at the South Bay Surf Reunion, as well as the pickguard assembly, with all the pickups and controls, and the bridge from his early '80s white Standard Strat, which he used as a backup at that show. The body these parts came mounted on was a super-cheap, low-quality, unusable one, but which was signed for him by a bunch of other surf musicians. I now have the neck mounted on my 2012 Dakota Red '65 reissue Strat, and it feels GREAT! I do hope at some point to get a good body for the neck, the electronics and the bridge, and make it a complete "Eddie" Strat.)

Lords of Atlantis on Facebook
The Madeira Official Website
The Madeira on Facebook
The Blair-Pongracic Band on Facebook
The Space Cossacks on Facebook
The Madeira Channel on YouTube

Doesn't get much better than this Sonic Explosion!!! Great video for the ages!/

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