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Permalink NGD: My first "true" Fender: Duo-Sonic HS - Daphne Blue w/Pau Ferro

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I always planned to someday own a true, Fender logoed guitar, and yesterday became that day. I have several Squiers, and I love them dearly. They are excellent guitars and quite sensible for my budget and strictly "bed-room" player status, but the romance of owning a real Fender has always lurked in the corners of my mind.

I always figured my first Fender would be a Stratocaster, Jazzmaster, or Jaguar, but last week I happened to stop by a Music & Arts store and, as I walked in, I noticed on the far wall a beautiful daphne blue guitar with a mint green pick guard, and sporting a large cardboard price tag that read: $299 USD. At that price, I was assuming it was a VM Squier, but as I got closer I saw the Fender logo, and that it was a Duo-Sonic. The Duo-Sonic was a model that I was only vaguely familiar with. I knew it was an offset guitar and was kin to the Mustang, often considered a "student" guitar, and had a 24-inch scale, like a Jaguar. I asked the clerk if it was used or on consignment, but he said, no it was brand new and they had only had it for a couple of weeks.

A new Fender at a Squier price? I was intrigued. How would it serve as a surf guitar? On the negative side it lacked a tremolo, it was a hardtail, but it was string-through-body which I liked. I could see it replacing my Squier Affinity Telecaster that I used as an "out-and-about", grab and go guitar. Another negative, for surf, was the bridge humbucker. Not good for surf, but it would give it some versatility over the Tele's 2 single coils. But, what if it had a coil-split like the Jaguar Player? A tug on the tone control was rewarded with a satisfying click as the knob popped up. Yesss! It had a bridge single-coil, too.

The neck felt great. The Pau Ferro fretboard did not concern me. It may not be as traditional as rosewood, but I thought it looked very nice with the daphne blue. And my first electric guitar, a MIJ Squier, had a 24-inch scale that I had loved very much and had missed ever since giving it to my son when he started guitar lessons. It would be great to have a 24-incher again, and a chance to make sure that a Jaguar would be a good fit for me if I decided to go that route in the future.

I was very interested in that Duo-Sonic, but I somehow managed to leave the store without buying it. I felt like I needed to do some research on the Duo-Sonic and sleep on it. One of the first Youtube videos I found on the Duo Sonic was by our SG101 friend Ryan at 60 Cycle Hum. By the time I finished watching that video and several others, I had a strong feeling that I had to give that daphne blue guitar a home. Work kept me busy for several days, but on Saturday I called the shop to see if they still had it. They did. I returned to the store and spent three hours playing it through several of the amps they had, and I kept coming to same conclusion, this probably wouldn't be the last Fender I'd be buying, but it would certainly be the first.

With the single coil engaged:


My Classic Instrumental Surf Music Timeline
SSS Agent #777

Congratulations, Tim! Very cool guitar! Love the color, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with Pao Ferro. I have a friend who bought this very model (not sure if he got blue or green), and he loves it. I haven't yet had a chance to play it.

I had a red 60-something Duo Sonic in high school. All the gigs, that I played with my band in HS, were with that red Duo Sonic, which now resides with a HS bandmate.



Congrats! Looks great! Love that daphne blue. Great surf color!

Very nice, and it's cool that it has the split coil option.

I find it interesting that Fender has come out with this HS configuration and marketed it as a Duo Sonice, since the Cyclone they made for a short time is very similar, with a humbucker and single coil, Mustang/Duo Sonic/Musicmaster body shape, and early generation Duo Sonic/Musicmaster pickguard.The main differences are that the Cyclone has a Gibson scale length (24.75") and has a strat style tremolo.

Anyway, looks like you should have loads of fun with that guitar.

Many congrats Tim. Exceptional score! I dig that color too.

You are always most welcomed to come by and make some noise if you feel so inclined!


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

Thanks, everyone! It was hard to concentrate on work today. I wanted to be playing.

Robbie, While doing my pre-purchase due diligence, I searched the SG101 forums for "Duo-Sonic" and came across your high school band photos with your Duo-Sonic. Very cool. I believe you can claim the title of SurfGuitar101's "Duo Sonic" Grandmaster. Your congratulations on my new baby are very appreciated.

Eddie, Thank you for the congrats, but be careful about offering to let me drop in and make some noise. My new job takes me very near your house, so watch out! (I will take you up on that, but I'll give you some warning ahead of time.)

My Classic Instrumental Surf Music Timeline
SSS Agent #777

You are always welcome Tim!


Traditional........speak softly and play through a big blonde amp. Did I mention that I still like big blonde amps?

Has a nice Surf vibe to it - wow I never even knew they still made those - nice. I like the split switch option for the treble pickup - that's pretty cool

Congratulations! Lovely guitar; elegant in its simplicity.
Thumbs Up

SoCal ex-pat with a snow shovel

DISCLAIMER: The above is opinion/suggestion only & should not be used for mission planning/navigation, tweaking of instruments, beverage selection, or wardrobe choices.

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